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��15�1915 <br /> AII insurance po��ci�s required by Lender and renevwals of such po��czes shal�be sub�ect ta Lender's righ��o <br /> disappro��such policies, shai� inc�ude a standard m�r�gage�lause, and sha�l name Lender as mor�gagee <br /> andl�r as an additional loss paye�. Lender sha�l have�he right�o ho�d�he pol�c�es and rene�a�cer�if�cates. �f <br /> Lender requires, Barrov�rer shall promptly give to L�nder a�� receipts of paid premiums and r�n�wal no�ices. <br /> If Barrovver�b�a�ns any form�f insurance co�erage, no�othervvise required by L.�nder, for damage to, ar <br /> destruction of, the Proper�y, such poli��shall �nclud�a s�andard mar�gage c�aus�and shal�name Lender as <br /> mor�gagee andlor as an add�tional los�payee. <br /> In�he e�en��f�oss, Borrow�r shali give promp�no�ice�o th��nsuran�e carrier and I,ender. Lender nr�ay <br /> make pro�f of�ass �f na�made promp��y by Borrow�r. Unless I,ender and Borrovver��herwise agree in <br /> writ�ng, an� insurance proce�ds, whether or not�he underl�ing insurance was requ�red by Lender, shall be <br /> applied�o restoration or repair nf�he Proper��, if the r�storatian or repair is econom�ca�ly f�as�ble and <br /> Lender's se�urity is no�lessened. During su�h r�pair and r�s�oration period, Lender sha��ha�e�he r�gh��o <br /> ho�d such insurance proceeds unt�i Lender has had an appar�un�ty to insp�c�such Proper�y ta en�ure the <br /> wnrk has been c�mpleted�a Lender's �a�isfact�on, pra�ided tha� such inspect�on shal�be under�ak�n <br /> promp�iy. L.�nder may disburse pro�eeds for the repa�rs and res�oration in a singl�payn�ent or�n a ser�es of <br /> progress payments as the w�rk is comple�ed. Un�ess an agr�ement�s rnade�n vvriting or Appl�cab�e La�v <br /> requ�res interest�o be paid on such �nsuranGe proceeds, Lender sha�l no��e r�quired to pa� Borrow�r any <br /> �n�eres�or earnings on such pro�eeds. F�es for publ�c adjus�ers, ar oth�r third parties, re�ained by Barrov�rer <br /> sha��no�be pa�d�u�of the�nsurance praceeds and shall be the so�e ab��gati�n of Borrower. �f the restora��on <br /> �r repair�s not e�onom�cally feasible or Le�der's security wou�d be lessened, �h�insuranc�proce�ds sha�I be <br /> appl�ed to�he sums secured�y th�s Se�urity �nstrumen�, whether or no��hen due, vv�th�he exc�ss, if any, <br /> pa�d to Borrower. Such �nsurance proceeds shali be app�ied in the order provided far xn Secti�n�. <br /> If Borrower aband�ns the Prop�rt�, Lend�r ma� �le, negotia�e and settle any a�ailable�nsurance��a�m and <br /> related mat�ers. �f Barr�wer daes n�t respond�nr��h�n 3�da�s�o a natice from�.Lender that the insurance <br /> carr��r has off�red�o settle a c�axm, then L.�:nder may neg�tiate and se�tle the cla�m. The 3�-da�per�ad wiil <br /> begin when�he notice is given. �n either e��nt, or�f Lend�r acquires the Property under Sec�ion 22�r <br /> �therwise, Borravver here�y assigns to Lender�a}Borrower's rights to an� insuran�e proceeds in an amount <br /> nnt to exceed�he amounts unpaid under the Note or this Securi�y �nstrumen�, and �b} any o�h�r of <br /> Bflrrawer's r�gh�s �other than�he right to any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrav�rer} und�r a11 <br /> insurance pfl�i�ies c��ering the Proper�y, in�ofar as such rights are app�icable to the coverage�f the <br /> Property. Lender ma�use the insurance proc�eds either�a r�pair or res�ore the Propert�r or to pa�r amounts <br /> unpa�d under�he Note or th�s Securi�y Ins�rumen�, �vhe�her or not then due. <br /> �. �ccupancy. Borrower sha��occupy, establish, and use th� Proper�y as Barrower's pr�nc�pal residence <br /> within 6�days after th��xecution of th�s Securi�y �nstrument and shai�con�inue t�occupy�he Proper�y as <br /> Borr��er's princ�pal res�d�nce far at lea�t nne year af��r�he da�e of occupanc�r, un�ess Lender athe�-�vxse <br /> a�rees in writing, whi�h cansent shall not�e unreasona��y withheid, or unless extenuat�ng circumstances <br /> exis�whx�h are beyond Borrower's contrai. <br /> 7. Preser�ation, Maintenance and Protection of the P�operty; [nspections. Borr�wer sha�l not des�ray, <br /> damage�r impa�r the Proper�y, allow the Propert�r�o de�er�arate or comm�i.t waste an the Proper��. Whe�her <br /> or na�Barrower is residing in the Prop�r�y, Borrower shall main�ain the Propert� in order to pre��nt�he <br /> Proper�y from deter�ora�ing�r de�reasing �n�ralu�due to i�s condition. Unless i�is determ�ned pursuant�o <br /> Sect�on 5 �hat repair or res�oratifln is n�t econamuca��� feasibie, Borrav�rer sha��pr�mp�ly repair the Pr�pert� <br /> �f damage��a a�oid fur�her det�rioration flr damage. �f�nsurance or condemna��on proceeds are paid in <br /> cann�ction with damage to, ar�he�akin�of, the Proper�y, Borrov�rer shali be responsib��for repairing or <br /> res�oring the Proper�y on�y if Lender has re��ased praceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse pr�ceeds <br /> NEBRASKA-Singie Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNi�DRM 1N5TRUM�NT Farm 3�28 1101 <br /> VMP[�] VMP6�NEy�13�Z� <br /> Wo�ters Kluwer Financial Ser�i�es Page 7 of 3 7 <br />