. ... .. . .. ' T.,�.��...........�.�.�... r w��n�u�a�rriai.. ��.y....�.-ti__
<br /> ��15���31
<br /> ��E� ��F �F��J��
<br /> L��r� �V�: 1�'I 1'���-� ���nfiir�u��l} ���� �
<br /> �p���r�t�� �n��r �I�i s ���� �f Tru�t �y a n i r��tr�r��r�t exe�u�e� a r�� ��k�n�av1����d i�� L�n��r a r�c� r���r��� ir� #�n�
<br /> �ffi�� �f th� r���rd�r �-F H�I I �a un#�r, ����� �� �1��r����. �h� �r�strurn�r�� sh�II ��r���i nr i r� ��f�i#i�r� �� �I� at��r
<br /> r��tt�rs req u�r�� I�y ��at� I��r th� n�m�� �f �h� �r���n�� L�r��l��r T��st��, ar�d �'rU���rr �h� ���k �t��! p��� {��
<br /> ��m��t�r sy�t�m r�f�r�r���� �h�r� t�is ���d �� �Crust is re��r�i��i, �n� th� nam� �n� �d�r�s� �f ��t� suc���s�r
<br /> tru����r �r��l#i�� instrU rr�en�s�na�I be ��c������i �n�l �r�kn�v�f�d��c! b� �I!th� ��r��fi c i�ri�� �r�d�r t�i� f���d ❑f Trus��r
<br /> th�ir �����s��rs i n a r�t�r�s�. Th�� s�c��ss�r tr�st��, witF�t�ut �an����n�e �f�E�� �r�p�rtyr �I��I I s u����d t� �11 t�e
<br /> #itl�, ��v��r, an� dt�ti�� ��n#err�� u�an t�e Tr�s��� in tf�i� D��d ��Trust and b� �p�li�a�l� I�w. Tl��� pr���dur� f�r
<br /> s�bstituti an�f�ru����sh�I� ��v�rr�t�tl�� �x�f us i�n�f a II �tl��r�r��isi�ns f�t'�ub�tituti an.
<br /> N�TI�E�. �r��r r��t��� r��uire� t� �� �Ev�r� unc��r thE� ���� �� Tr�st, En�Lu�i�r� 1�i�F��l�� �i�lt�ti�l� �r��r n�ti�e a# d��ault
<br /> and �n�r n��i�� of ��I� �h�ll b� �i�r�n i r� �nr�i�i r��, �r�d sh�li #�� �ffi�ctive rrtir h�n a���al I� ��I i��r��r vu h�n a��t�a��ly r�c eiv��
<br /> ��r��f�fa��i�il� �unl��s �th�r�ri�� r�q�ired b�r ��v�r}� v�rh��n ��p��it�� vvi�h a� r��ti�n�lly r����ni���l ���rr�i�ht c�uri�rt arr if
<br /> rrr a il��, �v C��� �l ep��ite�I i n th� �I r�i��� �t�t�� m ai I, as fir���!as�r ��rti#i�� �r r�gi�t�re d m�i� ��sta�� ����aa i�r �ir��t�d t�
<br /> �h� a�d r�s��s s h�v�rrr n�ar t�� ���i r�r��r�g �f�hts C���� �f T��st. A Il ���i�s �fi n�ti�e s a� ��re�l�s ur� f r�m �h� h�l��r �f
<br /> arr�r li�r� w�ri�� ha5 pri�rity ��r�r tl�is ���d af T�u�� �h�l� �� ��r��t t� L�r�d�r'� ad���s�, a� sl��v�n n��r th� t���inrrin� �f
<br /> th�� ���d �f Tru�t. �r�y ��rt� rnay Gh�n�� i�s a��r��� f�r r�ati�e� �rr�[�r this a���€ �f �r�st f�}r �ivi�� fa��al �rvri���n
<br /> n��i�� ta t�� a�h�r �ar�i��, s��cif��n� t�i�� th� pur��s� �� tC�� na��c� i� �� �h�n�� �h� �art�r'� ad�r�s�� F�r n�����
<br /> p�rp�s��r Tru�t�� ��r��� ta keep L�nd�r inf�rm��l �t ��I �im�s �f Trus��r's �urr�n� ��ldr���� Unl�s� ��her�i�e pr�vic���
<br /> �r r��u�red �y I�vtir, if tf�er� is m�re���n �n� Trus�t�rr ar��r n�ti�e ����n by ��nc���t� �r��r Tt�r�t�r is ���rt��� �� �� ��ti��
<br /> �i��n t� �El Tru��t�rs.
