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, ��15���53 <br /> �3E�� �� TF���� <br /> L��.n �1f�: �?������� {���#ir7u��� ���� � <br /> trus���, �r�d tf�� ir��tr���nt sh�[1 f�� ��ce�uted and ��kr���nrl�����1 l�y�l[�kh� f��ne�iciari�� �nc��r this a��� ��r Tr�tst�r <br /> ���ir s�����s�r� in in��r�st. �1�� �u���s��r tr�st��! vtiri�h�u� ��nv�y���� �f tf�� Prap�rtyr �hall s������ �o a�1 th� <br /> ti�tl�f ���rv�rr �r��i �l�ti�� ��n�F�rr�d up�n�he Trust�� ir�tf�i� ����1 �f Trus�ar�d by��plic��[� l�w. T}�is pra����r�f�r <br /> �r�b��i���i�r��f Tru�t��sl��ll �a��rr������ �����si�n of�ll ot�n�r�r�visi�r��f�r�ub�ti��ian. <br /> I��'�'I�E�. Ariy r��#i�e r��ui r�� t� �� g i��n un��r tl�is ���d �f Tr���, in�lr��i r�� wi�h�ut I�m itatior� any r��ti�� �f d�f�+�[t <br /> �n� an�+ r��t�c� �f s�l� sl��[1 b� ���en in u�rri�in�f �n� �ha�l b� �ff���i�� r�f��n a�tu��ly ���iv�r��, vwh�� �c��alsy r���i�r�d <br /> ��r��������im i�� {�n[�s��tl��rv�r i�e r�quir�d i�y I�v��r �f��n����si���i with a na�io�a l]y r����r�i��d�v�rr�i�ht���ri�rr �rr i� <br /> m�il�d, vtirh�r� �����it�� ir�th� l�r��t��l ����es maiC� �s�Fsr�t �l�s�� ��rt�fi�� �r���i�t�r�c� m�i� �a�t�ge �r��a�i�l, �ir����d t� <br /> �h� ���ir���es sh�av�rn near tC�� k���ir�r�[r�� �f tk�i� a���] �f TrUst. All ��pie� �f ��ti��� �f ��r��l��r�r� fr�rr� ��� h�[�J�r a� <br /> �r�� li�t� v�rhi�h h�� �ri�ri�y �v�r�l�i� ���d af Yru�� sl��ll 1�� �en�t� L�n��r's at��ir���r �� �h�wr� r���r tf�� l���i�rrirr� �f <br /> �hi� D��� �� Tru�t. Ar�y ��r��r, r��y �h�r��� his �r E��r ���ress ��r r��ti��� un��r tl�i� D��� �f Tr�s� hy gi�i ng '��rm�l <br /> �vritt�r� n�ti�� �� �h� ❑th�r ��r��� �r ��r��r��r s�e�ifyin� tl�a� th� p�f���e a�r th� n�tac� is t� �h�r��� �h� p����n`� <br /> ���r��s. F�r r��ti�� �urp����, Tr�s��r��r��s t� ke�p Ler��l�r ir���rrr��d ���II time� ��Tr����r'� ��rr�n��ddr�s�. Ur�l��� <br /> ��h�r�Es� �r�vided a r req u�r�d I�� I��rtir� i�F���r� i� m��r� �h�n ��r�Trustar, �ny r�ati�� �iv��t l��r L�r���r t� �r�y Tr�s��r �� <br /> �1��r���t� k��r��ti���iv�n t� �[1 Tr����r�. I�will ��Tru�t�r's r����r�si�i[ity��t��l t�n���h�r��f�l�e r�a��c��r�rr7 L�r�d�r. <br /> II�I I��ERL��E��l� PF���l1�t�N�. Th�f�11�v�Er�g rr�is��El�r�����p��vi�i�ns �r�� p�rt�f this �����f Tru�t: <br /> A�rt�ndme�ts. 