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��15�1SS1 <br /> to prevent t�ie enforcement of the Iien while thos�proceedings are pending,but only unt�l such pr��eedings <br /> are concluded;or(c}secures from th�hold�r�f the lien an agreement sati�factory to Lend�r su�ordinating <br /> the lien to this Security Instrument.If Lender detennines that ar�y part�f the Property is subject to a lie�. <br /> v�h��h can attain priarity o�er this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrov�rer a notice identifying <br /> the 1ien.�ithin 1D days of t�e date on vvhich that n�t�ce is given,Barro�ver sha�� satisfy the lien or take <br /> one or more of th�action�set forth ahove in this Section 4. <br /> Lender may require Borrovver to pay a one�-t�me�harge for a real estate ta.��erificatian andlor reporting <br /> service used by Lender in�onnection vvith this Loan. <br /> 5. P ro pe rty I n s u ra n ce. Borrower sha11 keep the��nprov�ments nav�ex�sting or herea.fter e rected on <br /> the Property insured against lnss by fire,ha.�axds included v�rithin the term "extended coverage,"and any <br /> other hazaxds including,but not limited to,earthqual�es and flvods,f�r which Lender requires insuran�e. <br /> This insurance sha11 be maintained in the amounts�including deductible le�r�ls}and f�r the periads that <br /> Lender requires.�Vhat Lender requires pur�uant to the preceding sentences can chang�during the term <br /> of the Loan.The insurance carrier prov�ding the insurance sha11 be chos�n by Barrower subject tn I.�nder's <br /> right to disappr�ve B�rrov�er's choice,whi�h ri�ht�hall nvt be exercised unreasonably. Lender may <br /> require Borrov�rer to pay, in�onnect�on v�ith this Loan, eithe r: �a}a one time charge for f laod zone <br /> determination,certificati�n and tracl�ing services; or�b}a one time charge for flood zone determination <br /> ar�d certification services and subsequent�harges each time remap�in�s or similar change�occur v�hi�h <br /> reasonably mi�ht affect such d�t�rmination ar certificatiflr�. Borro�rer sha11 also b�responsible for the <br /> paym.ent of any fees imposed by the Federal Emergency�anagem�nt Agency in�annection v�ith the <br /> review�f any floo��one determination resulting fram an objection by Barro�ver. <br /> If Borr�wer fa.ils ta maintain any ofthe covera.ges described above,Lender may obtain insurar�ce co�erage, <br /> at L�nder's opt�on and Borrow�r's expense.L�nder is under no abli�ation to purchase any parti�ular type <br /> or amount of covera.g�. T�herefare, such sha.l.l cover Lender,but might�r mi�ht not�rotect <br /> Borrower, Barrower'�equit�in the Property,or the contents of the Praperty,against any ris�,ha�ar�l or <br /> liabi�ity and m�ght provide greater or lesser coverage than v�as pre�iously in effect.Borrower acl�nov�ledges <br /> that th��ost of the in�uran�e�average so�btained mi�ht signifi�antly exc�ed the cast of insurar�.Ge that <br /> Borrower could have obtained. An�a�nounts dis�ursed by Lender under thi�Section 5 sha11 be�ome <br /> additiona�debt of Barrower s�cured by this Security Instrument.These amounts shall b�ar interest at the <br /> N�te rate from the date of disbursement and shall be�ayab�e,�v�th su�h interest,upon notice from Ler�der <br /> to Borrower r�questing paym�nt. <br /> A11 insuran�e policies requ�red by I�ender and renewals of such policies sha1l be subject to Lender's right <br /> to disappro�e su�h policies,sha.11 include a standard mortgage�lau�e,and sha11 name Lender as mor�gagee <br /> ar�dlor as an additionalloss payee.Lender shall have the right to hold the p�licies an�renewal c�rtificat�s. <br /> If Lender r�quires,Borro�er shall prompt�y give t� L�nder a11 receipts of paid prem�ums and rene�al <br /> notices. If B�rro�ver obtains any farm of insuran�e,not o�herv��se required by Lender,for <br /> damage to,or destruction of,the Property,su�h policy shall�nc�ude a standard mart�age�lause and shall <br /> name Lend�r as mortgagee andlor as an add�tivnall�ss payee. <br /> In the event of 1Qss, Borrower sha1l gi�e prompt notice to the insurance�arrier and Lender. Lender may <br /> make proof of l�ss if not made promptly by B�rrovver, iJnl�ss Len�.er and Borrov�er atherwi�e a.�ree in <br /> v�rriting,any insurar�ce proceeds,v�hether or not the underlying insurance v�as requir�d by Lender, sha11 <br /> HCFc-oo��s <br /> NEBRASKA-Singfe Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac L1NIF�RM INSTRLlMENT Form 302$1101 <br /> VMPd� OSI14 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financia!Ser�i�� 2Q'!503154.1.0.289 5-J2fl141 D28Y Ra��6��7 <br /> � 979571 0* <br />