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��15�1�71 <br /> Transfer of the Property�r a Ben��cia�Interest in Bvrrowe�. If ali or a�►y par�af the Proper�y or any interest <br /> rn it is so�d ar transf�rr�d �flr if a benef��al �nterest in Borr�v�er is sold c�r transferred and B�rrower is not a <br /> natural p�rson� wi�hout Le�.der's prz�r v�ritten cflnsent, Lender may, a� its o:ption, requ�re imm�dia�e payment in <br /> fu�l of a�� sums secured by �his Se�urity Instrument. Howe��r, this op���n sha�� not be exercised by L�nder if <br /> exer�ise�s prohi�ited b�federa��aw as of�he date of� Securit�rnstrument. <br /> �f L,�nder �xercises �his op�ion, Lender shall gi�e Barrawer no�ice af acc����rat�on. The n�tice shall pro�ide a <br /> p�r�Qd of n�� less than the minimurr� num�er of days �s�ab�ished by Appl�c��.ble Law from the da�e the notice �s <br /> de��vered or mai�ed v���h�n whi�h Borrower mus� pa� a�l secured by this Securi�y �ns�rum�n�. �f Bflrrower <br /> fails �o pay thes� sums prior �o the expiratifln of this per�od, Lender may in�oke any remed�es permi�t�d by this <br /> Security Ins�rument vvithout further no��ce or demand an Barrow�r. <br /> Borrowerrs Right to Reinstate. �f Borrower meets cer�ain conditions, Bc�rrower sha�� ha�re �he right to ha�ve <br /> enforcemen�flf�h�s Security�nstrumen�t dis�on�inued a� any time pr�ar to�h�: �arlier of: (a} S days �ar su�h other <br /> period as Applicable Lavv may specify for reinstatement}before sale af the P�-�perty pursuant�o any p�vver of sa�e <br /> contained in this Securrty Instrumen�; or �b} �n�ry of a judgmen� enforc:ing �his Secur�fiy �nstrument. Those <br /> condit�ons are that Barrov�er: �a} pays Lender aIl sums whi�h then w�u�d b�� due under�his Security Instrumen� <br /> and�he�on�rac�as�f no acceleration had accurred;�b}�ures any defau��of a.��y o�her�ovenants or agreemen�s;�c� <br /> pays all expenses incurred in�nf�rcing�his Se�urity�nstrument, includ�r�g,�U.t not 1�mi�ed�o,reasonable a�t�rneys' <br /> fe�s�o the ext�nt perm��ted by law; and�d�takes such action as Lender may reasanably requ�re to assure that�he <br /> �i�n�f�his Securi�y�nstrumen�,Lender's righ�s in�he Prop�rty and Borrav�er's ohixgation�o pay�he sums s�cured <br /> by�his Securxfiy �ns�rumen� shail cor��inue unchanged. Up�n reir�sta�ement b.�Borrawer, this Security �nstrum�n� <br /> and�he ob�igat�ons secured hereby sha11 remair� fu�ly effe�ti�e as if no acc�:�era�ion had accurred. �3owe�er, �h�s <br /> r�ght�fl re�ns�at� shail nat apply in th�case of acce�eration un�er�he sectian ti�led TranSfer of the Pr�per�y or a <br /> Benefcial In�erest in Borr�wer. <br /> Hazardvus Substan�es.B�rrovwer shal�no��a�ase or permi��he presence,us��, d�sposal, s�orage, ar release of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on or in�he Proper�y.B�rrower shall not do,nar al�ovv anyane eise t�do,anything affecting <br /> the Properfiy �hat is in v��Iat�on of any En��ronmental Law. The preced�ng two sentences shal� nat appl� to �he <br /> pr�sence,use,or s�ora�e on the Proper�y of small quantities of Hazardous Su��stances that are general�y rec�gnized <br /> to be appropria��to norma�res�den���.l uses and�o maintenance of the Property. <br /> Borrawer shall promp�Iy gi�e Lender v�ri�ten notice of any in�est�ga�ion,clair.r�,demand, lawsui��r��her action by <br /> any go�ernmental or regulatary age��y or pri�ate party �nvolving the Fr�perty an� any Hazardaus Substance or <br /> Environmental Lav� of which Borrower has actual knawledge. rf Borrc�wer �earns, ar is notifed by any <br /> governmen�al or regulatory au�hor��y,that any rem�val or other r�mediation c�f an�Hazardous Subs�ance affe���ng <br /> �he Prapex�y