<br /> Transfer af the Pr�perty ar.�Benef�c�al Interes�in Borr��ver. �f a11�r any par��f�he Proper�y ar any interes�
<br /> in �� �s sold or transferred �or if a benefcial interes� in �orr�wer �s so�d or transferred and Barr�v�er is n�� a
<br /> natural erson} with�ut Lend�r's �rior writ�en consent, Lender �ay, at �ts op�ion, requlre �mmedia�e paymen� in
<br /> �
<br /> ful� �f aIl sums se�ured by �his Securit� �nstrument. Hawever, �his opt��n shall not be exercised by Lender if
<br /> �xer�is�is pr�hibited by federa��aw as of the date of�his Security�nstrumen�.
<br /> f Lender e�.erGises �his o �i�n Lender shall give Borrawer �otice of accelerati�n. The n���ce shall pra�r�de a
<br /> I � �
<br /> p
<br /> eriod of n�� less �han the minimum number of days established by Applicable Law from the da�e the nofiice �s
<br /> deliv�red or mailed ���hin wh�ch B�rrovver must pay aI� sums secured by �his Security �nstrumen�. �f Borr�v�er
<br /> fai�s �o pay �hese sums pri�r to the expira�ion af this period, Lender may in�oke any remedies permitted by �h�s
<br /> Se�uri�ty�nstrument v�r��h�ou�further notice�r demand fln Borrov�er.
<br /> B�rrower's Ri ht t❑ R�ins�ate. �f Borr��er mee�s certain c�nditions, Borrov�er shal� have the r�ght �a have
<br /> g
<br /> enfflr�ement af this Security �ns�rument dis��ntinued a�any t�me prior�o the earlier af: �a} 5 days �or suCh o�her
<br /> p
<br /> eriad a�AppliGable Law may spe�ify far reins�a�enlent�befflre sale of the Proper�pursuant�o any power�f sale
<br /> �an�ained �n this Securi�y �nstrumen�; �r �b� entry �f a judgment enforGYng th�s�Secur��ty �nstrumen�. Thos�
<br /> condi�i�ns are th.a� I3orrower: �a� pays Lend�r a1� sums which then w�uld b� due ur�der this Security �nstrumen�
<br /> anc�the C�ntract as if no acce�lerati�n had o�curred;[b)cures any default�f any�ther c��enant��r agreemen�s;�c}
<br /> pays a11 expenses incurred in enfarc�ng th�s Security Instrumen�,inc�uding,bu�nnt limited�n,reasanab�e at�orneys'
<br /> fees�a th� extent permit�ed b��aw; and�d}�akes such acti�n as Lender may reasonably requ�re�o assur�t�a��he
<br /> ���n of this Secu�ity�ns�rumen�,Le�nder's righ�s in the Property and B�rrov�er's obliga�ion to pay�he sums secured
<br /> by this Security �n�trument shall con�inue unchanged. Upon reins�atement by Borrower, this Secur�fiy �nstrument
<br /> and the obliga�inns secured here}�y shal� rema�n ful�y effective as if no acce�era�i�n had occurred. �Iowever, this
<br /> r�ght�o reins�a�e sha1�not app�y in the case of accelera�ion under the sec���n ti�led Transfer�f thQ Property or a
<br /> Beneficia�In�erest in Borr�vver. .
<br /> Hazard�us Substances.B�r�ower sha�1 not cause ar permi��he presence,use, dispasa�, starage, or re�ease�f any
<br /> Ha�ardous Substances on or�n the Propert�.Borrovver sha��not do,nor al��vv anyone else t�do,anything affectxng
<br /> the Proper�y that is �n �iala�ian of any Environmen�al Law. The preceding �o sen�ences shall no� apply to the
<br /> presence,use,_�r s�arage an the Proper�y of small quantities of Hazardous Subs�ances�hat ar�generally rec�gni2ed
<br /> �o be appropr�a�e�a norrr�al residentia�uses and�a ma�n�enance of�he Proper�y.
<br /> Borrower shall r�m ��y gi�e Lender written noti�e of any�n�estigativri,c�aim,demand, lav�su�t�r o�her ac�ion by
<br /> p �
<br /> any g��ernmental or regu�a�ary agency �r pri�ate par�y in�olv�ng the Proper�y and any Hazard�us Subs�ance �r
<br /> Environmenta� La�v af �vhi�h Barr�wer� has actual knowledge. If Barrovv�r learn�, ar is notified by an�
<br /> governmen�al or regulatory a�thflri�y,�hat any remova�ar ather remed�ati�n�f any Hazardous Substance affec�ing
<br /> the Proper�y is necessary, Borrawer shall promptly take all necessary remedial ac��ons �n a�cordance w�th
<br /> En��ranmental L��.
