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��15�1�95 <br /> BC�RRDWER��V ENANTS �hat Bnrrower is �awful�y s��sed of the estate hereby canveyed and has the r�gh��o . <br /> grant and con�e��he Praper�y and that the Praper�y i�unencumbered, excep�fo�en�umbrance��f rec�rd. <br /> Borrower warrants and w�l� defend generally the�it�e�o the Pr�p�r�y aga�nst a�� c�a�ms and demands, subje��to <br /> an��r�cumbranc�s of record. <br /> TH�S SECURITY�NSTRUN�ENT co�nb�nes un�form cnvenan�s for nat�ona�Use and n�n--uniform ca�enan�s�v��h <br /> l�mi�ed variatians b�jur�sd�cti�n to cons��tute a un�f�rm�ecurity instrument cavering real prop�r�y. <br /> Un�f�rm Co�enants. Borrower and Lender covenant and agr��as f���nws: <br /> 'I. Payment �f Pr�nGipal, lnterest. Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrow�r <br /> sha�l pay when due�he pr�nc��al of, and in��rest on, the d�bt evxdenced by the Note and any prepayrn�n� <br /> charges and late charges due under the Na�e. Borro�ver sha�� a�s�pay funds for Escrow �tems pursuant to <br /> Sec�ion 3. Pa�ments due und�r�he Note and th�s Secur��y �nstrument shal�be made in U.�. currency. <br /> However, if any check or other�ns�rument recei��d by Lender as payxnent under the No�e or this Se�ur�ty <br /> Instrurnen�is returned to Lender unpa�d, Lender rnay r�quire�ha�any or a�� subsequent payments due und�r <br /> �.he Note and this�ecur�ty�n��runlent be made in one ar more of th�fo�low�ng forms, as se�ected by L�nd�r: <br /> �a}�ash; �b}maney�rder; �c}cer��f�ed che�k, bank che�k, tr�asurer's check ar cas�iier's che�k, prav��ed any <br /> such check�s dravvn upon an ins�itu��on whos�d�pasits are insur�d by a f�deral agency, instrumenta����, or <br /> entity; or�d� E�ectranic Funds Transf�r. <br /> Payments are deemed r�c�ived by Lend�r vvhen rece��ed a�the locat�nn designated in�he N'ate�r at such <br /> oth�r loca�ian as rnay b�designa��d b� Lender zn accordance wxth�he n�tice pro�is�ons in Sectz�n �5. <br /> �.ender may returr�any pa�rnZent�r par�ial payment �f t�e payment or pa.rt�al paymen�s are�nsuff�cien��a <br /> br�ng�he Loan current. �enc��r xnay a���pt any pay�men�or par�ial paymen�znsuff�c�en��o br�ng�he L€�a�. <br /> curr�nt, w�thout waiver vf�ny r�ghts hereunder flr pre�udice�a its righ�s to refuse such payment�r par�ial <br /> paym�n�s zn th.e future, but Lender i�not�b��gat�d ��appiy such paym�nts at th�time such payment� are <br /> a�cept�d. If ea�h Period�c Paymen�is appl�ed as of its sCh�duled�ue da��, �htn Lender n��d no�pay interes� <br /> an unapp�i�d funds. Lender may ho�d such unapp��ed funds un��� Borrow�r makes payments�fl br�ng�he <br /> LQan curr�n�. If Borravc�er does not do so within a reasanab�e per�od�f t�m�, L�nder sha�� ��ther app1�such <br /> funds or return th�m t�B�rrower. If n�t appl�ed earlier, such funds wil�be app�ied to the ou�standing <br /> principal balance under th�No�e xmmediately pr�or ta far�clasure. Na offset or c�aim vvh�ch Borr�wer might <br /> ha�e no�v or in the fu�ure agains�Lender sha1�relieve Barrower from making paymen.ts due under�he No�e <br /> and this Securi�y Instrument�r p�rform�ng�.he covenan�s and agreemen�s secured b�this Secur�ty <br /> Instrumen�. <br /> �. App�icati�n vf Payments or Rroceeds. Except as otherwise described�n t�.�s��eti�n 2, a��payments <br /> accep�ed and app�ied by Lender sha�l�e applied in�he foll�wing order of pr�flr��y: �a} interest du�under�he <br /> No�e; �b}pr�ncxpa� due under the Nate; �c} am�unts du�under Sec�i�n 3. Such payment�sha�l be app��ed�o <br /> each Peri�d�c Paymen�in the order zn v�vh�ch it became due. Any remaining amaunts sha11�e applied�rs��o <br /> late charges, second ta ar��a�her amoun�s due under this Security Instrument, and�hen�o reduce�he <br /> princ�pa�balanc�af the�nt�. <br /> �f Lend�r re�ei�es a paymen�from Borrovver for a delinquen�Per�adzc Paym�n�whi�h�ncludes a suffici�n� <br /> a�moun���pay a�y late charg�due, the payment may be applied to the de��n�uen�paymen�and the iate <br /> charge. �f mare than�ne Periodic Payment is ou�s�anding, Lender may apply a.t�y pa��m.ent received fr�m <br /> BQ�rrower t� �he repaymen�of�he Peri�dic Paymen�s if, and to�he e�.tent�hat, �ach payment can be paid in <br /> fu��. To the extent that an�excess e�ists after the paymen�is app��ed�o�h�fuli paymen�of ane or more <br /> Per��dxc Pa�men�s, such�xcess may be app�ied to any late charges du�. V��untary prepayments sha�l be <br /> appli�d f�rst to any prepaym�nt charges and then as described�n the Na��. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-�ar�nie MaeJFreddi�Mac UNIF�RM INSTFtEJM�NT �arr�n 3�28"�la'i <br /> VMP� VMP6[NE�{�3p2� <br /> Walters Ktuwer Fina��ia�Ssr�i�es Page 4 vf 17 <br />