<br /> DE�D D�� �'�:��T'
<br /> ��on�:��i��d� Page �
<br /> Trus��r'�ownership af�he Propert�,�here has been no use,generation, manuf���ure,stor�ge, treafimen#,disposal,
<br /> re�ease ❑r threaten�d releas� of any Ha�ardvus Substance by any person on, under, about or from �he P�operty;
<br /> t�} Trustar has no knowledge of, or reasan to be�ie�e that tnere has been, except as pre�iousl�disclosed to and
<br /> acknowledged by Lender in wri�ing, �a} any brea�h a� �ialation of any Envirvnmen�aE Laws, �b} any use,
<br /> generation, manufacture, sto�-age, t�-eatment, disposal, release or threatened release of any Hazar�aus Subsfiance
<br /> on, under, about or �rom the Property by any pri�r ouvners vr occupants af the Property, ❑r ��} any actual ar
<br /> thr�afiened lifigativn or cfaims o�any kind by any per�on reEa�ing �o such matters; and {3} Excep� as pre�iousfy
<br /> discfosed�o and acknowledged by Lend�r in writing, �a} neifiher Trustvr n�r any tenant,con�ractor, agent or ather
<br /> au�horized user of the Property shal� use,generate, man�facture, sfiore; #reat, dispose of ar r�lease ar�y Ha�ardous
<br /> Substance❑n, under, abau��r frt�m the F�roper�y;and �b} any such ac�ivi�y shall be�onduc�ed in campliance wi�h
<br /> all app�icable federal, �ta�e, and I�cal laws, regula�ions �nd ordinan��s, Encluding withou� limita�ion afl
<br /> En�iranm�ntal Laws. Trus�or au�h�rizes Lend�r and its agen�s �a �nter upon the Proper#y to r�-�ake such
<br /> inspe��ions and te��s, at Trus�or's exp�ense, as Lender may deem appropriate to de�ermine campliance �f the
<br /> Property with #his se�tivn of�he Deed v�Trus�. Any insp�ctions vr �ests mad� by Lender shall be f+ar Ler�d�r's
<br /> pu�-poses anly and shall no�be construed to�r�ate any respon�ibility or liability on�he part vf Lender to Trusfvr or
<br /> �v any other p�rson. The representations and warranti�s cvntained h�rein are based on Trustor°s due diligence in
<br /> inves�iga�ing the Praperty far Hazard�us 5u�stan�es. Trustor hereby �'I} releases and waives an�futur�claims
<br /> against Lend�r for indemnity or cantributivn in the eu�nt Trusfor becames liahf�far��eanup or❑ther costs under
<br /> an�su�h laws; and �?} agr�ees�o indemnify, defend, and ho�d harml�ss L�nder ag�inst any and afl c�aims, fasses,
<br /> liabi�ities, darna�es, per�alties, arid e�cpenses which Lender may directly o�ind�rec�ly sus�ain or�uffer resulting f�vrn
<br /> a breach of this sec#ion af the Deed of Trust�r as a consequence af any use, g�neration, manufa�ture, starage,
<br /> disposa�, release ar�h�eatened release occur�-ing priar�a Trustor's vwnership Qr inte�es�in the C'rQperty,whether ar
<br /> no� the same was vr should ha�e been knvwn to Trust�r�. The prv�isions vf�his sec�ion o��he Deed of Trust,
<br /> including the abligation ta ind�mnify and defend,shall �ur�i��th�payment o�f the Ir�debt�dness and fihe satis�a�tian
<br /> and recon�eyance vt the fien o�this Deed of Trust and shall no�be affected by Lender's a�quisifion af any interest
<br /> in the Pr�perty,whether by�arec�osu�-e or otherwise.
<br /> Nuisan�e, Waste. Trustvr sha�� n�vt cause, condu�t ❑r perm�� any nuisance nor cammi#, permit, or sufFer anyr
<br /> stripping of�r was�e on ❑r�o �he Property or any por�ion o�the Property. Vlli�haut lirniting �he generali�y of fhe
<br /> fQregoing, Trustor vvil� not remn�e, �r gran#to any ather party the right�o remo�e, any timber, mineral� (�ncluding
<br /> oif and gas},coal,clay, scoria, soif, gra��!or rack products�rithout Lender's prior w�-itten can�en�.
<br /> Removal�f Imp�rv�ements. Tru��or shall not demalish or rema��any fmprouemen#s frvm fhe Reaf P�-oper�y with+�ut
<br /> Lend�r's prior written�vnsen�. As a cvnditivn�o��e remau�l af any Improuer��nts, Lender may require Trustor t�
<br /> make arrangements satisfactory to Lend�r tv replace such lmprovements w��h ImproW�men�s af at fea�t equal
<br /> ►ra�ue:
<br /> Lender's Righ�tv Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representati�es may enter upon �he Real Property a�alf
<br /> reasanable times ta a#�end #o Lender's interests and �o i�sp��t the Rea! Prvpe�ty fvr purposes of Trus�or's
<br /> compliance with th�fierms and conditions of this�eed��Trust.
<br /> Compliance with Go�eenmental Requirements. Trusf�r shall prompt�y compfy w��� al� �aw�, ordinan�es, and
<br /> regulafionsx naw or hereafi�er in effect, vf alf ���ernmenta� aufihoritie� applicab�e to fhe use ar o�cupancy of the
<br /> Property. Trustor may con#est in gvod faith any such law, ❑rdinan�e,Qr regulation and withholc�campliance during
<br /> any pro�eed�ng, including appropria�� app�als, so �ong as rrustar has no�ified Le��der in writing prior to daing so
<br /> and so IQn�as, in Lender's sofe opinion, Lender's infierests in the Prvperty are not jeopardized. Lend�r may require
<br /> T'rustvr to pvst adequate security�r a surety band; r�asflna���satisfiactory to Lender,to pra�ect Lender's intere�t.
