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i <br />i <br />S89.51Y38'E <br />2,824.91' <br />�— I T <br />ABBOTT ROAD <br />2 g DEDICATE FOR] <br />wit RENT OF WAY <br />zz gg�e ia <br />t7it <br />i44/t4 W <br />LOT1 <br />§qtiw 1.794ACRES± <br />" <br />O - INDICATES 12' IRON PIPE WITH PLASTIC <br />CAP PLACED. CAP IS STAMPED'. S 55T. <br />239.96 <br />sertra9'W <br />NOTE: ALL PROPERTY DIMENSIONS AND/OR BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ACTUAL <br />DISTANCES AND/OR BEARINGS <br />BEARINGS SHOWN ARE BASED ON GPS POSITIONING. <br />.SECTION UNE <br />ABBOTT ROAD <br />i <br />32 - <br />I <br />12 - 12 <br />AIRPORT ROAD <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A tract of land comprising a pod of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N1 /2 NEI /4) of Seaton Thirty Two (32), <br />Township Twelve (12) North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described <br />as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the north line of said North Half of the Northeast Quarter (NI /2 NEt /4), said pain! being Nine <br />Hundred Eighty Four and Nineteen Hundredths (984.19) fed east of the northwest corner of sold North Hoff of the <br />Northeast Quarter (141/2 NE1 /4); thence S69'50'36T along and upon the north line of sold North Half of the Northeast <br />Quarter (141/2 NE1/4), a distance of Two Hundred Twenty Two and Seventy Nine Hundredths. (22279) feet; thence <br />300'04'57"W, a distance of Three Hundred Seventy Four and Slidy Six Hundredths (374.66) feel, thence S89'17'491W, a <br />distance of Two Hundred Thirty fine and Ninety Eight Hundredths (239.98) feet; thence NO2'40'551; a distance of Three <br />Hundred Seventy Eight and Sixty Two Hundredths (378.82) feel to the point of beginning and containing 1.999 acres, <br />more or Hen. <br />SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE <br />I hereby certify that on Match . ?' - 2015. I completed an accurate survey (made under my supervision) <br />of 'MEYER ACRES SUBDIVISION', Hall County, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat thereof; that the lots, blocks. <br />streets, avenues, alleys, parks, commons, and other grounds as contained In said subdivision as shown an the accompanying <br />plat thereof, are welt and accurately staked off and marked; that iron markers were placed at all corners as shown on the <br />plat; that each tot bears Rs own number; and that said survey was made with reference to known and recorded monuments. <br />DEDICATION <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Shane M. Nelson and Ashli Nelson, husband and wife. being the owners of <br />the land described hereon, have caused same to be subdivided, platted and designated as MEYER ACRES SUBDIVISION', Hall <br />County, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plot thereof, and do hereby dedicate the road as shown thereon, to the <br />public for their use forever, and the easements, if any, for the location construction and maintenance of public service <br />utilities forever, together with the right of Ingress and egress thereto, and hereby prohibiting the planting of trees, bushes <br />and shrubs, or placing other obstructions upon, over, along or underneath the surface of such easements, and that the <br />foregoing subdivision as more particularly described in The description hereon as appears on this plot. Is made with the free <br />consent and In accordance with the desires of the undersigned owners and proprietors. <br />�SS WHEROW we have affi xed our signatures hers of & rind 2S/wnd <br />lhts_ ay of asst , 2015. <br />Moto <br />Shane M. Nelson <br />Approved and accepted by the Halt County Board of Supervisors, uis /Ddoy of <br />Chairmilri of the Boa <br />MEYER ACRES SUBDIVISION <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />BENJAMIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. - ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS - GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />State of Nebraska <br />55 <br />County of Halt <br />On lte day of G A 2015. before me Mt „ Aly &/ a?t /434 r7 • <br />a Notary Public within and for sold County, personally appeared Shone M. Nelson and Ashil Nelson, husband and wife, to me <br />personally known to be the Identical persons whose signatures are affixed hereto, and they did acknowledge the execution <br />thereof to be his and her voluntary act and deed. Ty <br />M WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal alOYf rid <br />Nebraska, an the date last above written. <br />My commission expires_MAy_14 2.0161 <br />Jk tin <br />Ashll Nelson <br />APPROVALS . <br />Submitted to and approved by the Regional Planning Commission of Hall County, Grand Island and Wood River, and the <br />Villages of Akio, Cairo. j nd Donlphan, Nebraska. , <br />4 _ pd14 y Bois <br />rrrnan Dare <br />(SEAL) <br />u.LR <br />Nebraska, <br />2015. <br />SHEET 1 Of 1 <br />