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��15�1�95 <br /> ��. Borrower Nvt Released; Forbearance By Lender tVot a 'U�a�r►er. Extension of�h�time for payment ar <br /> modifica�ion of amflrtiza�ion of�he sums secured�y th�s Securi�y Instrume�.�gra.nted�y Lender�o Borr�wer <br /> �r any Succ�ssor in�nterest of Borrower sha�� no�operate�o re��ase the l�abi��ty af Borrower or any <br /> Successors in�nteres�of Borrow�r. Lender shai� no�b�requ�red to commence pro��edings aga�nst any <br /> Successor�n�nteres�af B�rrov��r or to refuse�o extend time for payrn�n�or ot.hervvise modif�a�mor�izatian <br /> �f�he sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument b�reason of any demand made by the ariginal B�rrower or <br /> any Successors �n�nterest of Barr�wer. Any forbearance�y Lender�n e�.er��sing any right or rexnedy <br /> including, withou�Iimi�atian, L�nd�r's acceptance af paymen�s frorn th�rd pers�ns, entities or SuGcessors in <br /> �n�ere�t of Borrower or in amounts iess than the amoun��hen due, sha�l no�be a wa�ver of ar prec�ude the <br /> exerc�se of any right or rernedy. <br /> �3. Jfl�nt and Se�erat L�ability: ��-signers; Su�cessflrs and Assigns Baund. Borrower�a�renan�s arid <br /> agrees that Borrower's abliga��ons and l�abil�t� sha11 be join�and sev�ral. Hawe�er, ax�y Borr�wer who <br /> ca-signs th�s Secur�t� �ns�rument but d�es not execute th�No�e�a "co-signer"}: �a} is co-signing th�s <br /> Securi��r�nstrument on�y�o m�r�gage, grant and con�rey the co-signer'� �nterest�n�he Proper�y under�he <br /> terms�f� Security�ns�rumen�; �b� �s not persona��y�b�igated��pa�the sum� secured by this Secur��y <br /> �ns�rument; and (c} agrees�hat Lender at�d any other Borr�vver can agree to extend, �nodify, forb�ar or m�ake <br /> any accommodations wi�h regard to the�erms of this Securi���nstrumen�or the No�e without�he co-signer's <br /> consen�. <br /> Sub�ec��o the pra��sions of Sec���n �.8, any Successor in�nter�s��f Borrower vvh� assumes Borro�v�r's <br /> ob��ga��ans under this Security�nstrument�n writ�ng, and is appro�red�y I.�nd�r, shall ob�a�n a�l of <br /> Borr�wer's rights and ben�fi�s under this Securit� �n��ru�m.ent. Borr�wer shal�no�be released fram�. <br /> Barrow�r's o�liga�ions and l�ab�li�y und�r�his Se�urity �ns�rument un�ess Lender agre�s to su�h release in <br /> writing. The cavenants and agreemen�s of�his Security Instrumen�sha��bind�excep�as pro�id�d�n Se�ti�n <br /> Z�} and benef�t the successars and ass�gns of Lender. <br /> "14. Loan Char�es. Lend�r may charge Borrower fe�s for serv�ces performed in cannect�on with Borr�v�rer's <br /> d�faul�, f�r the purpose of protect�ng Lender's �n��rest in the Proper�y and rights under this Securi�.� <br /> �ns�rumen�, inc�udin�, but nnt�i�ruted to, att�rneys` f�es, proper�y inspect�on and�a�ua��on fees. In r�gard to <br /> any��her fees, �he absence of express au�hor�ty�n this Secur�ty�nstrument to�harge a spe��f�c fee�o <br /> B�rrow�r shall no�be c�nstrued as a prohibi�ion Qn the charg�ng af such fee. Lender may not charge fees <br /> t.�.a�are express�y prohibi�ed�y�his Se�uri�y�ns�rum�nt or b�App�icable Law. <br /> �f�he Loan�s subje�t to a�a�v which sets maximum Ioan charges, and that�aw �s fina.l�y interpr��ed so�hat <br /> the�nteres�flr other��an charges caX�ected or t�be cn�Iec�ed�n cann.ection v�ith�h�I,oan exceed the <br /> permi���d I�mu�s, �hen: �a} any such loan charge s�.a��be reduced by the amount ne�essary�a reduce the <br /> charge to�h�perm�i�ted l�m�t; and�b� an�sums already ca�iected fram Borrower�vhi�h ex�eeded permi.�ted <br /> ��7m.its�vi11 be refunded�a B�rraw�r. I�:nd�r may choase to make t�is refund by reduc�ng�e pr�nc�pa�.�wed <br /> under th�N�te or by making a direct payment to Borr�w�r. �f a refund reduces principa�, �he r�ductian w�11 <br /> be treated a�s a par�ia�prepayment with�u�a.n�prepayment charge�whether�r not a prepaym�n�charge�s <br /> prnv�de�d f�r under th.e N��e}. B�rrower's acCeptance of any such refund made by direct pay�nen�to <br /> �orro�rer vvill constitu�e a wa��er of an�r rigY�t of act�on Borr�wer rnight have aris�ng au�of o�ercharge. <br /> 'I 5. N�tices. AII no��ces gi�en b� Borrower flr Lender�n cvnn�ctinn vvi�h this Secur�ty Instrum�n�must be in <br /> writing. Any notice ta B�rrower in connec�ion w�th th�s 5ecur��y�nstrumen�sha�i be de�med to ha�e be�n <br /> giv�n t�Borrawer v�rhen mailed b�f�rs�class mail ar�vhen actualiy delivered to B�rrawer's notice address if <br /> sen�by o�her means. Nflt�ce t� any ane B�rrower shai�cans��tu�e noti�e to al� Barrowers u�less Applica�le <br /> Law express�y re�uires�therv�rise. The n�tice addr�ss sha��be t��Proper�y.Address unless Borrawer has <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingte�amiiy-�annie MaelFreddie Ma�LINIFORM INSTRUMENT Farm 3�28 11D9 <br /> VMP� VMP6�NEy[�3D2y <br /> Woiters Kluwer Financial 5er�ices Page'[1 vf i 7 <br />