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��15�1951 <br /> Transfer of the Praperty�r a Ben��c�a�Interest in B�rrc�wer.If al�or any par�of�he Pr�per�y or any intierest <br /> in i� is sold or �ransferred �or if a b�nef cial interest in Borrflwer is sald or transferred and Bflrrower xs not a <br /> na�ural person� wi�haut Lender's prior v�rri�ten consent, Lender may, at i�s op�ion, require immedia�e payment in <br /> full of a11 sums se�ured by this Securi�y Instrumen�. However, �his op�ion shali no� b� exercised by Lender if <br /> exercis�is proh��i�ed�y fed�ral Iav�as of the da�e�f�his Secur��y�ns�rumen�. <br /> �f Lender exercises th�s op�ion, Lender shai� give Barrawer na�ice of acceleration. The na��c� shal� prov�de a <br /> period of no� less �han the minimum number af days estab�ished by Applicab�e Law from the date the notice is <br /> deiiver�d or mailed vvi�hin which Barr�wer mus� pay aIl sums secured by �his Se�urity Instrument. �f Borrovver <br /> fails t� pay�hes� sums prior �o the expira�ion of this period, Lender may invake any remedies permitted by th�s <br /> Securi�y Ins�rument wi�hou�fur�her no�ice or demand on Borrovver. <br /> Borr�wer's Right to Re�nstate. If Borrower meets cer�a�n cond��ions, Borrower shall have �he right �o hav� <br /> enforcemen��f�his Secur��y Ins�rumen� d�scantinued a� any time prior�a the earlier of: �a� 5 days �or such ather <br /> period as Appli�able Law may spec�fy for r�instat�ment}befflre sale of the Property pursuant�o any power af sa�� <br /> �onta�ned in �his Security Instrumen�; �r �b} �ntr�y af a �udgmen� enforcing �his Security Instrumen�. Those <br /> �ondit�ons are tha�Borrower: �a} pays L�nder all sums which �hen would be du� under tih�s Security Instrumen� <br /> and the��ntrac�as�f no acce�eration had accurred;�b}cur�s any default�f any o�h�r cavenan�s or agr�emen�s; �c} <br /> pays a�l�xpenses incurred in enforc�n�this Secu.rity Ins�rumen�,including,but no�limi�ed�a,r�asona�ble at�orneys' <br /> fees �a �he ex�ent permi�ted by Iaw; and�d} takes such ac�ion as Lender may reas�nably require�� assure�ha�tihe <br /> l�en of�his S�curity Ins�rumen�, Lender's rights in�he Properfiy and Borr�vver's ablzga�ian to pay�he sums secured <br /> by�his S�cur�ty rnstrumen� shal� corit�riue unchanged. Upon reinstatem�nt�y B�rrower, �his Se�urity Ins�rument <br /> and the o�liga�ions se�ur�d hereby shall remain fu11y effective as if�.o ac��I�ration had accurred. H�wevery �hxs <br /> righ��a reins�a�e sha11 no�apply�n the case af acceleration under the sec�i�n�it�ed Transfer�f the Praperty or a <br /> Benef�c�a�Interest in B�rrovver. <br /> Hazard�us Substances.Borrfltiver sha11 not cause or permi��he presence,use,d�sposai, storage, or release of any <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Properry.B�rr�wer sha�l no�da,nor al�o�v anyon�else�o do,any�hing affec�ing <br /> the Praperty tha� is �n violat�on of any Environmen�al LaW. Th� prec�din� �wa sent�nces sha�l no� apply ta �he <br /> presence,use,or starage on�h�Pr�perry of smal�quanti�ies af Hazard�us Substances that are generaily rec�gniz�d <br /> to be apprapria�e�o n�rmal residen�ial uses and to maintenance of��.e Prap�rty. <br /> Borrower sha�l prampt�y give Lender wr��ten notice of any zn�es�iga�ion,claim,demand, lawsui�or other a��ion b� <br /> any governmental or regu�atary agency ar pri�a�e party involv�ng ��ae Prop�rty and any Hazardous Subs�ance or <br /> En�ironmental Lav�r af wh�ch Borrower has actual kxa.ow�edge. If Borrov�er Iearns, ar is no��fied by any <br /> governmental�r regula��ry au�hority,that an�remo�al or o�her remediat��n of any Hazardous Su�b��ance affecting <br /> the Property is necessary, Borrower