<br /> IU�I���LL�NE�I�� PF��1�E�I�N�. Th���Ila�in� mi���Ila���U� provisi�n� �r� � ��,rt�f this a����f Trust:
<br /> �rr��r��lment�. �`his De��l �f Trustr t����i��r v►��tl� �n� R���t�d a�curr�ent�r cansti�u��$ th�� �ntir� �tr��€�rst�n�in� ��d
<br /> ��r��m�r�t �� th� p�r�i�s as ta th�� m�tters �e� �F�r�h in �hi� a��� �f Trust. �1� �1t�r�ti�r� �# �r �m�r�d�ent t� this
<br /> ����i t��F Trust �h��ll b� ������iv� �n��ss �i�r�n �n �rri�in� �r�� ������ k�� �h� party ar �ar�i�s ���ght�� �� �h�r��� �r
<br /> ��un� ��r th� alt�r�ti�n�r�r��n�m�r,t.
<br /> Ar�r�u�� Repart�. [� �h� Pr���rty is �s�� far p urp�s�� �th�r th�r� Trus��r'� r���d���e f Tr�s��r s h�l I fu rr�i�h t�
<br /> ��n��rr �p�n r����st, � ��rti�i��t �t�tet��r�t ��F n�t �p�r���n� fn��m� r���R�r�d fr�m t#�� F�r�p��t�r �urir�� �rusfi�r's
<br /> pr��ious f�s�ai }r��r in such f�rm �n� ��fi�il �� L�n��r shall r��t�Er�� "N�t ���r�fiin� �rr��m�" sh�ll m��n �[I ���h
<br /> r���ipt�fr�m t�e �r�p�rt�r l�ss �I[ ���l� ��c��n�itur�� rn��l� ir����n��ti�n v�ith th��p���tian �f�t�� Pr���r��r,
<br /> �ap�ion �1��,�li�n�s. ��pti�r� h���ir��� ir, �h€� a���# v�F Tr�s� �r� ��r co�v�ni�n�� ��r����� �nl� ��� �r� r��t t� ��
<br /> u��d t� [r�t�t'���t�r d��in�th� �r��i s ia ns ❑���i� ❑���i�f Tru�t.
<br /> IUler��r. Tf��r� �h��l �� n� m�r��r ��th� int�r�st �r��t�t� crea��� ��t�i� a��� �f Tr�st v��th ��r�r�th�� �r�t�r�st�r
<br /> �st��� i r� tF�� F�ra p�rty at �ny ti m� h�l�I b� �r f�r t�� ��n�fit�f L�t���r in a r�y �ap���ty, v�rith�ut �I�� vv ri����r c�r���n�
<br /> �f�.�n��r,
<br /> ��►r�r�nin� �,�r�. T�i� ���� �f Tr��t v�ilE �� �a�r��r��d by fed�ra! �aw ap��i�abl� �o L�n�1�r $��I r t� th� ��t�n# r��t
<br /> �r��m�t�d E�y f�deral lav�, the ��r�vs o�#�� ������f 11��k����l�a��rwrith��ut r���r�t�Et���rr�li�t� o���r�r�r��ri�iar��. Tl�i�
<br /> [�eet���TrUs�h�� t���r�a���p���l l�y L�n��r in th� �t�t� �f[��t�r��k�.
<br /> ���i�� �f 1l�nu�. I f tl��r� i� � 1 a�r�u�t+ T��r�t�r a�r��s �pa�r Len�f�r'� r��t���t t� s u��n it t� t�n� ju ri����ti o r� �f �h�
<br /> ��urt� �f Hall �aur��yr �ta�e�f N�br�s��.