1�I�hat is �rvritt�ri ir� t�rs D��� ��r�r�,�� �n� in the F�elated �o�um�r�ts is Tru�t�r's �r�tir� ��r��m�n� <br /> vwith L�r�d����n��r�in� �h� m�tters cav�r�� �y tt�is ����! �f Tr�st. T� �� �ff��ti�r�, �ny�h�ng� ar ���r��i��r��t� <br /> �his Deed a�T�us� r�u�t b� ir-r v�rrytir�g �r�d m�a�t Ea� �i�n�� by v�r[����r�r vui11 �� l���r,d �r��[���t�� by tl�� �h�r��� �r <br /> �r��nd�'n�n�. <br /> ��p�ian Hea�ir���� ��pti�r, h���i��s in this a��� �f Trust �r� fo� c�r,�r�r�s�r��� �urp���� ��i��r �r�d �r� r�at t� �� <br /> ����1�� i n��r�,r�t o r d��in�t�� �r�visiar���f�I�i� ���� a#Tr�st. <br /> ItiF[�rg�r. �h�r� �C��IE �e r�� m�r��r��F th� int�r��t�r��t����r����� �y�C�is ���d �f Tru�t uu ith an�other i r���r�st�r <br /> ������ i r�th� Pr����y���n�tim� hel d �y�r�ar tE�� k��r��f�t�f L�r�d�r i r� �r�y�����ityr v�ri�h���#h� v�ri���n c��s�r�� <br /> af��n�er. <br /> ���r���i�� L�r�r. T��� D���1 Qf Tr�s# wil� be �a�ern�d �� f�c[�r�l 1�� ��pli�a3�l� t� L�n��r �n�, ��th�� e�rt�nt r��t <br /> preerr��ated�y f��l�ral la�w�#�i� I�rn�s �fr th��#�te�f[1��1�����c�vtiri��iou�r�gard t�its�onfli�#� ��l��nr�r�vi�i�t��, Thi� <br /> ������T�rz��t h�����r������t��by L�r�d��-in t�e Stat�af�i1��bra�ka. <br /> �h�i�� �� 1��nu�. If�h�r� �� � la�rsu it, Tru�t�r ��r��� ���r� L�r�d�r'� ���u�s�t� ��bm it�� �h� �uri��i��i�n ��tl�� <br /> c�urt��f H�[] ��urrtyr �tat� a��[��r��l��. <br /> Join# and �everal Liabi[ity. AI� o�l�g�ti�r�s �f Trust�r u�€��r tf�is a���l �f Tr��t sh�ll t�� ��in� �r�� ��v�r�lr ���i �11 <br /> r�f�r�r���� t� T�ust�r sh�aEl m�an ���h �n� �v�ry Tr�st�r. Yhis r���r�� tl��t ���f� Tru�tor si�nin� �����r is <br /> ����an�ible f�r alt�b�i��ti�ns Er�tY�������1 ��Tru�#. <br /> �f��Jl�����r I�y L�r�d�r. �rr��t�r �n��r�t�n�€� ��n��r will n��g��e u� any❑� L�r��i��'� ri�[�t� ur���r t}�is ���d ��Tr�st <br /> un le�� L�nde r d�es s� in writir��. Tt�� f��� ���t ��t��i�r ��I ays �r �rn it� �� ���r�is� �r�y ri�ht �rv i]I no� m��n th�� <br /> ��n�i�r h�� �i��n ��, �h�� ri�h�. !