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E • ( 1 ; - , <br />a_s; <br />U <br />F <br />m = fl n <br />Y <br />m <br />ni <br />n z x <br />ni <br />x_ <br />/+ <br />r\, <br />KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That, Whereas, In an action in the <br />District Court of Hall County, Nebraska, wherein HUSKER PARTNERS is Plaintiff and <br />ROBERT S. ROMAN, FRANK S. ROMAN, THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />NEBRASKA, acting by and thru its Community Development Agency for Rehabilitation, <br />ADAIR ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC, STATE OF NEBRASKA, JOHN DOE AND <br />MARY DOE; and all other persons /entities UNKNOWN claiming any right, interest or <br />title in Lot Seven (7), Block Four (4), in Evans Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska are Defendants, a decree was rendered finding that there is due and <br />owing to HUSKER PARTNERS the sum of FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED <br />FORTY -NINE DOLLARS AND SIXTY -FOUR CENTS ($5,449.64), plus interest in the <br />amount of THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED THIRTEEN DOLLARS AND <br />SEVENTY -ONE CENTS ($3,413.71) together with Plaintiff's attorney's fee in the <br />amount of NINE HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS AND FORTY -ONE CENTS <br />($930.41), and is a first lien, and costs of suit taxed at FOUR HUNDRED FOURTY <br />DOLLARS AND SEVENTY -TWO CENTS ($440.72), and, whereas, it was then and <br />there further ordered in the said action that in default of the payment of the sum so found <br />due by the said Defendants that JERRY WATSON, Sheriff of said County of Hall, <br />should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be advertised and sold <br />according to law to pay the same, and, whereas, default having been made therein, the <br />said JERRY WATSON, Sheriff, under and by virtue of the said decree and the order of <br />sale to him duly directed, did on the 11 ` day of February, 2015 at the Hall County <br />Courthouse in the city of Grand Island in said County of Hall, having first given due and <br />legal notice of the time and place of sale once per week for four consecutive weeks prior <br />thereto in the Grand Island Independent, a newspaper printed and in general circulation <br />is said County of Hall, sell said premises at public auction to William Ziller for the sum <br />of TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($12,000.00) less sheriff <br />fees and advertising, which sale was afterward on the 19 day of March, 2015 examined <br />and confirmed and the said JERRY WATSON as such Sheriff ordered to convey said <br />premises in fee simple to William Ziller. <br />SHERIFF'S DEED — UNDER FORECLOSURE OF CERTIFICATE OF TAX SALE L o <br />CASE NO. CI 12 -638 <br />m <br />rrl <br />m <br />Cr) <br />C/) <br />--1 <br />m <br />0 <br />