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� ��15�1�5� <br /> � DEE� �F TRUST <br /> Loan Nv: '1�'I Zg4�73 {Continued} Page �. <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, 15 G�VEN Ta SECURE {A} PAYNiENT DF THE 1NDEgTEDNESS AND (B} PERF�RMANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL DBLIGATIDNS UNC]ER THE N�TE, THE RELATED DDGUMENTS, AND THIS DEED ❑F TRUST. TH�S <br /> ❑EED �F TRUST 1S GIVEN AN❑ACGEPTED DN THE F�LLOINING TERIVIS: � <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Except as ❑therwise provided in this Deed af Trust, Trus�ar shall pay ta Lender aIl <br /> amounts secured by this Deed ❑f Trust as �hey became due, and sha�l stric�ly and in a �Fmely manner perfarm all vf <br /> Trustor's abligatians under�he Note,�his Deed of Trust, and the Rela�ed D��uments. <br /> PQ55E5Sf�N AND MA�NTENANGE DF THE PR�PERTY. Trus�or agrees �hat Trustor's possessian and use of the <br /> Praperty shall be go�erned by fihe tollowing pro�isions: <br /> Possessivn and Use. UntiI the occurrence vf an E�ent �f Default, Trusfior may ��} remain in possession and <br /> control vf the Property; {2} use, ape�a�e❑r manage�he Property; and �3} collect the Rents fram�he Pro�er�y. <br /> Duty �v Maintain. Trustvr shall maFn�ain the Proper�y in gaad candi�i�n and pramp�ly perform alf repairs, <br /> replac�men�s, and main�enance necessary ta preserve i�s vafue. <br /> Cvmp[iance l�ith En�rironmental Laws. Trus�vr represen�s and warran�s to Lender�ha�: �1} ❑uring the period af . <br /> Trus�or's ownersh��❑f�he Prop�rty,�here has been no use, genera�ion, manu-�acture, storage,tr�atment, dispasal, <br /> r�lease ❑r threatened release o� any Ha�ardvus 5ubs�ance by any person an, under, about or fr�m the Proper�y; �i <br /> {2} Trus�or has no knowledge ❑f, or reason t❑ belie�e fiha��here has been, ex�ep� as pre�iausly disclased ta and { <br /> acknowledged hy Lender in w��t�ng, {a� any breach o€- �ia�a�ivn of any Environmenta[ Laws, �b} any use, <br /> genera�ion, manu�Fac�ure, storage, treatment, disposal, release vr�hrea�ened release vf any Hazardous Subs�ance <br /> . ❑n, under, about or from �he Proper�y by any �rior ❑wners ❑r occupan�s o� the Property, ar {c} any ac�ual vr <br /> threatened litigation or claims vf any kind by any person re�afiing to such mat�ers; and t3� Except as pre�ivusly <br /> d�sclosed to and acknowledged by Lender in writing, �a} neither Trus�or nor any�tenan�, contractor, agen��r❑�h�r <br /> authori�ed user of the Pr�per�y sha�4 use, genera�e, manu�ac�ure, store, trea�; dispase of ar release any Hazardaus <br /> 5ubs�ance❑n, under, aboufi or trom fihe Praperty; and �b} any such ac�i�ity shall be conducted in camp�iance with <br /> a�l applicable federal, s�ate, and �oca[ iaws, regulations and ordinan�es, inGluding withou�k limi�at�an all <br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender and its agen�s �v en�er upan �he Praper�y ta make such <br /> inspec�ions and �ests, at Trustor's expens�, as Lender may deem appropriate tv determine compliance of the <br /> Praper�y wi�h fihis se�tivn vfi the Deed �f Trust. Any inspections or tesfis made by Lender shaii he far Lender's ' <br /> purposes ❑nfy and shall nat 1ae canstrued�ta creat� any responsibili�y or liability on.the part af Lender to Trus�k�r or <br /> to any ❑-�her person. The representa�ions and warranties con�ained her�in are based on Trustor`s du� diligence in i <br /> in�estigating the Praperty for Hazardous 5ubstances. T�us�ar hereby {�� re�eases and