� L�nd�r ��es a�re� i� wri��r�� t� �iv� �� �r�� �f L�r���r'� ri�ht�r th�� �i��s n�� <br /> rrf��r� Tru�t�� v�ri Il r��t �r�v� t� ��m�ly v�ri�h th� �tl��r �r�v��i�n� �f�h�� ��ed a�Tru�t. �ru�tar �Is� ur���rstarr�s <br /> �h�� �f L�nc��r ���� ��ns�n� t� a req�e�t, ��at �la�s n�t rrt��r� t[��t Tr�st�r v��l[ n�� F���� �� ��� ��n��r'� �a�se�tt <br /> ���ir� if t���it��ti�r� h��p��r�s��ai r�, Tr�s#�r f�rt��r �n��r���n�s�h��Ju�����au�e Len��r��r�s�r�ts t��t���r mor� <br /> a� ���,st�rr� r��ue�t�� that d��s nat rn��r� L�r���r vv ifl �� r��ui r��{ t� ��r���n# t� �r�� �f T��s��r's �u#�r� reqv��t�. <br /> T�ust�r�nraives pr���ntm��tr r��rr��n�!f�r}��ym�n�r �r���s�, and n��i��❑f di�hor�ar. <br /> �everabili�ty. 1�r a �aurt �i r�d� th�� �r�y ���vis i�r� �f��is a��+� �f Trust i� n�t v�li d �t' s�t��alc# n�� b� ����r�ed� thafi <br /> f�ct ��r its��f�rvi]I n�t m��n tl����h� r�s#�f��is a��d a�rtrust vvill r��t be v�fi� ot�r�f�rc�d. Ti t��r�f�rer a c��art vvi[] <br /> �r�f�r��tl�� r�st�f�[�� �r�vi�iar�� af�[�is ���� ��Tr��t���rr if a �r�visi���f tl�i� ���� �f�r��t m�y�e��U���� �� <br /> ir�v�li�l�r�n�n��r���b��. <br /> �u���s�Qrs and �lssigRs. �ut�j�ct t� �ny �imit�ti�r�s st�t��l ir� ��is ���d �f Trust �r� tr�rt�f�r��Tr�st�r'� in��r�st� <br /> this ���� �f Tr�st �hal! b� bin�in� ���n �n� �n�r� t� t�� ��n�fi� ��tl�� p�r�i��, their �u��es��rs �r��l �ssi�r��. ]f <br /> ��v n�rsf�i� �f th� �r���rty 1��c�rr��s v�st�d i r� � ��rs�r� at1��r tY��r� Trust�r f L�r�d�r, v�rith���n�ti�� t� �r���a rr may <br /> �l��l v,ri�h Tr��t�r's s����s��r��rvi�h r�f�r�n�e���hi� €�eed o�T����an�J t1�e Inde�t�dn�ss k���r����f�rk���r�r����r <br /> ��t�r�si�r�with�ut r�l��sir��Trust�r�r�m����k�li��ti�r�s��r��i� a��+��f Trust�r]i�I�ili�y���[�r�h� lnd�����n���. <br /> T�rr7�i��f th� E���n��. T�m�is���i����s�n�� ir�th�}��rf�rm�n���f this a������`ru�t. <br /> 1�4���v��l�ry. AI[ ��rti�� �Q�hi� D��� �f Trus� h�r�by wa�v�th�e �ig3�t ta any j�ry t�E�l ir� �r����ti�n� pr����dir��r �r <br /> ���r���r�l�irr,t�r�u�l�t�y�r�y��rt�r���i�r�#any�t��r��rt�r. <br /> 1�f�iv�r �f HQm��#���! Fx�mp�i�r�. Tr�s�ar here��{ r�l�a�e� �r�� v�aiv�s �l� rigl�ts �r��i k��r��fit� �f �h� h�m�st��d <br /> ���rrt�ti�r� ���rv��f tl�� �t�t��f�l�br��k��s t� �Il lt���l����lr��s�s���r��I �y�his a���1 �f Trust. <br /> I�EFI�IITI�1�1�. Ti��f�la�win�vtir�rc�� sh�ll h�v��h�f��l��in� me�ni��� when u��� in this �����f Tru��: <br /> �en��i��ar�. �h�v��rd "��r��f�ci�ry" m��r�� �quit�bl� �ar��C, �r�d it�s����s��r�an� ��si�ns. <br /> ��rrav�r�r. TI�� w��d "�arr�v�r�r" r���r�s RA3V��LL R PAN��l1�[�� �rt� TA M 1�11� [� �A N��l��� �r�� i r��f uci�� �[9 <br /> ��-�ign�r� an� �a-rrE�l�er��i�nin�tl�� �redit A�r��m�nt�r��i�I[�I��ir�u����s�rs�rtd �s�i�r��. <br /> �r��it ��r��rr��nt. Th� v�r�r�s "�redi� A�r��m�nt" ���n ��� �r��i� ��re�m�nt d��t�� I1�I�r�h 3�}� ��1�, Vu'it�7 <br /> �r��i� ��r�r�i� �� ���r���.