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� ��15�1��� <br /> ���D ��' TF�LJ�T <br /> ��U17'�1�l u�d� Page � <br /> Bor�-ower`s request and not a� th� request of Lender; �b} Trus�or has �he �ull power, righ�, and authori�y�o �nter�nta <br /> this Deed of Trust and �o hypathe�ate �he Praper#y; �c} the p�a�isions of this ❑eed of T�ust da no� CQn�lict wi�h, or <br /> resuf�€n a d��ault under any agreemen�or other�ns�rument binding upon Trustor and da not resul�in a�iolation of any <br /> law, reguia�ion, caurt deGree or ❑rde�app�icab�e �a Trustor; �d} Trusto� has es#ab[�shed adequate means of ab�aining <br /> from Borrower on a con�inuing basis informati�n abaut Bo�rower's financia� condi�ion; and �e} Lender has rnade no <br /> represen�a#ion to Trustor about Borrower�includ�ng withaut limi�atian the cr�ditworthiness o�Barrower}. <br /> TRUSTaR'S WAlVERS. Trustor wai�es a�i �igh#s ar de�enses arising by r�ason of any"one action"or"anti-deficiency" <br /> law, o� any other law whi�h may preWent Lende� from bringing any ac�ian against Trus#fl�, including a claim for <br /> deficiency to the exten� Lender is o�herwise en#itfed to a claim fo�defi�iency, b��ore or after�Lender's commencement <br /> � ar compfe�ian of any foreclo�ure action,either jud icially or by exercise of a power o�sale. -� <br /> PAYN'IENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Excep� as oth��vuise �ro�ided in �h�s CJeed of Trust, Borrower shall pay�o �ender al� <br /> lndehtedness secured by th�s Deed of Trust as it bec�mes due, and Barrower and Trus�or shali perf�rm a!l �heir <br /> respect��e�bligations under the Note, this Deed of Tru��, and the Related Documents. <br /> P�SSESS��N AND 11rlAINTENANCE �F THE PRDPERTY. Borrower and Trustor agree �hat Barrower's and Trustar's <br /> passessian and use of the Prope�ty shall be go�erned�y the fo�lowing provisians: <br /> Possess�on and Use. Un#iI the o�currence of an Even# o� Default, Trustor may t1} remain in possession and <br /> contro�o�the Praperky; t�} use, operate or manage the Property; and {3} �o�iect the Rents from the Prape�ty. <br /> Duty tv 1Vla�ntain. Trustar shail main�ain the Prope�#y in go�d candition and p�omp�ly per�orm a�l r�pai�s, <br /> replaC�ments, and maintenance necessary to preserve i�s value. <br /> Camp�ianc�Wi�h En��ronmental Laws. Trus�or represents and warrants to Lender that: ��} During the period a� <br /> Trustar's ovvnership of the Property, there has been no use,generation, manufac�ure,s�orage, trea�ment,d�sposal, <br /> s release or threa��ned release of any Hazardaus Substance by any.persan on, under, about ❑r from the Property; <br /> �2} Trustor has no knowl�dge �f, or reasan to heli�ve�hat there has been, exc�pt as previously disclosed�o and <br /> acknowl�dged hy Lender in wri�ing, �a} any breach or �ia�ation of any En�iranmental Laws, �b} any use, <br /> generati�n, manufacture, s�arage, trea�men�, disposal, re�eas� ar threatened re�ease of any Hazardous Substance <br /> on, under, abaut or from the Proper�y by any p�ior awners or occupan�s of the Prape�ty, or (c} any actual ar <br /> th�eatened litigatian ar claims af any kind by any persan re�ating to such mat�ers; and �3} Except as pre�i�usly <br />, disclased ta and acknowledged by L�nder�n writirtg, �a} neither Trustor nor any tenan�, cantractvr, agsnt or ather <br /> authori�ed user of the Prope�ky sha[I use, genera#e, manufacture, store, treat, dispose o�or�elease any Ha�ardous <br /> Subs�ance an, under, abou�or from the Prnper�y; and tb} any such act��ity shall be condu��ed in �ompl�ance wi�h <br /> all