wai�es any fiuture Glaims � <br /> aga�ns� Lender for indemni�y or �vn�ril�ution in �he e�ent Trusto�- becames �iable fo�- cleanup ar ofiher casts under <br /> any such laws; and �2} agrees�� indemnify, defend, and hold harmiess Lender agains�any and all claims, losses, <br /> lia�iiities, damages, pena��ies, and expenses which Lender may directly or indirectly sustain❑r suffer resuiting frvm � <br /> a breach o-�this section of�he Deed o�Trust vr as a cvnsequence o� any use, gene�-a�ion, manufacture, storage, <br /> dispasal; release or threatened release❑ccurring priar to Trus�or's ownership ar in�erest in the Property, whether or <br /> no�k �he same was ar should have been known �o Trustor. The provisians-❑�this section of the Deed ❑f Trus�, <br /> including�he o1alFgation tv indemnify and de�end,shall sur�i�e the paymen�of�he �ndebtedness and the satisfiaction <br /> and r�con�eyance o��he lien ❑�this �eed ❑f Trust and sha[I not be affe��ed�by Lender's acquisition af any in�eres� <br /> in the Property, whe�her by�oreclvsure or otherwise. <br /> Nuisan�e, Waste. Trustvr shalf not cause, �onduct vr permi� any nuFsance nor cvmmi�, permi�, ar suffer any <br /> s�ripping ❑� or was�e ❑n or�o the Property or any por�ian ❑f�he Prnperty. Vllithvut fimiting �he genera�ity of the <br /> faregoing, Trus�or will nvt remv�e, or grant t❑ any❑ther party the righ��a r�mo�e, any timher,.minerals 4inciuding <br /> oil and gas�, coal, clay,scoria,soil, gra�e� or rock produc�s without Lender's prior written �ansen�. � <br /> Remnval of imp�v�ements. Trustor shall not demol�sh❑r remo�e any fmproWements from the Real Pr-op�rty without <br /> Lender`s prior wri�ten cansent. As a condi�ion t❑�he remoWal o�f any Impro�emen�s, Lende�-may require Trus�o�-�a <br /> make arrangements satis�ac�o�y to Lender t❑ replace such �mpro��men�s with �mpra�ements at a� least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Righfi�o En�er. Lender and Lender°s agents and represen�a�iWes may en�ker upon�he Real Praperty a� all <br /> reasvnal�le �imes ta at�end to Lender's in�eres�s and.�❑ inspect the Real Property �fo� purpases ❑� Trustor's <br /> compliance with�he�erms and condit�ons af�his Deed ��Trust. <br /> Camp��ance with Governmen�a� Requiremen�s. Trustvr shall pramptly comply wi�h all laws, ordinan�es, and <br /> regulafiions, now ar hereafter in effect, ❑�f all governmental au�hari�ies applicah2e to �he use or ❑cGupancy of fihe <br /> Prvperty. Trustvr may contest in gvvd fai�h any such Iaw, ❑rdinance,�r regulation and withhold compl�ance during <br /> any pr�ceeding, including appropriate appeafs, sv Iang as Trustor has noti�ied Lender in writing prior to doing so <br /> and so lflng as, in Lender's svle vpinion, Lender's interes�s in the Proper�y are not je�pardized. Lend�r may requ�r�� <br /> . <br /> Trustar to post adequate se�ur�ty or a sure�y bond, reasonably satisfac�ory�o Lender,�o pro�ect Lender`s interest. <br /> 17u�y tv Prv�ect. Trus�a� agrees nei�he�- to abandon �r leave unatfiended the Proper�y, Trustor shall do all o�her <br /> acts, in addition�❑thase ac�s se�forth aboWe in this section,which�ram�he character and use o�the P�-ope�ty are <br /> reasonably ne�essary tv pratect and preserve the Property. � <br /> DL1E�N SAtE- CDNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, a�Lender's aption, decIare immed�a�ely due and payable all sums <br /> secured by�khis �eed of Trust upon the sale or�rans�er, wi�hou�Lender's pri�r wri��en cvnsen�, ❑�all ar any part af the <br />