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��15�17SS <br /> �n�erest from the da�� of disbursemen� a� the same ra�e assessed on ad�ances under �he C�n�ract and sha�� �e <br /> payabie,with xnterest�upon not�ce fram Lender�o�orrav�er request�ng payme��. <br /> Inspect���. Lender or i�s agent may mak� reasonable en�r�es upon and �nspections of�he Property. Lender sha11 <br /> g�v�Barrower not�ce a��h��ime of or przor ta an inspec���n specifying reasonab��cause f�r the inspec�ian. <br /> Condemriation. The proceeds of any award or claim for darnages, direc�ar consequen�ial, in c�nnec�x�n�i�h any <br /> condemna��on or�th�r taking of any part of�he Proper�y, or for conveyance �n �ieu of cond�mna��on, ar�her�by <br /> assigned�nd shall be paid to Lender. <br /> �n �h� e��nt of a�ota� �akirzg of�he Praperty, �he proceeds sha1� be ap�l�ed to the sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�, v�he�her ar not then due, vwi�h any excess paid to B�rrower. �n the event of a par��a1 ta.k�ng af�he <br /> Proper�y in wh�ch�he fair market valu� of the Prop�r�y immediately before the taking is equal�o or grea�er than <br /> the amoun� af the sums secured by this S�curi�y �nstrumen� immedza�ely b�fore �h� �aking, unless Borrower and <br /> Lender o�herw�se agree�n wri�ing,�he sums secured by�his Se�ur��y�nstrument shall be reduced by�he amount of <br /> �h�pr�ceeds mul�iplied by�he fol�owing fractx�n: �a�the�o�al amflun�of�he sums secured�mmed�ately b�fore the <br /> �aking, dxwzded by �b� �he fa�r marke� va�ue af the Property immed�ate�y before the �aking. Any balar�ce shall be <br /> pard�o Borrower. In �he e�en� of a par��a� tak�ng of the Propez-�y in which the fa�r market va�ue of�h� Proper�y <br /> �mrned�ate�� b�fare �he �akzng is Iess than the amount of the sums secured immed�a�e�� before �he �aking, unless <br /> Borrower and Lender o�herwis� agree in writ�ing or unless Ap�licab�e Law o�herw�se prov�des, �he proceeds sha11 <br /> be app�ied�o�he sums secured by�h�s S�cur���nstrumerit whe�her or n�t the sums are then due. <br /> �f�he Proper�y zs abandaned by Borrower, �r if, after notic�by Lender to Barrower that the c�ndemnvr offers�o <br /> make an award or settle a claim f�r damag�s, Borrower fails�o respond��Lender w��h�n�he m�n�mum number af <br /> days es�a�Iished by Applicable Lavv after the date the notice is gi�en,Lender is au�harized�a col�ect and apply the <br /> proceeds, at �ts opt�on, ���her �o r�stora��on or repa�r of�he Proper�y flr to th� sums secured by thzs S�curz�y <br /> Ins�rumen�,whe�her or no��hen due. <br /> Un�ess L�nder and Borrov�er o�her�v�ise agree �n wr��ings any app�icatian of proceeds to principa� shall no�extend <br /> �r pos�pone�he due da�e of the payments due under�he�antract ar change�he amoun�flf such paymen�s. <br /> Borrow�r Na� Released; Forbearance By Lender ��t a Waiver. Extensian af the �im� for paymen� �r <br /> modi�catian nf amortizatian af�he sums secured by �his 5ecuri�y �nstrumen� gran�ed by L�nd�r �a Borrow�r or <br /> any succ�ss�r �n �n�eres� of Borrower sha�l nat op�rate to re��ase �he liabili�y of the origi.t�al Borrower or <br /> Borr�w�r's successors in interes�. Lender shal�no�be required�o commence praceedings aga�nst any suc�ess�r in <br /> in�er�st ar refuse�o extend��me for paymen�ar atherw�se mod�fy amor��zatiar��f�he sums secured by thxs Securzty <br /> �nstrumen� by reason of any demand mad� by th� or�gi�a� Borr�v��r or Borrower's �ucc�ssors in interes�. An� <br /> forbearance