app�i�able federa�, state, and la�ai laws, regu[ations and ardinanc�s, in�luding withoufi limitation ai� <br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trus�or authoriz�s Lender and its agents to ente� upon the Proper�y �o make such <br /> inspec#ions and tests, at Trustor's expense, as Lende� may deem appropriate to dete�-mine compiiance o� �he <br /> Property with this section of the Deed o�Trust. Any inspections or tests mad� hy Lender shal� be for Lender's <br /> purposes�nly and shal� not be construed �o create any responsibility or�iability on the park af�ender to Trustar or <br /> �a any ofiher pe�son. The represen#at�ons and�varranties cflnta�ned herein a�e based on Trustor's due diligenc� in <br /> inves�igating the Proper�y for Hazardous Subs�an�es. Trustor hereby �'1} releases and wai�es any �uture ciaims <br /> agains� Lender far indemni�y or contribut�on in �he eWent Trustar becomes liab�e for cleanup or.o�her�osts under <br /> any such laws; and {�} agrees�a �ndemnify, defend, and hoid harmless Lender ag�ins�any and al! c�aims, losses, <br /> liabi�i�ies, dam�ges, pena�ti�s, and expenses whi�h Lender may directly or indirectly sustain or suffer�-esuiting fr�m <br /> � breach of this se�cti�n of the Deed of Trust o�r as a c�nsequence o�any use, generatian, man�f�c�ure, storage, <br /> d�sposal, re[�ase or�hreatened release accurring prio�to Trustvr's ownership or interest in the Property,whether�ar <br /> not the same was or shauld have been known to Trustor, The pro�isivns af�his section a�the Deed of Trust, <br /> inctuding�he obligation to indemnify and def�nd, sha�i survi�e�he payment of the Indebtedness and�h�safiisfac�ion <br /> . and recanveyance of the lien of this Deed of Trust and sha[1 no�be affected by Lender's acquisi#�on of any�n�e�est <br /> in the Prvperty,whe#h�r by foreclosure or otherwis�. <br /> Nu�sance, Waste, Trustar sha[i not cause, conduct or petm�t any nuisance nor camm�t, permit, ❑r suffer any <br /> stripping o€ar waste on ❑r to �he Prape�ty or any por�ion of the Property, Vllithout limiting the genera�ity af the <br /> for�going, Trustor will no�remove, or grant ta any o�h�r par�y th� right to remove, any�imber, minerais �includ�ng <br /> ���and gas}, coal, c�ay, scoria, so�I,gra�eE or r�ck pr�ducts without Lender's prior written consent. <br /> Rema�a�of�mprovQments. Trustor shall no�demolish or remave any impro�emen�s�rom the Real Praper#y wi�haut � <br /> Lender's p�ior written consen�. As a condi#ion to the remo�al o�any Impro�emen�s, Lender may require Trustor to <br /> make arrang�ments sa�isfac�ory to Lender.�� r�p�ace such Impro�em�nts with Impro�emen#s of at least equal <br /> value. <br />, Lende�'s Righ#to Enter. Lend�r and Lender's agents and representat�ves may enter upon ��e Reai Property at al! <br /> reasonabie times to a�tend to Lender's interes�s and ta inspec� the Real Property �or purposes of T�ustor`s <br />� cvmplianc�with the terms and conditions o��his ❑eed af Trust. <br /> Campfiance wi�h Go►►ernm�nta[ Requiremen�s. Trustar shail promptly campiy with ali la�+vs, ordinances, and <br /> regulations, now o� hereafter in effect, of ai! go�e�nmental authorities appii�able to �he use �r qccupancy af the <br /> Praperty. Trusta�may contes�in good faith any such law, ordinance, ar r�gu�ation and w�'�hhold complian�e during <br /> any praceeding, €n�luding apprapriat� appea�s; so long as Trusto� has no�ified Lender �n wri�ing prior to daing so <br /> and so�ong as, in Lender's svle opinion, Lender's interests in�he Prape�ty are no#jeopard�zed. Lender may require <br />