��f�am Tru�t��t� L�r��i�rf ta��tt��r�rith�IE r�r��vxrals��r ��t�n�i�ns ��, m��iifica�ians <br /> �ff ��fin�n�ir����#r ��r�s�li���i�r�s ��r �n� s���t�t�ti�n�f�r�h� pr�mi�s��y note ar�gr����r�t. T}�� rr��t�rity d�t��f <br /> this I���d �f Trust i� 1�11���[� ��r ����. �l�T[�E T�TF�I��T��►: T�-I E�F�E�jT A�����VIENT ���TAI[Il��1�IA�yA�L� <br /> ��1�[TER E�T RATE. <br /> �e�d �� 7ru�t_ T�e �vard� "���d af Tr�s�" ���r� �}�is ���� �f Trust ar�n�n� Tr��t��, L�r���rr �n� Tru��e�, �nd <br /> ir���u��� v�ith�ut Iim�t�ti�r� al[ ���i�nrr��n� �nd ����ri�r in��r��� pravi�i�ns r�l��rin� t� t1�� ��r�ar��] }�r�p�rfi�r an� <br /> F��n�t�, <br /> Er�vir�r�rrti�r�tal �.�w�. TI�� vv�rd� "En�ir�nm�ntal L�}rv�" m��n �n� �nd �I� �tat�r ��d�r�l �r��i [���I �t�tU���, <br /> r�g�[afiio r�s and �rdin�n��s r�I�tir�� t� �1�� �r�t���i�� of }�urr��r� h���th �r the �r��a r�nm�n�� i ncl ud�ng v�ri�h�ut <br /> I imi���i�n th� ��m�r�h�n�iv� �n�i r�nrr��nt�� R��p�n��, �ompertsationr �nd �i��ilit�+ A�t �f 1�$�r �s �m�r�d��l r �� <br /> �.�.�_ ����i�r� ���'I� �� ���. {"�E1��LA"�, t�� �r���rfur��i Ar��r��m ents �r�� F�����h�ri�ati�n Act�f 1���r ��b. L. <br /> �110. ��-�1-�� {"��RA"}r�h� H�z���f�u� Ma��rial�`f`rar���artati�n A�tr �� ���.�. ����i�r� ���1, �t���.��i��R�s�ur�e <br /> ��n����r��iarr �n� R����r�ry A�tr �� l.J.�.�. ��cti�n ����1, �t���., �r �tC��r a��[�c��l� �t��k� �r f���r�l [a�nrs� rul�s r <br /> �r r��ul��i�r������t�� �ur�u�r�t t��r�t�. <br /> �v�rt��f�ef~�ult. T[��w�r�s "Ev��t����f�t��t" m��r� a r,�r�f th� ev�nt��f����r�I�s����rth �r�thi� ���d�f Trust ir� <br /> th��v�r��s�f��f��I����ti�n��th i� ����f�f Tru�t. <br /> ��ci�tir�� Ir�cl�k�t�dr��s�. Tt�� v�r�r�s "Exist�n� �n�i�bt�dr,�s�" rt-E�an th� i�€��b���n�ss ����rib�� ir� ��r� Exi�tir�� Li��s <br /> �ra�i s i�r��f thi� ���d�f Tr�a�t. <br /> H���r��us �u��ta����. `#'h� war�� "H�z�r��u� �u��t�r����" �r�t��r� r��t�r��ls that, ����u�� �� t��i� quanti�yr <br />