b�Lender in e�ercising any rxgh� or remedy shall no�be a wa�ver af ar prec�ude �he exercise of any <br /> rzgh�or remedy. <br /> Su�cessors and Ass�gns Bound; Jaint and Se�era� L�a�ili�y; Accommodat�on S�gn�rs. The co�enan�s and <br /> agreements of�h�s Security �nstrumen�shali bind and beneft the successors and ass�gns of L�nder and Borrower, <br /> subj�c� ta the pr�vis��ns of se���on �i��ed TranSfer of the Property �r a Bene�c�a� Interest in Barrower. <br /> Barrower's cnWenan�s and agreemen�s shal�be�oint and se�erai. Any�ersan who ca-signs�his Se�ur��y Inst�rument <br /> but has na persana� ��abilxty under th� Con�racti �"Accomm�dation S�gner"�: �a} is ca-szgnzng th�s Security <br /> �ns�rumen� only to m�r�gage, grant and con��y �ha� Accon�mndati�n S�gner`s in�erest in the Property under �he <br /> terms of �he Securi�y �nstrumenti; �b� is no� persona��y obliga�ed to pay �he surns secured hy �hzs Secur�ty <br /> Ins�rum�n�; and��� agrees�hat Len.d�r and any o�her B�rrower may agree�o extend, mad�fy, forbear or make any <br /> accommoda�ions wz�h regard�o�he�erms�f th�s Security Ins�rumen�or�he Contract v�ithout tha�Acc�mmada�zon <br /> Signer's�ansent. <br /> Loan Charges. �f�he �aan secured by �his Secur�ty Ins�rwm�nt zs subject ta a lavv wh�ch sets max�mum �oan <br /> charges, and�ha� lav�is f na�Iy �nterpr�ted so that the in�ere�t or other loan charges co���cted or�o be co1l�c�ed�n <br /> connec�i�n w�th �he �oan exceed �he permi�ted �zm�ts, then: �a� any such loan charge sha�� be reduc�d hy �he <br /> amoun�necessary�o reduce�he charge�a�he permitt�d Iimzts and�b� any sums a�read}� collected from Borr�wer <br /> v�hich exc�eded perm�t�ed �zm�ts wi11 be r�fun.ded �o B�rro��r. Lender may choos� �o make �h�s refund by <br /> reduczng �he princ�pa� awed und�r�he Contrac� or b� mak�ng a dire�t paymen�to Borraw�r. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�ncipa�,the r�du��ion will�e�r�a�ed as a par�ia�prepaymen�t under the��ntrac�. <br /> No�ices. �1ny no���e to Borrov�er prov�ded for �n th�s Securit,� Instrumen� shal� b� g�ven by deliverirzg it or by <br /> mailing i�by frs�class ma��unless Appl�cab�e Law requires use of another method. The notxce sha11�e dire��ed�o <br /> �he Propert�Address or any o�her address Borrov�er des�gna�es by no��ce �o Lender. Borrower agr�es �a pr��ide <br /> L�nder v���h Borravver's most curren�mail�ng address, as i�may �hange fr�m�ime-ta-tirne. Any not�ce�o Lender <br /> sha�X b�g�ven by f rs�class mai�t�Lender's address s�a�ed herezn or any o�her address Lend�r des�gnates by notice <br /> �o B�rrov�•�r. Any nntzce provided for in this Secur��y�nstrumen�shall be deemed ta have be�n g��en to B�rr�wer <br /> ar Lender vvhen giver�as pravzded�n th�s paragraph. <br /> Gvverning Law; Severabi�ity.Th�s Securi�y�nstrument shal�be governed by federal law and�he laws of the sta�e <br /> af Nebraska. �n �he ev�nt that any prav�s�an ar clause of�his Secur�ty Instrument or the Con�ract conflxc�s wi�h <br /> App�rcable Lavv, such canflzct sha�I no�t affec� other pro�isions of�his Se�urity �ns�rument or the �antract which <br /> �a�be gi�ren�ffec��vi�hau�the confl�cting pro�v�sion. Ta�his end the prov�sions of�his Secur�ty Instrumen�and�he <br /> �ontrac�are declared�a be severab�e. <br /> Borr�w�r's��py.Borraw�r shall�e giWen one copy�f�his Secur�ty�nstrumen�. <br /> ��404-�01�€CvmpIiance Systems,Inc.FDbO-ABFA-2a I3L2.14,t,895 <br /> Cvns�mer Itea1 Estate-Security Fnstrument DL203b Page 3 a£5 w�v��.compIiancesystems.cvm <br />