<br /> 2'�. Haza�dousSu�stances.As used in�his Section��: �a} "�aza�c�ou.s�►Sul�.�tdnce.�"are thase substances
<br /> d�fined as tox�c or ha�ardous substa.nces,pol�uta.nts,or wast�s by En�ironmen�al Law and the follow�ng
<br /> sub�tances: ga.soline,kerosene,ather flammable or toxic petroleum products,t�xic pe�ticides and herbicide�,
<br /> �olatil�solvents, materials canta.in�ng asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials; (b�
<br /> "Ercviro�►nental Law"mean.s federal laws and�aws a�'the�urisdiction where the Pro�erty is located that
<br /> re�ate to hea�th, saf�ty�r en�ironmental protection; (c} "�nvi�o��e�tal Crear�u�"�nc�udes any response
<br /> action, remedial action, or removal actian, as de�ned in Environmental Law; and�d)an "�r�vi�o�t�ne�tal
<br /> C'orcc�itia�t"means a condition that can cause, cantribute to, or atherwise trigger an Env�ronmental��eanup.
<br /> Borrotiver shal�not cause or permit the presence,use,di�p�sal, storage,�r release of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances,or�hreaten to release any Hazardous S�bsta.nces,on or in the Praperty. Borrawer shail not do,
<br /> nor a��o�r anyone else to do,anything affe�t�r�.g the Property(a}that is in�ialation of any Env�ronmenta�
<br /> Law, (b}which creates an Environmenta.l Cond�ti�n,or(c)which, due to the presence,use,or release of a
<br /> Ha�ardous Substance,creates a condition that ad�ers�ly affects the value of the Property. The preceding twa
<br /> sen�en�es sha11 not apply to the presence,use,or st�rage nn the Propexty af smal�quanti�ies of Hazardous
<br /> 5ubsta.nces that are generally recagn.ized�o be appropriate to n�rmal residentia�uses and to maintenance of
<br /> the Pro�erty(inc�uding,but not limited�o,ha�ardous substan�es in consumer products�,
<br /> Borrower shali pr�mptly�i�e Lender writt�n notice of(a}any in�estigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or other
<br /> action by any governmen�a.1 or reguiatary agenc}�or private party invol�ing the Property and any Hazardous
<br /> Substance or Environmental Law of�uhich Borrower has actuai kno�vlec�ge, (b)any Environmental
<br /> �ondition, including but not limited t�,any spi�ling, 1eak�ng,d�scharg�,release or threat of re�ease af any
<br /> Hazardous St�bstance,and�c}an�condition ca�sed by�he pr�sence,use or relea��af a Hazardous Substa.nce
<br /> which adversely affects the value of th�Proper�y. If Borrower learns,or is notif ed by an�govemmen�a.l or
<br /> regulatory author��y,or any private party,that any remowal or other remediat�on of any Hazardous Substance
<br /> affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower sha11 promptly take a11 necessary remedial actions in
<br /> accordance with En�uonYxlenta.�Law.Nothing herein sha11 create any�bligat�on an Lender for an
<br /> Environmen�a.i Cleanup.
<br /> Non-Un�form���ertants.Borrawer and Lender co�enant and agree as follaws:
<br /> 22. Acceleration;Remedies.Lender shall g��e notice t�B�rrower prior�ta acceleratiQn f��lawing
<br /> Borrower's breach of�ny co�enant or agreement�n this�ecurity Instrument�but not prior to
<br /> a�celera�tion under Section 18 unless App�icable La�v pro��d�s otherwise}.The notice shall specify: �a}
<br /> �he default; �b��he activa required to cure the default; �c}a date,no�less than 3U days from the date
<br /> the n��ice is g�ven ta�vrr�wer,by vrv�i�h the��fault must be cure�; and td�t�at fai�ure to cure the
<br /> default an or befare the�ate specified in the n�tice may resul#in aceeleratiQn of the sums secured by
<br /> this S�curity Instrument an+d sal��f the Prvp�rty.The notice shal�furthe�'inform Borrower af the
<br /> righ#to reinstate after acce�erati�n and th�righ�to brin�a cour�action�a a�sert the non-ex�sten�e of a
<br /> default�r an�other defense of�arrower�a accelerati�n and s��e.If the default is not cured on�r
<br /> befvre the date spe�ified in the nvtice,Lender at its�p#ian may require immediate payment xn full�f
<br /> al�sums secured by this Security Instrumen�without further demand and may�nvtike th�p�wer vf sale
<br /> and any�ther remedies permitted by Appli�able La�.Len�er shall be entitled tv�ollect all expen�es
<br /> �ncurred in pursuing the remedies pravided in this Sectivn�2,i�.cluding,but nvt�imited to,reasonab�e
<br /> attorneys'fees and costs af title eviden�e.
<br /> q�333�8f4G56 0�33 �81 1417
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ir�g�e Family-Fan�ie MaelFreddie Mac L1NIF�RM INSTRUNIE.NT VIfITH MERS Form 3428�1�1
<br /> VMP(�] VMPfiA[NE)�1342}.04
<br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Services Page"�4 n€1 T
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