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��15�1747 <br /> consti�ute the binding obligat�on and agreement of Trustor in favor of Benefxc�ary, and shall secure <br /> the Note and all other obligatians un�er th��re�iit Agreement as fu�ly as if this Agreement had be�n <br /> execu�ed and delivered c�ncurr�ntly with the ex�cution and de�ivery of the Deed of Trust. A�1 <br /> representat��ns and warranties set forth in the I]eed �f Trust are restated as of the date of this <br /> Agreement and are true and correct as of the date of this Agreemer�t, as �f made �n the date of this <br /> Agreement. Excep� as herein e�pressly m�d�fied or amended, al� th� terms and conditi�ns af the <br /> Deed �f Trust remain in ful� force and effect and are hereby ratif��d, affirmed, and a�proved. <br /> Nothing herein shall be deemed ta constitute a n�vation of the I]eed of Trust or any of the <br /> C�bligations. <br /> 5. Successors and Assi�ns. This Agr�ement shal� be b�nding upon and inure to the <br /> berief t �f Trustor and �enefic�ary and the Lender� and their r�specti�e successors and assigns, <br /> whether valuntary by act of the parties or in�oluntary by�peration of lavv. <br /> d. Cro ss Reference. A11 referer�ces in�he�redit Agreement to the"I�eed of Trust"sha�� <br /> hereafter include the modificati�ns to the Deed af Trust set forth herein. <br /> 7. Counter�arts. Th�s Agreement may be �xecuted in multip�e c�unterparts ea�h of <br /> wh�ch shal� l�e deemed ta be an origina� and a�l suc�caunterparts together sha�l canstitute one and <br /> the same �nstrument. <br /> CSI�-NATURES BE�IN C]N NE�T PA�E] <br /> 3 <br />