<br /> N���i�r�t��r�L�r�tl�r. L�r�d�r shal� nat �� d����� t� I��ir� v3raiv�� an�r �i�ht� �t���r th�s a��+� �f���st ur�l��s s�c�
<br /> vtir�i�rer i� gi�r�n in vvritin� �nd s��n��i b�+ L�r�d�r. N� d��$� c�r�missi�r� �� tl�� ��rf �f Ler��l�r in e�eEci�in��r�y ri�h�
<br /> �h��l ���ra�e �s � �nr�i��r�fi s��l� ri�ht�r an�r ��her ��g��. A v�r$i�r�r b� ��n��r�f � �r��i�i�n ��this a��� �f Tr�a�t
<br /> �h�11 n�t �r�jud��� �r ��n�t�t�t� a v�ra�iu�r �f L�n��r'� �i��t a���ruvi�� t� ��m�r�� stri�t ��m�ii�r��� v�rith th�t
<br /> �ravi�i�r� �r ar�� ��I��� �r�vis��� �f �f�i� �e�d af �r�,s�. N� pri�r ��i�r�r ��r �,�n��rr n�r an�r ��urs� �f d�aCir��
<br /> ���r�r��n L�r���r �n�l Tru�t�r, �h��l ��r�sti�ute a v,r���r�r �f ��� �f L�n�i�r's ri��t� �r �� �ny �f Tru�to�'s �bli��tior�s
<br /> �s t� ��y f�tur��r�nsa��i�n�. Vtilhen�v�r �he ��n��nt �� L��n��r i� r���i r�d un�e r th is ���� �f Tru��r th� �ra r��i r��
<br /> �f ���h ��ns�r�� f�� L�r�d�r ir� �ny i�sta��� sh a I� ��t ��r�sti�ut� ��nti r�u�ng ��r�s�r�� �a �ub�equen� ins�a�r��� �h�r�
<br /> su�l���n�ent i� r��u�r�� �n� in��I �a������h ��n��nt m�y b� �r�nt�� �r v�ri�hh�ld in�h�s�1� �i��r�ti�n�f Ler�d�r.
<br /> 5���r�bilit�. �f � ��u�t �fi ��t���t�r�t�uri��i�ti�n �in�s �ny prQ�i s i�r� Qf �his ����1 Qf Tr��t t� �� �l l��a I, in��l id r �r
<br /> un�nf�rceab�e �� �� �n� �ir��mstar���r t�at fin�in� shalf n�t rr���k� tl�� �ff�n�ir�� �r��ri�i�r� ill���l� ir����i�, �r
<br /> . �n�n��r���b�� �� t� �n� �tl��r �ir��rr��t��t��. If f�a��bl�, th�e a�f�r�ding pr��i��on s�al� b� �onsi��r��i ���i�fi�c� ��
<br /> y.
<br /> tha� it k�e�orr��s f��alr valid an� �nf�r���hl�. If tl�� �ff���iin� prt�vi�i�n ��nn�t k�� �� r�-��difi��lr at shall b�
<br /> ��r��i�i�r�� ��I���� �r�m �hi s a�ed �� Trust. ��n f��s ��h�r�rv is� r�q�ir�� by I a v+r, t�e i11���I it�r, i n�ra�ic�ity, v�
<br /> t�r��n��r���k��lit� �# arr�r pr�vi�i�r� �� this a��� �� �ru�t �h��l r�at aff��x the ��ga�i��{� �afidi�� �r �n��r���bil���r.�# �n�r
<br /> ` �ther pr�visi�n of�his ae��i �#Tr�st.
<br /> �u����s�t�� �ntJ As�i�n�. 5 u�j��t�� a ny I�m i��taon s stat��1 �n �h is a���J of T'ru�t �n �ra ns f�r �f Tr�s�a r's i r���r�s�r
<br /> tl�is a��d af ���s� sh�l� b� hin�i�� �p��n an� inur� t� tE�� ��n�f�t �f th� p��t��s� th�ir su���ss�rs �r�� ��si�c�s. If
<br /> �vv r��rs I�i� ��tl�� �r���r�y b���r��s �r�st��l �r� a �ers�n �ther�h�n �ru��ar, L�n��rr w�th�ut ��ti c� �o T`ru�ta rr ma�r
<br /> ��a! �nri�h Tru���r'���������rs �rith r���r�n�� t� thts L�e�� �f Trust�rtd t�� In���t�dt��s� ��r��y�f��r���r�r��� �r
<br /> �xt�r��i�r� v�ritl��ut��I�a�i ng �rusta r�Ff�m th�o�liga�ia r�5❑��h is L���d �f Tr��t�r I��k��l�t� �r��l�r th� I n��k�t�r�n��s.
