<br /> in �he Propert}� and rights under�hxs Security �ns�rument; and �d} takes such action as Lender may
<br /> reasonably requir��o assure tha�L.�nder's in�erest in th�Pr�per�y and righ�s under th�s Securi�y �nstrum�nt,
<br /> and Borrov�►ler's obliga�ion to�a�th�suxns s�Cured b�this Security Instrument, shali con�inue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may requ�r�tha�Borrower pa�r such re�nstat�ment sums and expenses �n�ne or more�f the fal�ov�ing
<br /> farms, as selected by Lender; �a}cash; �b}maney�rder; �c} ��r��fied check, hank check, treasurer's che�k or
<br /> cashier's check, pro�rided an� su�h check is drawn upon an institu�inn vvhos�dep�s�ts are�nsur�d by a
<br /> federa� agency, instrumenta�zty�r entity; ar�d} El�c�ronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstate�.en�b�B�rrower,
<br /> this Secur�ty Instrumen�and obliga�xons secured her�b�s�.a�l rernain fui�y effecti�e as if no acce�eration had
<br /> oc�urred. Howe�er, this r�ght�� rein�tate sha�l n�t apply in the case flf accelera�ian under Section �S.
<br /> 2�. Sale �f Nate; Change af Laan Serrricer; Not�ce of Grie�ance. The No�e or a part�al �nteres�in the
<br /> No�e ��ogeth�r�ri�h�his Securi�y �nstrument} can be soid ane or more�imes vvi�hout prior nat�ce to
<br /> Barrower. A sa�e migh�resul�in a change in the en�i�� �knawn as the ".�.�ar�Servicer"} �ha�coll�ct� Periodic
<br /> Payments due under the Na�e and th�s S�curity �nstrument and perf�rms oth�r mortga�e�aan servicing
<br /> oh�igations under the Note, �his Security Ins�rument, and App�xcable Lav�. There alsfl might be one or more
<br /> chan.ges of th�Loan Servi��r unrelated to a�ale�f�he No��. �f�here�s a change of the�an Servic�r,
<br /> B�rrower will be g��en v�ri�ten no�ice of�he Change wh��h will state the name and address of�he nev� Loan
<br /> Servic�r, the address tfl which payments should��made and any other informa���n RESPA r�quires �n
<br /> connecti�n w�th a no�ice of transfer�f ser�icing, If th� N��e is s�1d and�hereaf�er�he I,oan�s serv�ced by a
<br /> Loan Servicer other than�he purchaser of the Note, the�nor�gag��oan servicing obligat�ons�a Borrower will
<br /> remain w��h�he L.oan Ser�ic�r or be transferred to a successor Loan Ser�r�cer and are not assumed by�he
<br /> No�e purchaser unless�therv�is�pro�ided by the No�e pur�haser.
<br /> Ne�th�r Borrower nor Lender m�ay commence,���n, or be ja�ned�o any�udi�ia� act�on�as either an
<br /> �ndi�idual li�igan�or�he member of a��ass} that arises fram.the other par��'s actions pursuan�to th�s
<br /> Security �nstrumen�ar that alleges�hat�he other par��has breached any pro��s�on of, nr any du�y owed by
<br /> reason of, �h�s Securit� �nstrument, un�il such Barrnv�rer or Lender has n��ified�he fl�her part��with such
<br /> n�tice given in comp�ianc�wi�h the requirem�nts of Sec�ion �S}af such alleged breach and afforded the
<br /> o�her pa�.}�heret� a reas�nable p�riod after the giving af such notice to �ake corrective act�on. �f App�ica�Ie
<br /> Law pro�ides a time period which must elapse before c�r�a�n action can be taken, �ha��ime periad wili be
<br /> deemed�o be reasonab�e f�r purposes of this paragraph. The notice of aeceleration and oppartunit��o Gure
<br /> given to Barrower pursuant�o Sectian�2 and the notice of ac�e�era��on g�ven�o Barrovver pursuan��o
<br /> Section I$ sha��be deemed�o sa�isfy the no��ce and oppor�unity to tak�correcti�e act�on pro�ision�of�his
<br /> 5���ion��.
<br /> ��. Hazardaus Substances. As used�n this Sec��on�1: �a} "Ha�ardous�'uhstar�ces"ar���ose substances
<br /> defined as toxic or hazardous subs�ances,,po��utants, �r was�es by En��r�nmental Law and the follavv�ng
<br /> substances: �asoline, k�rasene, �ther flammable�r�o�i�petro�eum products, t��ic pes�icides and her�icides,
<br /> �o�ati�e sa�ven�s, �ma�er�a�s c�nta�n�ng as�estos or forma�deh�d�, and radi�act���ma�erials; �b}
<br /> "Enviror�rnej��al�aw"rneans federal laws and laws of�he jur�sd�ct�on where th�Proper�� �s �ocated�ha�
<br /> relate to health, safety or en��ronmen�a�protec�ion; �c} "En�ifan��2ental G'�ea�u�"includes any resp�nse
<br /> ac��on, remedial acti�n, or remo�al actifln, as de�ned �n Environm�n�a� Law; and�d} an "�nviron��te���ar
<br /> Carzdi�iar�"m�ans a condi�ion�ha�can cause, c�n�ribute to, or o�herwise trigger an En�ir�nmenta� C�eanup.
<br /> Barrov�rer�hall n�t cause ar permi��he presence, use, disposai, storage, or re�ease of any Hazardaus
<br /> Subs�ances, �r�hr�aten to release any Hazardous Subs�ances, on or in th�Propert�r. Borrower sha11 not do,
<br /> nor allow an�one e�s�to do, anything affecting the Pr�per�y �a) �hat is in�ioiation of any �n�ironmen�a�
<br /> Lav�, �b}which crea�es an En�ironmental�ond��ion, �r�c}v�h�ch, due�o�he presence, use, or release of a
<br /> �3azardous Su�stance, creates a condition�ha�adversely affec�s the�alue af�he Property. The preceding tvc�o
<br /> N�gRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM tNSTRUMENT Forrn 3028 1101
<br /> VMP Q VMPfi{NE�t�3Q2�
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financ�al Ser��ces Page 13 vf 17
<br />