<br /> TranSf�r af the Property�r a�enefi+�ial In��rest�n Borrawer. If a��or any par�of the Property or any in�eres�
<br /> in it is sold ar transferred �or i�a ben�efi�ia� �n�erest in Borrower is sold or �ransferred and Borrower �s not a
<br /> natura� person� w��hou� Lender's prior wr�tten consen�, Lender may, a� i�s �ption, require �mmed�ate paym�n� �n
<br /> full of a�l sums secured by �his Secur��ty �nstru.m�n�, �owe�er, �h�s op�ron sha�� nat be exerc�sed by Lender if
<br /> exerCise�s prohib��ed by federal law as of th�da�e of this S�curity Instrumen�.
<br /> �f Lender exerc�ses this �ption, Lender shall gi�e Barrower natice of acc�leration. The notice sha�� prov�de a
<br /> perro�i �f na� �ess �han th� min�mum number af days established by Applicable Law from th� date the natice �s
<br /> de��vered or mailed with�n which Borravver mus� pay a�l sums secured by �h�s Securxty Zns�rumen�. �f Borrov�er
<br /> fails to pay these sums prior tti the ex�yiration of�his per�od, Lender may i.nvoke any remedies permit�ed by �his
<br /> Se�urity Instrument v�ri�hou�fur�her no�ice or demand�n B�rr�wer.
<br /> Borrovverrs Iaight to Reinstate. �f B�orrovver mee�s cer�ain cand�tiflns, Borrower shall ha�e the right to have
<br /> enforc�men� of this Security Ins�rumen�� discon�inued at any�ime prior�o the �arlier of: �a} 5 days (or such o�her
<br /> period as Applicable Law may spec�fy���r reinstatemen�}befare sal�af the Proper�y pursuan�to any pov�er of sale
<br /> contain�d in �his Se�urity Tnstrumen�; or ��� entry flf a judgment enforcing this Security �nstrumen�. Those
<br /> condi�ions are tha� Borrow�r: �a} pays Lender alI suxns wh�ch then wou�d be due under�his 5ecur�ty �nstrument
<br /> and the Contrac�as if no acce�era�ion h��d occurred;�b�cures any de�aul�af any o�her covenants or agreements;(c}
<br /> pays al�expenses�ncurred in enforcing�his Securi�y�nstrument, in��uding,but n��Iimited ta,reas�nable att�rneys'
<br /> fees to the ex�en�permi�ted by law; anc��d}takes such a���on as Lender may reasonably require�a assure tha�the
<br /> lzen of this Securi�y Instrumen�, Lender's rights in�he Property a�d Borrow�r's ob�igation t�pay the sums secured
<br /> by this Security �nstrument sha�1 �ant�r�ue unchanged. Upon reinstatem�n�by B�rrflwer, �hxs Security Znstrument
<br /> and the o�Iiga�ions secured here�y sha:ll remain fully effec�ive as if nv a�ce�eration had occurred. Hawever, �his
<br /> righ�to reinstate sha11 not apply u1 the case of accelerat��n under the section titled Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> Benefi�ial Interest fn Btirrower.
<br /> Hazardous Sub�tances.Borrov�er sha��n���ause or p�rmi�th�presence,use,�.ispasal, s�orag�, or release af any
<br /> Ha2ardous Substances on�r in the Property.Barraw�r shall na�do,nar a�lov�anyone else to da,anyth�ng aff��txng
<br /> �he Prop�rt� �ha� is in �iolatian af any En�ironmenta� Law. The preceding two s�n�ences shall not app�y to �h�
<br /> pr�sence,use,ar storage on�he�roperC�of sma1�quantities of Ha�ardous Subs�ances�hat are genera��y recognized
<br /> �fl�e appropriate t�normal res�dential u�s�s and to�nain�enance of�h�Praperty.
<br /> Borrov��r shai�pramp�ly g��e L�nder w:ritten nfl�ice of any in�estigation,��aim,demand, �awsui�or o�her a���on�y
<br /> any governmen�a� or regula�flry agency or pr��a�e par�y in�alving the Proper�y and any Hazardous Substanc� or
<br /> Env�ronmental Law of �vhich B�rrov��er has a�tual krzowledge. �f Barrov�er learns, or �s no�if ed by any
<br /> g��ernr�en�al ar regulatflry au�har�ty,�th.at any removal ar�ther remediatian of any Hazardaus Substance aff�cting
<br /> the Proper�y is necessary, Borrower >>ha�� pramp�Iy �ake al� necessary rem�dia� actions in a�cordance vvith
<br /> Environmental Law.
