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��15�1�9� <br /> �n�he Prapert�and righ�s unde��h�� Securit��ns�rument; and td� takes such act�on as I.�nder may <br /> reasonab�y require to a�sur��hat Lender's in�erest �n the Property and rights under th�s 5ecuri�y�nstrurnen�, <br /> and Borrower's obliga�ion�o pay the sums s�cured by this S�cur�ty�ns�rumen�, shall cont�nue unchanged. <br /> Lender�nay requir�that Borrower pay su�h re�nstatement sums and�xpenses in one or more af the fol�owing <br /> forms, as se�ec�ed by L.�nder: �a}cash; �b}money order; �c}�ert��ed check, bank�heck, �reasurer's check or <br /> cashier's ch��k, pro�v�ded any such check is drawn up�n an�nst�tution whas��.epos�ts are insured by a <br /> federa�agency, �ns�rumentality or entity; ar�d} Electran�c Funds Transfer. Upon reins�a�ement hy Borrow�r, <br /> th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument and o�liga�ions s�cured hereby sha�� remain fully effe�ti�e as if no acceiera�.�on had <br /> occurre�. �owever, this right to reinsta�e sha11 not apply �n th�case of acc��eration und�r Section �.5. <br /> ��. Sale vf �Vote; �hange of Loan Serrricer: Nvtice af Grie►vance. Th�Note ar a partial �nteres��n�he <br /> Na�e�t�gether v�r��h th�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�� can�e sold�ne flr more times v�r�thaut priar nati��ta <br /> Barrov�er. A sale muigh�resu�t�n a change��the�n���y�knawn as�he "Loan Servicer"} tha�ca��ects Period�c <br /> Payrnents du�under the Nate and this Secur��.y Ins�rument and performs other mor�gage Ioan ser�vicin� <br /> ob�igat�ans under the Note, this S�curity �ns�rument, and App�icable La�v. There also migh�h�on�or rnore <br /> changes of the Loan Ser�r�cer unre�ated to a sa�e of��Not�. �f there is a change of�he Loan Servic�r, <br /> Borr�w�r wi��be given wr�t�en no�ice of�he change which wi�l sta�e the nam�and address of the new Loar� <br /> Servi�er, the address to which pa�men�s should be made and any o��.er information RESPA requ�res in <br /> �onne�tion wi�h a no��ce of transfer of ser�ic�ng. �f the No�e�s sold and fhereafter the Loan is serv�ced by a <br /> Loan Ser�icer other�han th�purchaser�f�he Note, the mor�gage�aan ser�ic�ng obl�gat�ons�o Borrow�r will <br /> rema�n�v��h�he Loan S�r��cer or b�transferred to a successor Loan Servi�er and are nat assumed by the <br /> Nate purchas�r unless o�herwise prfl�r�ded by t�e N�te purchaser. <br /> Neith�r Borrawer nor I.�ender�nay�arnmen�e,jain, ar b�jo�ned to an�jud�cia� ac�.ion�as e�ther an <br /> ind��r�dua� litigant or the member af a class}that ar�ses from�he�th�r party's actions pursuan��o this <br /> Secur�ty Ins�rument or tha�a�leges�hat the�ther par�y has breached an�r provisi�n�f, or any du�y ow�d by <br /> r�ason of, th�s Security�ns�rum�nt, unti� su�h Barrov�er�r Lender has no��fied�he oth�r par���wi�h such <br /> na�ice g�ven i�comp�iance�rith the requ�rements of Sec�ion �.5} of such a��eged br�ach and afforded the <br /> ather part�here�.o a reas�nab�e period af�er the g��ving of such n�tice�o�ake carre�tive a�t�an. �f Applicab�e <br /> Law provid�s a�ime periad which must e�apse before certa�n act�on can b�taken, that�im�per�od wil� be <br /> deemed�o be reasona�le f�r purposes�f this paragraph. The no�ice�f acC�leratio�.and oppartunity�a cur� <br /> given t��orrov�er pursuan��o Section 2�and the nntic�of accelerat�on given t�Barrawer pursuan.�.to <br /> Se�tion �S sha��be deemed�.o sat�sfy the not�c�and�ppor�un�ty�o take correcti��action provis�ons of th�s <br /> Sec��on�4. <br /> 2'I. Hazardous Substan�es. As used in this Section��: (a} "Hazardous Suhstances" are�hos��ubs�a.nces <br /> de�ned as toxic or hazard�us subsfiances, pollu�ants, or wast�s by Environmen�a� Law and the fo��awing <br /> substanc�s: gasol�ne, kerosene, other f�ammab�e or�a�ic petrn��um produc�s, �ox�c pes�ic�des and herb�c�des, <br /> volati�e s���ents, materiais can�aining asbestos or formald�hyde, and radioactive materials; (b} <br /> ".�'nvirn��nta�.�w"means federal Iaws and �aws of th�jur�sdict�on wher��he Property is�ocated that <br /> re�ate�o hea��h, safety or�n�ironmental protect�an; ��� "Environmenta� �reanu,�"includes any r�sponse <br /> - ac�ian, r�med�al ac�ion, or r�mova�ac�ion, as de�ned �n Env�ronmental Law; and �d� an "En�iranme��ar <br /> C�r�diti�rt"means a�ond�t�on tha�can cause, contribu�e�.o, or otherwise tr�gger an Env�ranmen�al�I�anup. <br /> B�rrav�er sha��not cause�r permit the presence, use, disposal, s�orage, or re�ease of any Hazardous <br /> Subs�anc�s, or thr�aten ta re�ease any �3azardous Substances, on or in the Property. Borrawer sha�l nfl��.o, <br /> nar allow anyone else to do, anything affec��ng the Property (a} �hat�s in violation�f any En��ronmen�a� <br /> La�r, �b}whic�crea�es an Env�ror�mental ��ndition, or�c} �rhich, due ta�he pr�s�nce, use, or release flf a <br /> Hazardous Substance, creates a candi�ion��at adverse�� affe�ts th�value�f�he Praper�y. The prece�ing two <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingte Family-�annie Mael�redd�e Ma�UNIFQRM iNSTRUMENT Farrr:3�28 11�'i <br /> VMP[� <br /> VMP6�N�}t13D2i <br /> Wolters K[uwer F�nanciat Servic�s Page�3 of 17 <br />