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "�Cazardous Subs�ances" ar�those subs�ances def�ned as toxic or ha2ardtaus subs�an�es
<br /> by En�xr�nmen�al Lavv and �he fo��owing subs�ances: gaso�ine, kerosene, flther f�ammab�e or t�xic pe�r��eum
<br /> praduc�s, taxzc pest�cides and herbicides, �fllati�e s�lven�s, ma�erials can�aln�ng asbestos �r forn�aldehyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive ma�erials.As used�n this paragraph, "En��r�nmental Law"means federal�a�s and�a�ws of�he sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska�hat relate to health,safe�y or en�ironmental pr��ection.
<br /> Acceleration; Remedies. L�nder shali gi�e not�c� ta Borrower pr�or tfl acceiera�i�n fol�nwing I3�rrower's
<br /> hreach of any co�enant or agreement�n this Secur�ty Instrument vr the Cantract und�r which accel�rat�an
<br /> is permitted (but not prior to acc�ierat�on under the sectian t�tled Transfer❑f the Prope�-�y or a Beneficial
<br /> Interest in Borrower, unie�s App�icable Law pro�ides �tlh�rw�se�. The notice shall spec�fy: �a� �he �efault;
<br /> �b} th� actian r�quir�d ta cure the defau�t; �c� a date, IIUt ��55 than #he minimum number �f days
<br /> established by Applicable Law fr�m the date th�notice��gi�en tu B�rrovr�er,by which the default must be
<br /> cured; and �d} that fa�lur� tv cure the defaui� an ar hefare �he date specif�ed in th� notice may result in
<br /> acceleration of the su�s �ecured h� this Security Instrun�ent and sale nf the Prnp�rty. Ta the extent
<br /> permit��d by iaw,the notice shat� further inform B�rrowQr �f the right to reinsta�e after a�celera�ian and
<br /> the righ�to bring a court a�tian to assQrt�h�nan-�xistence of a default�r any�ther defense of Borrvwer to
<br /> a�cel�rat��n and sale. If th� defau�t is n�t cured on ar befor�th� date spec�fied in the nat�ce, Lender at it�
<br /> option �ay r�quire immediat� payment in full nf ail sums secured hy this Security Instrument �vithout
<br /> further demand and may in�oke the power of���e and an� other remedies permitted by Applicahle I�aw.
<br /> T� the ex�ent permitted by law, Lender �hall b� �r�tit��d t� caZiQ�t a�� �xpens�s incurred in pursuing th�
<br /> remed�e5 prov�ded in #h�� �ection, �nc�uding, but nnt limited t�, reasonabi�attorneys' fees and cv5ts af title
<br /> e�idence.
<br /> If the power of sa�� is invoked,Trustee sha�i rec�rd a notic�nf default�n each county in whi�h any part of
<br /> the Property�s lo�ated an�shall mai�cop�Q�of such not�ce �n the manner prescribed by App�icahle Law tn
<br /> Borrawer and to the �ther persons pr�scribed by App��cabie I1aw. After the �ime required by Appiicable
<br /> Lavv, Trustee �hall give pubiic r�ot�ce of sa�e to �he pers�ns and in the manner prescrxbed by Appiicahle
<br /> Law. Trustee,withou���mand on I3nrrower,�ha�l sell the Prnperty �t public auc��vn to the highe�t b�dder
<br /> at the time and place and�nder the terms designated in the natice of sale�n one or m�re parcels and in any
<br /> order Trus�ee determinesa Trustee m�y p�s�pon� sa�e of ali or any parce� of the Prnperty by puh�ic
<br /> announcement at the��me and p�ace of any previously scheduled sale.Lender or�ts designee may pur�hase
<br /> the Praperty at any saxe.
<br /> iTpon receipt ❑f payment�rf the price bid, Trustee shal� deii�er ta the purchas�r Trustee�s dQed �onveying
<br /> the Pro�erty. The.recitais in the Trustee's deed 5ha�� be pr�ma f�ci�e�idence of the truth of the statements
<br /> 0 2404-2b 14 Comp�iance Systerns,Inc.FD60-d I3F-20I3L2.14.1.$95
<br /> Consurner ReaI Estate-Security Instrurrient DL2036 Page 4 0#'S www.complian�esystems.cam
<br />