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Seventh Subdivision and its extension, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty - <br />Seven and Eighty -Two Hundredths (367.82) feet, to the southwest corner of <br />Lot Twenty -Six (26), Copper Creek Estates Seventh Subdivision; thence <br />running S68 °52'20 "E, on the southwesterly line of Lot Twenty -Six (26), <br />Copper Creek Estates Seventh Subdivision, a distance of Ninety and Fifty - <br />Two Hundredths (90.52) feet, to the southwest corner of Lot Twenty -Seven <br />(27), Copper Creek Estates Seventh Subdivision; thence running <br />S89 °42'01 "E, on the south line of Lots Twenty -Seven (27), Twenty -Eight <br />(28), Twenty -Nine (29) and Thirty (30), Copper Creek Estates Seventh <br />Subdivision, a distance of Three Hundred Forty -One and Thirty -Seven <br />Hundredths (341.37) feet, to the southeast corner of Lot Thirty (30), Copper <br />Creek Estates Seventh Subdivision, and to a point on the west line of Lot <br />Ninety -Four (94), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision; thence running <br />S00 °37'21 "W on the west line of Lots Ninety -Four (94), Ninety Five (95), <br />Ninety -Six (96) and Ninety -Seven (97), Copper Creek Estates Subdivision, <br />and its extension, a distance of Four Hundred Nine and Sixty -One <br />Hundredths (409.61) feet; thence running N89 °42'40 "W, a distance of One <br />Hundred and Thirty- Hundredths (100.30) feet; thence runningN63 °15'35 "W, <br />a distance of Five Hundred Seventy -Six and Twenty -Six Hundredths (576.26) <br />feet; thence running S26 °44'25 "W, a distance of Thirty -Four and Thirty - <br />Seven (34.37) feet, to a point of curvature; thence running southwesterly on <br />the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is Two Hundred Forty (240.00) <br />feet, the long chord of which bears S13 °41'27 "W, a long chord distance of <br />One Hundred Eight and Thirty -Eight Hundredths (108.38) feet (an arc <br />distance of One Hundred Nine and Thirty -Two Hundredths (109.32) feet); <br />thence running N89°2 1' 31 "W, a distance of Sixty (60.00) feet, to a point on a <br />curve; thence running northeasterly on the arc of a curve to the right whose <br />radius is Three Hundred (300.00) feet, the long chord of which bears <br />NO2 °31' 10 "E, a long chord distance of Nineteen and Sixty -Six Hundredths <br />(19.66) feet (an arc distance ofNineteen and Sixty -Seven Hundredths (19.67) <br />feet); thence running N89 °42'39 "W, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty and <br />Thirty -Two Hundredths (360.32) feet, to a point on the west line of said <br />Northwest Quarter (NW' /4); thence running N00 °19'24 "E, on the west line of <br />said Northwest Quarter (NW' /4), a distance of Four Hundred Five and Thirty- <br />Nine Hundredths (405.39) feet, to the southwest corner of M and M <br />Subdivision; thence running S89° 10' 14 "E, on the south line of M and M <br />Subdivision, a distance of Three Hundred Eighty -Six and Fifty -Two <br />Hundredths (386.52) feet, to the southeast corner of M and M Subdivision; <br />thence running N00 °12'04 "W, on the east line of M and M Subdivision, a <br />distance of Six Hundred Fifty -Seven and Fifty Hundredths (657.50) feet, to a <br />point on the north line of said Northwest Quarter (NW' /4); thence running <br />S89°42 ' 01 "E, on the north line of said Northwest Quarter (NW' /4), a distance <br />of Two Hundred Sixty -Five (265.00) feet; thence running S00 °12'09 "E, a <br />2 <br />20150198€ <br />
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