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��15��1�1 <br /> A licable Law. As used in this Security Instrument, �he term "App��cab�e Law" sha�1 mean aIl c�ntrv�ling <br /> Pp <br /> a Iicable federal, state and locai s�a�u�es, regula�i�ns, ardinances and adm�nis�rati�e rules and orders �tha�have <br /> �P <br /> the effe�t af law�as�el�as a11 app�i�abie fna1,n�n-appealable jud�cia�opini�ns. <br /> �har es; L�ens. Borro�ver sha�1 pay a11 �axes, assessme��s, charges, fines a��d impositi�ns attributab�e ta the <br /> � <br /> Pro erty�vhich may attain priority o�er this Securifiy�nstrumen�, and �easeh�ld paymen�s or ground ren�s, if any. <br /> p <br /> A�the r�ques�of Lenders B�rrower shal�pramp��y furnish to L�nder rece�p�s ev��denc�ng�he payments. <br /> Borr�v�rer sha�l prompt�y disc�harge any �ien which has pri�r�ty aver this Securi��y �:�s�rument unless Borrov�rer: �a) <br /> a rees in wr��ing to the payment flf�he abliga�ion secur�d by �he 11en xn a �:nann�r acceptable �o Lender; �b} <br /> g <br /> ��n�ests in g��d faith the �ien b�, flr defends a�ains� enf�rcement �f the �ien �n, �ega1 pr�ceedings which �n�he <br /> Len�Ier's opini�n opera�e ta prevent the enforcem�ent ��F�he 1ien; ar �c} s�cures from the holder of the lien an <br /> agreemen�satisfact�ry�o Lender sub�rdina�ing the lien tv�his Security Instrurr�en�. If Lender determines�hat any <br /> p <br /> art�f�he Pr�perty is subj ec�to a �ien whi�h nzay attain priority o�rer th�s Secur�ty Ins�rum�nt, Lender may gi�e <br /> Borrovver a notice identifying the l�en. Barrov�er sha�� sa�isfy�he lien�r take one.or more of the ac�ions.set forth <br /> above with�n ��days of�he g��ing af notice. <br /> IIazard or Property Insurance. Borrawer shail ke�p the imprflvemen�s now f���sting or hereafter erec�ed on�he <br /> Property�nsurec�agains�loss by fre,hazards xncluded within�he term"extend�{3 caverage" and any ather hazards, <br /> inc�uding floods or f�ood�ng, f�r wh�ch Lender requires insurance. This �ns�a.rance shal� be mainta�ned in the <br /> amounts and f�r the peri�ds�hat Lender re�uires.The�nsurance carrxer pra�ldv�g the lnsurance shall be chQsen by <br /> Borrower subjec� �o Lenc�er's ap�roval rnrhich sha�l not he unreas�nably vvith��e�d. �f I3arrov�er fa��s to maintain <br /> coverage descri�ed abo�e, Lender �nay, at Lender's aption, abta�n coverag�. �o pr��ect Lender's righ�s in the <br /> Properfiy in accordance with section�it��d Prai�ectian of L�nder�s Rights in�h�v Praperty. <br /> A�l �nsuran�e alicies and renevva�s sha1� be acc�ptable �� Lender and sha�l ir�c�ude a standard mor��age clause. <br /> p . <br /> Lender shai�ha�e�he right t�ha�d�he po��cies and renev�a�s. If Lender requires, B�rrawer shall pramp��y g�ve t� <br /> Lender a�l rece�p�s of pa�d premiums and renewai natices. �n�he event�f�oss, B�rroWer sha�1 g�ve promp�n�t�ce <br /> �t��he insurance carrier and Lender.Le�der may make pro�of of I�ss�f not made prompt�y b�B�rrower. <br /> Unless Lender and Borr�v�er �therwise agree in �ri��n�, insurance proceeds sha�1 be appl�ed t� restara�ifln or <br /> repair of�he Property damaged, if, �n Lender's sole discre�ian, the res�arat�on. ar repa�r is ecanoxn�caX�y feasib�e <br /> and Lender's security is n�t lessened. �f, in Lender's sole discret��n, �he restor�ation ar repa�r �s n�t ecanomically <br /> feasible or Lender's security vvou�d be�ess�ned,�he insu.rance pro�eeds shall be app�ied�o�the sums secured by�hzs <br /> Securit� �ns�rurn�n�, whether or no� �hen due, wi�h any excess pa�d �a Bo��rawer. �f Borrower abandons the <br /> Property, or dfles not answer�ithin�he numb�r af days p�escribed by App�ica�ti�e Law as set forth in a no�ice fr�m <br /> Lender�fl Borrower tha��he insurance carrier has offered�o se�tle a c�a�m,then Lender may ca��ect the �nsuran�e <br /> proceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds �o repai�- or restore the Pr�perry �r ta pay sums secured by this Security <br /> Instrument,whether or riot then due.Th�period of t�me fc�r Borr�vver�o answ�r as set for�h�n the notice�ri�l begin <br /> v�hen�he notice is gi�en. <br /> Uniess Lender and Barrower v�hervvis� agree in v�rriting, any applica�ion of prf��eeds to p�inc�pa� sha1�nflt ex�end <br /> ar pastp�ne�he due da�e af the paym�nts due u�der�he Con�r-ac�or change�he amount of the payments. If under <br /> �he sec�ian ti�led Acce�erat�on; Rem�dies, �he Prope�-t�is a��u�red by Lende��, Barrovwer's right t� any insurance <br /> olicies and rflceeds resu�t�ng fr�m. damage �o �he Praper�y pri�r t� the acquisi�ion sha�l pass t� Lender t� the <br /> � p <br /> extent of the sums secured by�his Securi�y Instrumer��immediate�y pr��r�a the acquisition. <br /> PreServat��n, Main�enance and Pratectian a� the Praperty; Borravtrer's Loan App�ication; L�aseho�ds. <br /> B�rrower sha��no�des�ray, damage or irnpair�he Proper�y, a�lav��he Propert}�t� de�eriarate, or commit waste on <br /> th�Pr�perty.Borrower shall be�n defaul�if any f�rfeiture ac�ion or proceedin�;,whe�her civil or cr�m�nal,�s hegun <br /> that in Lender's gaod fai�h��dgmen� couid r�su�t �n f�rfei�ure of the Prop�r�� ar ofiherw�se mater�a�ly impair�he <br /> �ien created by th�s Securi#.y �nstrumen� �r L�nder's security interest. Borrc3wer ma� cure such a default and <br /> reins�a�e, as pro��ded in sec�ion����ed I3orrower's ]�tight tu I�ei�State, by ca��sing�he ac�ian ar proceeding�o be <br /> �.�sm�ssed w�th a rulzng�ha�, in Lend�r{s good fai�h determina�i�n,precludes fo�feiture of�he Borr�wer's in�erest zn <br /> the Prop�rty ar other material impa�rment of the l�en crea�ed by �his Secuarity Instrument or L�nder°s secur�ty <br /> �nterest.Borr��er shal�a�s�be in default if Borro�ver,during�he Ioan application process,gave ma�eriat�y false�r <br /> inaccurate information or statements to Lender (ar faiied to pr�vide Lende�• vvith any rna�er�a� inf�rmation3 in <br /> connecti�n w��h�he loan e�idenced by the Contrac�. If�his Securi�r �nstrume::�t is on a Ieasehold, Barr�wer sha�� <br /> �omply vvith a11 the prn�is�ans of�he l�ase.�f Borrovver acquires fee t�tle�o th��Property,the�easehald and�he fee <br /> �i�le shal�nat merge unless Lender agrees to the�nerger�n writing. <br /> Pr�tec�ion of ]Lend�r�s R�ghts in the 1'roper�y. �f B�rr�r�ver fails �a perform the covenants and agreements <br /> c�nta�ned in this Security�ns�rument, ar there is a Iegal proceeding�hat ma��;�gnif�can�ly affec�Lender's righ�s in <br /> �he Properry tsuch as a proceed�ng in bankruptcy, praba�e, for condemna�ior.� ar forfei�ure �r�o enforce lav�s or <br /> regulations}, �hen Lender may do and pay for wha�ever �s necessary to prtstect the �a�ue of the Propert�r and <br /> Lender's r�ghts�n the P�roper�y. Lende�-'s actians may inc�ude paying an�sums secured by a Iien vvhich has priority <br /> a�er th�s Securi�y�nstrument, a�pearing in cou�,pay�ng reasonable at�orneys'fees and enter�ng on�he Prflperty�o <br /> make repairs.Althvugh Lender may�ake ac�ion under�his sect�on,Lender doe��nflt have�o do so. <br /> Any am�un�s disbursed by Lender under this sectian ��all became addition�E� debt of Borrower se�ured by th�s <br /> Secur�t� Instrumen�. Un�ess B�rrovtrer and Lender agree to other terms of paymen�, these amounts shal� bear <br /> in�er�s� fr�m the da�e �f d�sbursemen� a� �he same ra�e assessed on advan���s und�r the Contract ar�d shal� be <br /> payable,w��h�nterest,up�n nvtice from Lend�r�o Borr��rer reques�ing paymen�. <br /> Q�004-�Q14 Conapliance Systems,Inc.FD60-�Db�-2�131.2.�0.1.895 <br /> �onsurner Real Estate-Security Inst�-ument DL2a36 Pa�e 2 Qf 5 www.�oinpliancesystems.cvrn <br />