shal� pr�mp�ly �ake all n�cessary remedial actzons �n accordance vv��h <br /> Env�ronmen�a�Law. <br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardaus Substances" are�hvse substances def�ned as toxic or hazardaus subs�ances <br /> by Environmen�a� Law and the followin� subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, o�her flammah�e flr toxic pe�roleum <br /> products, �oxic pestic�des and herbi�ide�, valatile solven��, xnat�ria�s �on�aining asbestos or formaldehyd�, and <br /> rad�oactiv�ma�erials. As used in this paragraph, "Environmental Law"means federa� �aws and laws of�he stat��f <br /> Nebraska that relate to health,safe�y or environmenta�pratection. <br /> Accelerat�an; RemediQs. Lender sha�l give notice to B�rrawer prior to accel�ratian fol�owxng �orrower's <br /> hreach�f any cov�nant ar agreement in this Secur�ty Instrument or the Contract under which accelerat�on <br /> �5 per�nitted�but not pr�or t� acceleration under the section tit�ed TransfQr of the Property�r a Benef�cia� <br /> Int�rest in Sarrower, unless App�icable Lav�v pra�ides otherwise}. The notice sha�l specify: �a} the defaul�; <br /> [b} the action required to cure the defauit; (c} a date, not less than the m�inimum nu�rn�er af day5 <br /> established by Appiicable Lavv from the date the notice is g��en to Borrower,�y which the defau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d� that failure to cure the defau�t on or before the date �p�cified in the notice may result �n <br /> acceleration �f the sums se�ured by th�s Secur�ty Instru�ment and sa�e of the Property. To the extent <br /> permitt�d by Iaw, the notic� shali further infarm BorraYver of the righ�to reinstate after acceleration and <br /> the r�ght ta bring a c�urt acti4n t�assert the nan-exist�nce 4f a defau�t ar an�other defense af Borr�vver�n <br /> a�celeration and sale. If the defau�t x� nat cur�d an �r befor� the da�e specif�ed in the no��ce, Lender at��s <br /> aption may require �m�r�.ed�at� payment �n full of aIl sums secured by this Security Instrument vvithflut <br /> furth�r demand and may invoke the povver of sale and any other re�medies permxt�ed by Appiicab�e Law. <br /> To the e�tent perm�tted by law, Lender shall be entitled �v callect ali expense5 incurred in pursuxng the <br /> � remedies prav�ded in this Sect�on,Yncluding, but not lirnited tn, reasonable attarneys' fees and costs of title <br /> evidenc�. <br /> If�he pov��r of sal�is �n�aked,Trus�ee sha�1 recard a n�tice of defauYt in Qach�aunty in wh�ch any part of <br /> the Proper�y rs i�cated and shali ma��capies of such notice in the manner prescribec� by Applicable Law�o <br /> Borrower and to the oth�r persons prescribed by Applicab�e La�w. After the time required by Applicahle <br /> Lavv, TruStee shall give pub�.ic not�ce �f sale to the persons and �n the mann�r prescribed by Appl�.cable <br /> Law. Trustee,without demand on Borrawer, shall se�l the Praperty at pubYi� auct�on ta the highes�bidder <br /> at�he t�me and plac�and under the terms designated in the nntice of sale in ane ar mor�parcels and in any <br /> order Truste� determines. TrustQe may postpane sal� of a�� �r any parcel of the Pr�perty by pubxic <br /> annaun�ement at the time and place of any previously scheduxed�a�e.Lender or�t5 designee may purchas� <br /> �he Property at any sa�e. <br /> Up�n receipt of payment of the pr�ce bid, Trustee sha�l deliver ta the purchaser Truste�T� deed c�n�eying <br /> the Property. The rec�tals xn th�Trust�e's deed ShalY h�pr��ma facie evidence of the truth of the statements <br /> 0 2Q�4-2fl I4 Compliance Systems,Ir�c.�95$-FC60-2�13L�.3.I.843 <br /> C4n5um�r Rea!ESfate-Security Instrument DL2036 Page 4 af 5 <br />