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��15�1�75 <br /> B�RR�'S�'ER��V�NANTS that B�rrower is lawfu��y seised of the estate hereby c�nv�yed and has th�right ta <br /> �rant ar�d con�ey the Prap�r�y and that the Pr�perty �s unencumbered, except far encumbrances af record. <br /> Borr�wer warrants and v�r�l� defen�.generall�the t�t�e�o the Praperty against al� ciaims and demands, subjec�to <br /> any�n�umbrances�f record. <br /> TH�S SECUR.�TY�NSTRUMENT cambines uniform ca�enants f�r nat��na�use and non-un�farm c��enan�s�vith <br /> ��m��t�d�ar�ati�ns�y jurisdict�on�a constitute a uniforr�security instrument covering rea� property. <br /> �Jnif�rm �Co�enants. Borrou�er and Lend�r covenant and agr��as foli�ws: <br /> '1. Payment ❑f Princ�pa[, lnterest, �scrow �tems, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> sha�l pay when due the pr�ncipal of, and in�erest�n, the deb�ev�denced�y the Note and any prepayment <br /> charges and�ate charges due under the Note. Borrflwer shaii alsa pay fun�.s for�scr�w �tems pursuan�t� <br /> Section 3. Payments due under the N�at�and th�s Securi�y Ins�rum�nt�hall be made in U.S, currency. <br /> Hnv�►�ever, if any check or�ther instrument received�y Lender as paymen�under the No�e or�his Securit� <br /> �nstrumen��s returned to Lend�r unpaid, L�nder may requ�re that any Qr a�� subsequen�payments due under <br /> th�Nat�and this Securi�y �ns�rument be made in ane or mare of the fol�ovving forms, a�s��ected by Lender: <br /> �a}�ash; �b}m�n�y order; �c} cer��f�ed check, �ank check, �reasurer's check ar ca�hier's check, provided any <br /> such ch�ck��drawn upan an institu��on whose deposi�s are insured by a federal agency, instrumen�al�ty, ar <br /> entz�y; ar�d} ��e�tronic Fun�s Transf�r, <br /> Payments ar�deerned rece�Wed by Lender wh�n received at the locatian des�gnated in the N��e or at su�h <br /> o�her lo�atian as rnay be��signated�y Lender in acc�rdance with the notice prov�sions in Sec�ion 15. <br /> Lender may r�turn any pa�men�or par�ia�payment if�he paymen�or par�ial payments ar�insuff�cient�o <br /> �rxng the Loan current. L�nder may acc�p�an�paym�nt or part�a�payment�nsuff�cien�to bring the Loan <br /> current, vvithou�waiver of any rights hereunder o�pre�udic�to �ts rights tfl refuse such payment or par�iat <br /> payments in�he future, but Lender zs no�abligated t� apply such paym�nts at the t�me such paymen�s are <br /> accepte�. If eaeh Peri�dic Payment is app�xed as of its sche�ul�d due dat�, th�n L�nder need no�pay �nterest <br /> on unapp�ied funds. L�nder may hold such unapp��ed funds unt�� B�rrov�er mak�s paymen�s to bring the <br /> Loan curren�. �f Borrower does nat da so with�n a reasQnab��per�od af tzm�e, Len�er sha�l e�ther apply such <br /> funds or re�urn them�to Borrower. �f no�app�ied earlier, such funds will be app�xed t�the�utstanding <br /> prir�cipai ba.�ance under�he Note immedia�ely priar ta fareclosure. No affse�or��a�m wh�ch Borro�ver nr�ght <br /> have now or in the future aga�ns�Lender sha�l relie�e Barr��ver from mal�ing payments due und�r the Note <br /> and�hxs Secur�ty �ns�rument or performing the covenan�s and agreements secured by�h�s Securi�y <br /> �nstrum�nt. <br /> �. Appiicativn �f Paynraents �r Praceeds. Except as a�herw�se d�s�ribed in�h�s�ec���n 2, a��payments <br /> a�cepted and appli�d by L�nder sha�l be appiied in the f�llawing order of priarity: �a} �nter�st due under the <br /> Not�; �b}principa� due under�he Note; �c} amoun�s due under Sec�ian 3. Such payments sha��be appl�ed�a <br /> each Period�c Payment in the order�n wh�ch z�became due. An�r remaining�mount� shall be applied firs�ta <br /> late charges, sec�nd�a any�ther amounts due under�his Security �nstrument, and th�n t� reduce the <br /> principai balance af the N�te. <br /> �f Lender re�ei�es a payment from B�rrawer for a delinquent Periadic Payment which inc�udes a suff�cient <br /> amount t�pa�a.r�y Iate charge due, the pa�men�may be appl�ed to the de��nquent payment and the late <br /> charge. �f rz�.ore�han an�P�riodic Pa�ment�s outs�and�ngs L�nd�r ma�r app�� any payment received fram <br /> Borrower ta�he repaynlent of�he Peri�dic Pa�ments if, and t�the e�t�nt that, each paymen�can be paid in <br /> full. To the e�ten�that any�x�ess ex�s�s after�he paym�nt�s app�ied to the full paymen�of one�r more <br /> Perind�c Paymen�s, such excess may be app�z�d�o any �ate�harg�s due. V�luntary prepa�ments shall be <br /> app��ed�rst ta any prepayment charges and then a�de�crzbed in the No�e. <br /> N�6RASKA-Single Farr�ily-Fannie MaelFre��ie Mac UNi�ORM INSTRl1MENT �orm 3D�$�101 <br /> VMP Q VMPS{N�}{'t 342) <br /> W�Iters Kl�wer F�nancia!Ser�iG�s Pag�4 p#i 7 <br />