<br /> Du�y #o Pr�tect. Trustor agrees n�ither ta abandon �r �ea�e una��ended the Property. Trustor shall do afl o�h�r
<br /> ac�s, in addi�i�n�o�h�se acts sPt forth abo�e in this sec�ion,�nihich�rorn the character and use of the Property are
<br /> reasonahiy nec�ssary fio prvtect and preserve the Pr�p�er�y.
<br /> DUE�N SALE -Ct�NSENT BY LENaER. Lender may, a�Lender's aption,dec[are immediately due and pa�ab€e al�sums
<br /> se�ured by�his Deed of Trus�upan the s��e❑r transfer,wi�hout Ler�der's prior v►�ri�ten��nsenf, af all vr any part af�Me
<br /> Real Properfy, or any interest in�he Real Property. A"sal�or transfer" means�he cfln�eyance �f Real Property or any
<br /> righ�, titl� or interest irt fhe Rea� Property; wheth�r legaf, be�efcial vr equitable; whefher �vluntary �r in�o�untary;
<br /> wh��her by outright sa�e, deed, installmen# sale �ontr�ct, iand cvntract, con��act for d�ed, leasehold interest v+rith a
<br /> �erm gr�ater fhan three {3}y�ars, lease�vption contr��t, ❑r b�sale, as�ignmen�, vr�ransfer of any�enefrciaf interest in
<br /> ar�o any land�rust hol�ing t�t�e to th�e Rea� Prop�rty, vr by any other me�hod of�on�eyan�e of an interest ir1 th�Real
<br /> Pro�erty. Howe�er, this optin� shall not be exer�ised by Lender i�F such exer�ise is prohihited by �ederai law ar by
<br /> Nebr�ska law.
<br /> �AxES AND LfENS, The follawing �ro�i�ions �-elating to the faxes and liens on �he Prop�r�y are par�of this �eed ❑f
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Paymen#. Trus#nr shall pay wh�n due �and in al�e�en�s prior to def inquency}all taxes, special taxes,assessm�n�s,
<br /> �har��s �includin�water and sewer}, fines and impositions �e��ed against❑r on a�count af fhe Propert�, and shall
<br /> pay iivhen due al� cfaims fvr work�ane on ❑r fc�r servi�e� rer�d��ed or m��erial f�rnished ta fhe Property. Trustor
<br /> shall ma�nta�n#he P�operty�ree o�a!I fiens ha�ing p�iority o�er or equal�o the it��erest of Lend��under�his Deed of
<br /> Trust, excep# fvr the lien of taxes and assessments na't due, exce�� far the Existing �ndebtedness re#�rr-ed �a
<br /> below;and ex�ep�as o�herwise prouid�d in this Deed vf Trus#.
<br /> Right fi�Contest. Trustar may wifhhold payment o�any tax, assessment, or c�aim in connectivn wi�h a good taith
<br /> �ispute o�er the obligation�a pay; so fang as Lender's ir�terest in the Proper�y is n�t jeopa�-di�ed. !�a�ien ari�es or
<br /> is fifed as a result o�nanpayment, Trus�ar�hall within tif�een �'I5} days after�tl�e lien a�ises or, i�a �i�n is fifed,
<br /> �ithira fifk�en t'I5� days after Trusf�r has not�ce ��F the filing, secur�tfie dischar � of the lien,
<br /> � o� i�r�quested by
<br /> Lender,deposit with Lender cash or a sufficient corpora��surety band or other securify satisfactvey ta Lender in an
<br /> amaunt sufFicEen�ta dischar�ge the fien plus any cos�s and attarneys'�fees, vr o�her charges that could ac�rue as a
<br /> result of a fore�losure or sale under#he li�n. In any contest, Trustar sha��defend i�s�l�and Lender and s�a��sati�fy
<br /> any ad�erse�udgment before enforcemer�fi against the Properf�. Tru�stor shall name Lander as an addi�ional�bligee
<br /> under any surety hond furnished in the contesfi pr�ceedings.
<br /> E�idence of Paym�r�t. Trus�ar shall upon d�mand furnish ta Lende�sa�isfactary e�idence of paymen�af�he taxes
<br /> or assessments and shalf authoriz�the appropriate go��rnmental v�Ficia�ta deliver to Lender at any#im� a writ#en
<br /> statemen�af t�e taxes and assessments against the Praperty.
<br /> Notice of Cans#rWc#ian. Trustor shall noti�r Ler�der a�leas�fifteen ��5} day� befare an�work is commenc�d, any
<br /> s�r-vi�es are furnished, or any materials are supplied f❑t�e Property, if any mechanie's �ien, ma��riafinen"s Iien, vr
<br /> a##�er lien could be asserted on account of the work, services, ar materials. `�rustor�vill upvn request of Lender
<br /> furnish �o Lender aduance assUrances satisfactory to Lender tha� Trustor Gan and wi�l pay the cosfi of such
<br /> impro�ement�.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE �NS[JRANCE, The follawing p�ovisians relating to insuring the Property are a parf af this Deed af
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Maintenance af�nsuranc�. Trus�vr shall procur� and rr�aintain poli�ies af�ire insurance with standar� extended
<br /> co�erage endorsements on a fair �a�ue basis for #he full insurab�e val�e c��ering all �mpro�ements �n �he Real
<br />. .n.w� .... .. tavvv��ti�»»tiyti�iLt.»>y»>ti���y��ti.............'______....""""""""............
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