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contingent, gether with any interest or charges provided in or arising out of such indebtedness, as well as the <br />agreements nd covenants of this Security Instrument and all Related Documents (hereinafter all referred to as the <br />"Indebtedne s "). <br />FUTURE I1 VANCES. To the extent permitted by law, this Security Instrument will secure future advances as if <br />such advanc s were made on the date of this Security Instrument regardless of the fact that from time to time there <br />may be no b lance due under the note and regardless of whether Lender is obligated to make such future advances. <br />CROSS C LLATERALIZATION. It is the expressed intent of Grantor to cross collateralize all of its <br />Indebtednes and obligations to Lender, howsoever arising and whensoever incurred, except any obligation <br />existing or . ising against the principal dwelling of any Grantor. <br />WARRAN IES. Grantor, for itself, its heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns, represents, <br />warrants, co enants and agrees with Lender, its successors and assigns, as follows: <br />Perfo mance of Obligations. Grantor promises to perform all terms, conditions, and covenants of this <br />Securi Instrument and Related Documents in accordance with the terms contained therein. <br />Defen e and Title to Property. At the time of execution and delivery of this instrument, Grantor is lawfully <br />seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the exclusive right to mortgage, grant, convey and assign the <br />Prope . Grantor covenants that the Property is unencumbered and free of all liens, except for encumbrances <br />of rec rd acceptable to Lender. Further, Grantor covenants that Grantor will warrant and defend generally <br />the tit e to the Property against any and all claims and demands whatsoever, subject to the easements, <br />restric ions, or other encumbrances of record acceptable to Lender, as may be listed in the schedule of <br />excep ons to coverage in any abstract of title or title insurance policy insuring Lender's interest in the <br />Prope <br />Cond ion of Property. Grantor promises at all times to preserve and to maintain the Property and every <br />part t - reof in good repair, working order, and condition and will from time to time, make all needful and <br />prope repairs so that the value of the Property shall not in any way be impaired. <br />Remo al of any Part of the Property. Grantor promises not to remove any part of the Property from its <br />prese location, except for replacement, maintenance and relocation in the ordinary course of business. <br />Alter tions to the Property. Grantor promises to abstain from the commission of any waste on or in <br />tonne' tion with the Property. Further, Grantor shall make no material alterations, additions or improvements <br />of an type whatsoever to the Property, regardless of whether such alterations, additions or improvements <br />woul s increase the value of the Property, nor permit anyone to do so except for tenant improvements and <br />comp tion of items pursuant to approved plans and specifications, without Lender's prior written consent, <br />which consent may be withheld by Lender in its sole discretion. Grantor will comply with all laws and <br />regul ions of all public authorities having jurisdiction over the Property including, without limitation, those <br />relay to the use, occupancy and maintenance thereof and shall upon request promptly submit to Lender <br />evide ce of such compliance. <br />Due Sale - Lender's Consent. Grantor shall not sell, further encumber or otherwise dispose of, except as <br />here provided, any or all of its interest in any part of or all of the Property without first obtaining the <br />writte consent of Lender. If any encumbrance, lien, transfer or sale or agreement for these is created, <br />Lend may declare immediately due and payable, the entire balance of the Indebtedness. <br />Insur nce. Grantor promises to keep the Property insured against such risks and in such form as may within <br />the s . e discretion of Lender be acceptable, causing Lender to be named as loss payee or if requested by <br />Lend as mortgagee. The insurance company shall be chosen by Grantor subject to Lender's approval, <br />whic shall not be unreasonably withheld. All insurance policies must provide that Lender will get a <br />min of 10 days notice prior to cancellation. At Lender's discretion, Grantor may be required to produce <br />recei s of paid premiums and renewal policies. If Grantor fails to obtain the required coverage, Lender may <br />do so t Grantor's expense. Grantor hereby directs each and every insurer of the Property to make payment of <br />loss t l Lender with the proceeds to be applied, only at Lender's option, to the repair and replacement of the <br />dama: e or loss or to be applied to the Indebtedness with the surplus, if any, to be paid by Lender to Grantor. <br />Pay nt of Taxes and Other Applicable Charges. Grantor promises to pay and to discharge liens, <br />encu brances, taxes, assessments, lease payments and any other charges relating to the Property when levied <br />or ass ssed against Grantor or the Property. <br />Envi t nmental Laws and Hazardous or Toxic Materials. Grantor and every tenant have been, are <br />prese tly and shall continue to be in strict compliance with any applicable local, state and federal <br />envirti ental laws and regulations. Further, neither Grantor nor any tenant shall manufacture, store, handle, <br />disch ge or dispose of hazardous or toxic materials as may be defined by any state or federal law on the <br />Prop , except to the extent the existence of such materials has been presently disclosed in writing to <br />Lend:. Grantor will immediately notify Lender in writing of any assertion or claim made by any party as to <br />the p ssible violation of applicable state and federal environmental laws including the location of any <br />hazar ous or toxic materials on or about the Property. Grantor indemnifies and holds Lender harmless from, <br />witho t limitation, any liability or expense of whatsoever nature incurred directly or indirectly out of or in <br />conn:, Lion with: (a) any environmental laws affecting all or any part of the Property or Grantor; (b) the past, <br />preset or future existence of any hazardous materials in, on, under, about, or emanating from or passing <br />throu the Property or any part thereof or any property adjacent thereto; (c) any past, present or future <br />® 2004 -2014 Com liance Systems, Inc. 8066 -BF03 - 20I3L2.10.1.869 <br />Commercial Real : ¢ate Security Instrument - DL4007 <br />201502102 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />