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��15�1915 <br /> B�RR��I'ER�4'�ENANTS tha� Borr�wer�s �avvfu��y seis�d of th�es�a�e hereby can�e�red and has�he r�ght to <br /> grant and Canv�y th�Property and that�he Prop�rty �s unencumbered, �xcep� far encumbran�es�f r�cord. <br /> B�rrower warrants and wi�i d�fend genera����he t�tle ta �h�Property agains� all cla�ms and demands, subje�t to <br /> any encumbran��s af record. <br /> TH�S SECI�R�TY �NSTRUMENT c�mbines uniform covenants for national use and n�n-unif�rm c�venants �vith <br /> limited�ar�at�flns by�urisdiction ta c�nstitute a uniform se�urity �nstrument Cover�ng real prflperty. <br /> Uniform Cvvenant�, Borr�vver and Lender co�enan� and agree as fo��ows: <br /> 1. Payment �f Principai, Interest, Es�raw Ntems, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> shal� pay vvhen du�the principal af, and int�r�st on, the debt evidenCed�y the Note and any prepayment <br /> charges and late charges due under�he Nnt�. Bflrr�wer shal� a�so pay funds for Escrow ��ems pursuan�ta <br /> �ectinn 3. Paymen�s due under the No�e and th�s Security Instrum�nt sha11 be made�n U.S. �urrency. <br /> However, if any ch�ck or other�ns�rument recei�ed by Lender as paym�nt under the Not�or thzs Security <br /> �nstrumen� �s returned to Lender unpa�d, Lender may requ�re�hat any�r ali subsequ�nt paymer��s due und�r <br /> �he N�t�and�h�s Secur�ty �nstrument b�made in ane or more af the fal�ow�ng f�r�ms, as se�e�ted by Lend�r: <br /> �a��ash; �b} mon�y ord�r; �c}cer��fied cheCk, bank check, treasurer's check flr cashi�r's che�k, prov�ded any <br /> su�h check�s drawn upon an�nsti�u��on whose dep�sits are insured by a federai agency, instrum�ntality, �r <br /> enti�y; ar�d} E�e�troni� Funds Transf�r. <br /> Pa�ments are deemed reCeived by L�nder when recei�ed at the�oCat�nn des�gna��d �n the N�te or at su�h <br /> o�her location as may be designated by Lender in accordance with�he notice pra�isi�ns in Se�t��n �5. <br /> Lender may return any payment flr par��aX paymen�if th�paymen�or partial payments are insuff�cient�o <br /> br�ng the Loan curren�. L�nder may acc�pt any pa�ment or partial payment �nsufficient to bring the Loan <br /> current, without wa�ver of any rights h�reunder or pr�jud�ce to its r�ghts to refuse such pa�ment ar par�ial <br /> payments in the future, �ut Lender is not obligated�a app�y such payments a��he time such payments are <br /> acc�pted. �f each Per�odic Pay�men� is app��ed as of�ts scheduied due da�e, then Lender need not pay interest <br /> on unapp�i�d funds. Lender may ho�d such unapp��ed funds un�il Bo�rower m��es pay�nen�s ta br�ng�he <br /> Loan current. �f Barra�ver d�es nat do �a wi�hin a reasnnab�e peri�d of�ime, Lender sha�l ei�her apply such <br /> funds or return them to B�rrawer. If nat applied ear�i�r, such funds vvi�� be app��ed to th�outstandir�g <br /> principa� balance under the No�e�mmediately pr�or ta foreclosur�. N'o offset or c�a�m which Barrower might <br /> have n�w or in the fu�ure against L�nder sha11 r�lieve Borrawer frorn making payments du�und�r�he Note <br /> and thzs S��uri�� Instrumen�or perform�ng the cavenants and agreements secured by �hi�Se�urity <br /> �nstrumen�. <br /> �. Appl�cation of Payments �r Praceeds. E��ept as otherw�s�des�r�b�d xn�h�s Sec�ion 2, aI�payments <br /> a���p�ed and appli�d�y Lender sha�� be app�ied in the fol�owing flrder af priarity: �a} �nteres�due under�he <br /> Nat�; �b}principal du�under the Note; �c} amounts due under Secti�n 3. Such payn�ents sha�l be app���d to <br /> each P�r�adic Payment in th�order in wh��h i�became due. Any remaining am�unts shall be app�zed�r�t ta <br /> �ate charges, secnnd�� any other amounts due under�his Security Ins�rumen�, and th�n to reduce the <br /> principal balance�f�he Na�e. <br /> �f Lender r���i�es a payment fram Borrower fnr a delinquent Periodic Payment which inc�ud�s a suff�c�ent <br /> amnunt ta pay any�a�e charge due, the payment may b�applied�a the delinquent payment and�he la�e <br /> charge. �f m�re than one P�riadic Payment i�outstand�ng, Lender may apply any pa�ment recei�ed fram <br /> Borrower ta the repayment of the Periodi� Pa�ments if, and to the e�ten�tha�, each paym�n�can be paid in <br /> full, To the e�ten�that any exc�ss�xis�s after th�payment is applied�o the fu��pa�ment of one or mor� <br /> Peri�di� Paym�n�s, such excess may be appl�ed to any�ate charge�due. Voluntar�prepa�ments shal�be <br /> app��ed�rs�to any prepayment eharges and then as descr��ed in th� Nate. <br /> NEBRASKA-Sing�e Famiiy-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNiF�RM lNSTRUMENT Fvrrn 3�28 7101 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�NE�t1342) <br /> Wolters Ktuwer Finaneial Ser�i�es Page 4 of 17 <br />