<br /> �'�m� ���f th�E���r���. Ti�� is �f tl����s�r��� ir�tF�� ��rf�rr�-ran�e ofi thi� L��ed ���r��t.
<br /> �a�v�� �f ��rr���t�a�] Ex�rr��ti�n. T�-u�t�r I��r���r r�l��s�� ar�d �nraiv�s �l� �i�l��s �nd b�r��fit� �� th� I�am�st�ad
<br /> ���rr���i�r� !avrrs fl�t�n� S�ate�f N�Ear��ka a� �� a11 I n��t�t�r�n��s���ur�c� k��th is ����1 �f Trust.
<br /> �}�F11111T1�NS. T�� f�����rv ir�� ���it�li��t� �r�rds �.r�d t�rm� �h�l I hav� t1�� fa�l��v in� m�a ni ng� v�he� u��d En th�i� �e�d �f
<br /> Trust. �n 1��5 $���ifi��l f� stat�� t� th� ��ntra ryr a I� r�f�r�n c�s t� �a�l a r arn�u�ts sh a I� ���n am�unts irr I a�r,rfu� ���e y
<br />, �f th� �Jr�i���J St���s t��r �4��ri��. V1lords �nd ter�ns u��d in tl�e �in��l�r �hall includ� th� plural, and xhe �fu��l �h��l
<br />_ i�����e ��� �ing�larr as �h� ��n���� m��r f���ir�. Vl��r�s ar�d t�rr7-rs r��t �t��r�rvi�� d�fin�� i� th�is ���� �f Tr��� �hall
<br /> f���r� ��� m�ar�ir��s �itri����� to su�f�t�rrrls �rt th� Unaf�rm ��mrr��r�ial ����:
<br /> g�n��ici�rr�. Th�v�r�r� "'��nefici���,� m��ns �irst�latianal ��rrk���m��ra, �n� �ts ��a���s�ar� an� �ssig��.
<br /> ��rr��►r��A Th� v����l "�orr�w�r4'�m��r�s Janath�n [I�I. �berb��k ar�d in�l��i�s a11 c�-s�g�ers an�! co-mak�r� �i�nin�
<br /> th� �lt�t� �n� all th�i�s�����s�rs ��� assi�ns.
<br /> aeed of Tr���� �[�� ��r�l� "���c� �f Trust" m��n fihi s a e e� 4� T�u�t a m�r�� Trust�r, L�n��rr a r�c� Trust��, �n�
<br /> ir��lu�l�� �rvit[��ut Itmit�t��r� �I� a��i�nm�nfi �r�� secUrity t���C��� �fDlfl51�135 r��a�ing t❑ th� P�r��r��l �rape�-t}r an�l
<br /> �i�rrts.
<br /> C��fa���. T��v�r�r� 'T��fa��t�' rr���n�th� ��fa�Rt s��f�rt#� in thi� ❑��� �fi Tr��t in th� s��ti�n titl�� "a�f��,l�"".
<br /> En�rir�e�men�a� L�ws. Th� ��rd� "�nvir�nm��t�i �.��rs" m��n �r��r �ns� �I� st���, ��+��r�l and �o��l s������s,
<br /> �����ati�r�� �r,d �rdin�r���� r�la�tir�� -t� tl�� �r�t��ti�r� �� I�um�r� F���It� �� th� �r�vir�r�m�r�tr ir��l��ir-�� �t,rith�ut
<br /> �im�t�ti�r� �h� ���pr�h�n�iv� �nuir�nm�ntal R�sp�ns�, ��m��n��ti�n, �r�� Lia�ili�y A�� �� 1���, �� am�n��d� ��
<br /> �.�.�. �e�t�an ���'i r �� s��. �"��F��L�"�f �Fr� �uperfur�d Am�n�m�r��s an�! #��au�hari�ati�n Act �# "!���� F�ub. L.
<br /> �1�. ��-��� �"�A F�A"}, tl�� H�������� I1�1�teri a l�Tr�r����r��ti�r� A�t, �9 l�.�.�. ���ti�r� 'I 8��r et s�€�.r th� R�s�u���
<br /> ��n��rv�t��rr �n+� R���u�ry �ctr �� �l.�.�� S e�ti�n ����, �t ��q.f �� �th�� ��p�i���I� ��a�� �r f���r�l ��w�r ru��s r
<br /> �r r��ul����n� a���t�d �ur�u�nt th�r���.
<br />