is necessary, Borrower sha�l prflmpt�y �ake aIi necessary r�:medial actions in a�c�rdance �vith <br /> Environmen�al Law. <br /> As used �n�his paragraph, "�azardaus Subs�an�es" are those su�s�ances defir�ed as�o�ic or hazar�ous substances <br /> by Enviranmen�al Law and the following subs�ances: gaso��ne, kervs�ne, {��her flammable or taxic petroleum <br /> products, toxic pes��c�d�s and herb�cides, vola��le solven�s, mater�a�s contain�ng asbes�os �r formaldehyde, and <br /> rad�oacti�e materials. As used xn th�s paragraph, "En�ironm�nta�La�"means federal Iav�s and�aws of�he sta�e of <br /> Nebraska tha�re�a�e�o heal�h,safety ar envirQnmental protec�ion. <br /> Acceleration; R�medies. Lender shall gf�e notice to Borrow�r prior to ac�eleration follow�ng Borrawer's <br /> breach of any covenan�ar agreement in this Securi�y Instrum��nt�r the��ontract under which acc�lerat�on <br /> �s permitted �but not prinr to acceleration under the section �it�ed Transf�r�f the Pr�perty ar a Beneficial <br /> In�erest �n Barrower, unless Appl��ab�e Law pro�ide5 atherwxse}. The n�tice sha�l specify: �a} the default; <br /> tb� the actxon required to cure the default; ��] a date, nat �es5 than the minimum number vf days <br /> estab�ished by Applicab�e Law fram the dat�the not�ce�s g�ven ta Barrower, by which the defau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d} that faiiure to cur� the default on or before the date specified in the not�ce may result in <br /> acc��erat�on af the �ums secured by this Securi�y Instrum�nt and �a�e �f the Prvperty. To the extent <br /> permitted by law, the noti�e shall�urther inform Barrower af the right to rein�ta�e aftQr a�ceZeratian and <br /> the right t�bring a�ourt action to asser�the nvn-ex�stence of a defau�t o�r any other defense af Borrower ta <br /> accelerativn and sale. If the defaul� is not�ured on or before the date s��eci�ed in the notice, Lender at its <br /> �ption may require �mmediate payment in fuli �f alI sums secured by this Secur��y Instrument without <br /> fur�her demand and may invoke the power of sa�e and any o�h�r remeclies perm��ted by App�ica�le Lavv. <br /> Ta the ex�ent permitted by layv, Lender shal� b� entitled to cvllect all ��xpenses incurred �n pursuing the <br /> remed�e� pravid�d in th�s Section, �nclud�ng, but not lirn��ed to, rea��nab�iQ attorneys' fees and c�sts of title <br /> evidence. <br /> If the power of sa�e is in�oked,Truste�shall record a notice of default ir�� each county in whi�h any part of <br /> �he Prvperty�s lacated and shal�mai��op�es of such noti�e in the manne��pre�cribed by Appl��able I.�aw to <br /> Borrower and ta the vther persons prescrib�d by App��cable Lavv. After the �ime requ�red by Applicable <br /> Law, Trustee sha�� gi�e publ�c natice of�ale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by .�pplicable <br /> Law. Trustee,w�thout demand on I3orrower,shal�sell�he Pr�operty at p�.�b��c auction to the highest bidder <br /> at the time and Place and under the terms designated in the n�tice of saie in one or m�re parceis and in any <br /> order Trustee determines� Truste� may postpone sale of a�� or any ��ar�ei of the Property by public <br /> announ�ement a�the tim�and p�a�e of any pre�iausly schedu�ed sale. Lender or its designee may purchase <br /> �he Property at any sa�e. <br /> Upvn rece�pt of payment of the pr�ce �id, Trustee �hall deliver to the pu�rchaser Trus�ee's_deed c�nvey�ng <br /> th�Property. The recitals�n the Trustee'S d�ed shail be prim� facie e�id+vnce of the truth of the�ta�ement� <br /> C�2404-2ti14 Campliance Systems,Inc.FD60-lOd9-2�13L2.10.1.895 <br /> �ansumer ReaI Esta#e-Security Instrument DL2a3d Page 4 Qf 5 wtivw.c� <br />