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Page 3 of 4 <br />LIMITATION ON AGENT'S AUTHORITY <br />Except as otherwise authorized by the Power of Personal and Family Maintenance, an agent <br />MAY NOT use my property to benefit the agent or a person to whom the agent owes an <br />obligation of support. <br />SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (OPTIONAL) <br />2 015020/0 <br />Yo I ay give special instructions on the following lines. Put an X through <br />don't hav- = special instructions: <br />ction if you <br />EFFECTIVE DATE <br />This power of attorney is effective immediately unless I have stated otherwise in the Special <br />Instructions. <br />NOMINATION OF CONSERVATOR OR GUARDIAN (OPTIONAL) <br />If it becomes necessary for a court to appoint a conservator or guardian, I nominate the following <br />person(s) for appointment: pi-clarA Name of Nominee for conservator or guardian: <br />Nominee's Address: .2S Zo os, r t d <br />�-6 68s3a <br />Nominee's Telephone Number. 3 Og ° 3 77- /35.2 <br />Form Provided by Legal Aid of Nebraska <br />1904 Femur' St., Omaha NE 68102 <br />1 -888- 991 -9921 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />tra <br />Access <br />f:] .1UST■CE <br />