<br /> As used i.n this paragraph, "Hazardous f�ubstan�es" are�hose subs�ances defined as�oxic or hazard�us subs�ances
<br /> by Env�ronmenta� Law and �he fol�owing substan�es: gaso�ine, kerosene, oth�r flammabl� or �ox�c petroleum
<br /> pr�duc�s, �ox�c pes�i�ides and herbi��des, �o�ati�e sol�en�s, materia�s cantaining asbestos or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radx�active ma�er�als.As used�n this paragraph, "Environmental Law"means federa�Iaws and Iav�s�f the state of
<br /> Nebras�a tha�relate ta health,safety or+:nviron.mental protect�on.
<br /> Accex�rat�on; R�medies. I.lender shail gi�e notice to B�rrower pri�r tfl acceleratian foilflv��ng Borrower'�
<br /> breach of any ca�enant flr agreement in thi�Security Instrumen�or the Contract under which a�ce�eration
<br /> is perrnitted (but n�t prio�-to a��eler;�tion und�r the 5e�tiflr� t�tled Transfer �f the Proper�y or a Bene���ai
<br /> Interes� �n B�rrawer, unless AppI�ca�ale Lavv provides otherwi5e�. The no�ice �ha��specify: �a} �he defauit;
<br /> �b3 the action required to cure the defau�t; �e} a date, not Iess than the minimum number of days
<br /> e5tab��shed by Applicable I�aw fram �he date�he notice is given �o Borrower, by wh�ch the defauI�must be
<br /> cured; and �d} that failur� to �ure tx�e default ❑n ar befare the date speci�ed in the notice may re5u�t in
<br /> accel�ratinn of the sums secured by� this Security Instrument and �ale of the Property. Ta the �xten�
<br /> permitted by �aw, the notice sha�I further infflrm Sorrower af the right to reinstate aft�r accelerat�fln and
<br /> the right to br�ng a c�urt a�tion to as�►ert the non�-existence af a default or any other defen�e of Borrower to
<br /> accelerat�an and sa�e. If the defau�t i�y n�t cured on or befor�th� date specif�ed in the notice, Lender at its
<br /> vption rnay require imm�diate payment in ful� vf aIl sums secured by this Securit� Instrumen� wzthout
<br /> further demand and may �nvoke the power of sale and any oth�r remedies permitted by App��cable Law.
<br /> To the extent permitted by �a�, Len�der shal� be entit��d tfl c�llect ai� �xpen5es incurred in pursu�ng the
<br /> remedi�s provided in this Section, in�lud�ng, but nat limited tv, reasanable attorneys' fees and costs of t�t�e
<br /> evid�nc�.
<br /> If the p�wer�f sale is �n�vked,Trust�s� shall r�cvrd a notice vf default in each �aunty in whi�h any part of
<br /> the Praperty is located and �hail mail Gapies of such notice�n �he manner pr�scribed by Applicab�e Law�o
<br /> Sorrower and to the ath�r per��ns prescrib�d by Applicable Law. After the time required �y App�icab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee shall g��e publi� not��e of sale �o the per5flns and in the manner prescribQd by App�icable
<br /> Law. Trustee, withou�demand on Ba:rrflwer,sha��sell the PropQrty a�pub�ic au�ti�n to the hrghe5t bidder
<br /> at the time and p�a��and under the�e�rm5 de5ignated �n the notice of�ale�n ane vr more parce�s and�n any
<br /> �rder Trustee determines. Truste� r,nay postpone sale af all ar any parcel �f the Property by pubiic
<br /> annaun�emen�at the�ime and place a�f any pre�iously scheduled sale. Lender or its design��may purcha�e
<br /> the Praperty a�any sale.
<br /> Upon rece�pt of payment�f the price �id, Trus�ee shall deliver t� the pur�haser Trustee's d�ed canveying
<br /> the Property, The rec�tals in th�TruS��e�'s deed shall be prima f�cie evidence of the tru�h flf the 5tatements
<br /> �2044-24I4�vmpIiance Systems,Tnc.FD6ti-�DFO-2413L2.l Q.]..895
<br /> Cansumer R�al Estate-Se�urity rnstaument DL2Q3d Page 4 vf 5 w�vw.�ompliancesystems.�om
<br />