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��15�1�75 <br /> 1�. Borrower N�t Released; Fnrbearance By Lender Not a 1Na��er. Ex��nsian of the time f�r pa�ment or <br /> mfld��cat�fln of amort�zation of��e sums secured b�this Securit� Instrumen�gran�ed by Lender�o Barrower <br /> �r any Successor�n Interest of Borrov�rer sha11 not operate to r�lease the liabi�i�y of Borrawer or any <br /> Successars in In�erest�f Borrov�er. Lender sha11 no�be requir�d�o commenc�proceedings agains�any <br /> Suc�essor�n�n�erest of Borrov�rer nr��refuse�o ex�end�ime for paym�nt�r otherwise modif� amor��zatian <br /> of the sums secured by th�s Securi�� �ns�rument by reason of an�demand made by the ariginai Borrow�r or <br /> any Successors �n�n�er�s�of Borrower. Any forbearance b�r L.ender�n e�ercising any r��h�or remed� <br /> �ncluding, v�r�thout limitation, Lender's ac��p�ance of paym�nts fram�h�rd p�rsons, ent���es�r Successors in <br /> �nterest of Bo�rrower�r in amou�.ts Ie�s�han the amount�hen due, shall n��be a vva�ver of or preclude th� <br /> e�.ercise flf any right or r�medy. <br /> '[3. Joint and Severa� L�ability; CvMsigners; Successors and Ass�gns Bvund. Barro►�er covenants and <br /> agrees �hat Borrower's o��igations and liabiiit}� sha11 be joint and se�era�. H�we�rer, any Borrov�rer who <br /> co-s�gns�his Security �nstrument but does nat execute the Note�a "co-signer"}; �a} �s coWsigning this <br /> Secur�ty Instrumen��n�y�o mor��age, grant and con�ey�he ca-s�gner's �nt�rest in the Property under�he <br /> ��rrns nf thxs Securi���nstrument; ��} is no�persanally obligated ta pay�he sum.�secured by th�� Security <br /> �nstru�m.ent; and �c} agrees�hat Lend�r and any a�her B�rrow�r can agree ta e�tend, modify, fflrbear or mak� <br /> any ac�omrnodati�ns with regard to the�erm�of th�s 5ecurity Ins�rum�nt or the Note wi�haut�he�oMsigner's <br /> �onsent. <br /> Subj e�t to the pro��sians of Se��ion 1 S, an� Su��essor �n�nteres�of Borr�wer who assume�Borrower'� <br /> ob��ga��ans under th�s Se�urity Instrument in wri�ing, and is appro�ed b� Lender, shall ob�ain all �f <br /> Borrower's rights and bene�ts under�h�s Securi�y �nstrument, B�rro�ver shall na�be re�eased from <br /> Borrower's abl�ga��ons and Iiabil�ty under th�s Security �ns�rument un�ess Lender agrees �o suCh re�ease�n <br /> vvriting. The covenan�s and agreemen�s of�h�s Securi�y �ns�ruxnen�shal� bind�excep� as pro��ded in Section <br /> 24} an.d benefit the successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> '!4. Loan Charges. Lender ma�char�e Borrnwer fees for ser��ces performed �n cannecti�n with Borrower's <br /> default, f�r the purp�se of pra�ect�n� I..�nder's in�eresti in�he Prop�r�y and r�ghts under this 5ecurity <br /> �ns�rurnen�, �ncluding, but nnt Iimited to, a��orneys' fe�s, proper�� inspect�on and va�ua�ion fees. �n regard�o <br /> any o�her fees, the absence of expr�ss au�hori�y in this Securit� Ins�rum�nt to charge a spec���fee to <br /> Borrower shall no�be construed as a prohibi��on on the charg�ng�f su�h fee. I.�nder may���charge fees <br /> �ha�are e�pressly prohibited b� �his Securit� �nstrument or b� App��cab��Law. <br /> �f the Loan is suhj ect to a 1aw wh�ch sets maximum laan charges, and that law is �na��y in��rpr�t�d so that <br /> �he�nteres�or�ther xoan charg�s colle�ted ar�o be coZlec�ed �n cor�nec�ion v�i�h�he L.�an exceed the <br /> permittcd�imits, th�n: (a} any such Iaan charg��hall be r�duccd by�he amount n�ccssary ta rc�uc�thc <br /> charge��the permitted Iimit; and �b} an� sums alread�col�ec��d from B�rrovver v�rh�ch e�.ceed�d�ermi��ed <br /> l�m�.�s will be refunded to Borr�wer. L.�nder may choos��o make�his refund by reducing�h�princ�pal�wed <br /> under the Na�e or by ma.k�ng a direct paymen��o Borr�wer. If a refund reduces pr�ncipal, the reducti�n w�1X <br /> b�trea�ed as a par��al prepayment v5r��h�u�any prepayment charge�wh�ther or no�a prepa�ment charge is <br /> prov�ded for under the N�te}. Barrower's accep�ance of any such r�fund�nad�by d�r�f paymen�to <br /> Bflrrov�er wil�constitute a waiver�f any righ�of acti�n��rrower migh�ha�e aris��g ou�of such overcharge. <br /> 'I 5. Notices. A�1 notices given b�r Borrower or Lender zn canne�tion with�h�s Security Ins�rument mus�be in <br /> writing. Any no�ice ta Borrower in connection v�►lith�his Security �ns�rumen�sha��b�deemed fo ha����en <br /> gi�en to Borrov�rer�vcrhen ma�Ied by first�Iass ma�l or when ac�ually del��ered to Borrawer's��fice address �f <br /> sent by other means. Natice to any�ne Borrower sha�l consti�u�e notic�to a�� B�rrawers unless Appl�cab�e <br /> Law expressly requires o�h�rwise. The notice address shall be the Proper�y Address un�ess Barrower has <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie Mael�residie Mac UNIF�RM tNSTRUM�NT Form 3�28 11�7 <br /> VMP� VMPfi[NES t�3QZf <br /> Wfllters Kluwer Financiat 5er�fc�s Page�� af 17 <br />