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2015021E1 <br />i M1 <br />/ Existing 5' Utility Easement <br />/14. <br />Access Easement <br />Lo 11 <br />A . .�. <br />E ., ......3.. & ..•■«. <br />Exhibit ' A ' <br />gtz <br />- Access L semen 7o Be Dedicatee <br />Description (Access Easement) <br />A tract of land comprising o port of Lot Eleven (11), Meadowlark West Fourth Subdivision, in the City <br />of Grand island, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows <br />Beginning at the northeast comer of sold Lot Eleven (11),• thence running southerly on the east line <br />of said Lot Eleven (11), o distance of Forty four and fifty Hundredths (44.50) feet thence running <br />westerly parallel with the north line of said Lot Eleven (11), o distance of Thirty (3000) feet thence <br />running northerly parallel with the east line of said Lot Eleven (11), o distance of Twelve and Fifty <br />Hundredths (12.50) feet; thence running westerly parallel with the north dne of sold Lot Eleven 01), o <br />distance of One Hundred One and Five Hundredths (101.05) feet thence running southerly parallel with <br />the west line of said Lot Eleven (11), o distance of Four (4.00) feet, thence running westerly parallel <br />with the north line of said Lot Eleven (11), o distance of Forty (4100) feet to a point on the west <br />line of said Lot Eleven (ll), thence running northerly on the west line of said Lot Eleven (11), o <br />distance of Thirty Six (36.00) feet to the northwest comer of said Lot Eleven (11); thence running <br />easterly on the north bne of said Lot Eleven (11), o distance of One Hundred Severity One and <br />Fourteen Hundredths (171.14) feet to the point of beginning and contoining 0.138 acres (6011 Sq. Ft) <br />more or less. <br />2610 NORTH wow 'two. cow= 80.0440. maeRM4 A 60901 P.O.aoJ Me <br />£.MM. wowyeee.a.0 e. ,.l PHW+e (308) 10311/2 PAX (100) 3814411 <br />