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��15�1��4 <br /> Y <br /> • ! <br /> A55�GNMENT �F RENTS <br /> Laan Na: �❑'i�8359a {�on��nued} Page 4 <br /> Callect Ren�s. Lender shall ha�e �he right, wi�hout notice �o Gran�ar, to take passession a�` the Proper�y and <br /> �vllec� �he Ren�s, including am�unts past due and unpaid, and apply �he net praceeds, ❑�er and aba�e Lender's <br /> cos�s, agains� the Indeb�edness. In �urthe�ance afi this right, Lender shall haWe all fihe righ�s pro�ided for in �he . <br /> Lender's Righ� to Recei�e and Collec� Rents Section, a�o�e. lf fihe Ren�s are collec�ed by Lender, then Grantar <br /> irre�acably designa�tes Lender as Gran�or's atfiorn�y--in-fact�❑ endorse instruments received in paymen��hereof in <br /> �he name ❑f Grantor and �o nego�iat�-�he same and calleGt�he proceeds. Paymen�s by fienants vr vther users ta <br /> Lender in response to Lende�-'s demand sha�l satFsfy the ❑bligafiions �or whiGh the paymen�s are made, whether vr <br /> no� any praper grounds for�he demand exisfied. Lender may exercise its rights under this subQaragraph eithet- in <br /> psrsan, by agen�, ❑r through a rec�iWer. � <br /> O�her Remedies. Lender sha�� have all ather rights and remedi�s provided in this Assignment ❑r the Note ar by <br /> law. <br /> Elec�ion vf Remedies. Electian by Lender to pursue any remedy shall nat exc�ude pursuit of any❑ther remedy, and <br /> an ele��ion ta make expenditures or ta�ake ac�ian to per�orm an abliga�ivn of Grantor under this Assignmen�, after <br /> Grantor's failure to per�orm, sha![ no�affec�Lender's ri�h�to declare a defaul�and exercise its remedies. <br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expenses, lf Lender institutes any suit or ac�ion t❑ �nforce any a��he terms o�thfs Assignmenfi, <br /> Lender shall be en�itled �a reca�er suGh sum as the cour� may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' fees at trial and <br /> upon any_appea[. VVhe�her ❑r not any courta ac�ion is in�alved, and tv �he exfien� no� prohibited by law, all <br /> �-easonable �xpenses Lender in�wrs �hat in Lender'.s vpinion are necessary a� any �ime �or the protectFon o� its <br /> in�eres�❑r the enforcement❑�f�ts rights shall become a part of the lndebtedness payab�e on demand and shall bear <br /> interest a��he Note rate firom the date o��he expenditure unti� repaid. Expenses �o�ered by fih�s paragraph include, <br /> w�thau� limitafiian, howe�er sub�ect�a any [imi�s under app�icable law, Lender's attorneys' fees and Lender's fe�al <br /> expenses, whether ❑r not fiher� is a lawsuit, inciuding a��arneys' fees and expenses �Far laankruptcy pro�eedings <br /> �including ef�orts�❑ mvdify❑r vacate any au�oma�iC s�ay or injunction�, appeals, and any anticipated pvst--Judgment <br /> coI�e�tian services, the cast ❑�searching recards, ob�aining title reports �in�luding foreclosure reports}, sur�eyors' <br /> �epo�ts, and appraisal fees, title insurance, and �ees f�r the Trustee, t❑ �he extent permifited hy applicable law. <br />, Grantor a[so will pay any caurt cos�s, in addi�tian to all ather sums praWided by law. <br /> M15CELLANE�US PF��V15iDN5. The following misceI�aneous provisions a�-� a part a�this Assignmen�: <br />� Amendments. This Assignmen�, t�ge�her with any Related Documents, cons�i�utes -�he entire understanding and <br /> agreement of �he pa�ties as tv �he matkers sefi fvrth in �his Assignm�nt. N❑ altera�ivn v� or amendment to this <br /> Assignment sha�� 1ae effec�i�e unless gi�en in writing and signed by the party �r parties sflugh� �o be charged or <br />, �ound by the al�erati�n❑r amendment.. <br /> Cap�ivn Headings. Caption headings in this Assignment are for con�enien�e purpos�s ❑nly and are not t� be used <br /> fio interpret or define fihe pro�isions af-�his Assignmen�. <br /> Governing Law. This Assignment wil[ be governed by federal law appiicabie to Lender and, �v the ex�en# nat <br /> preempted by#edera�law,�he laws a#�he S�ate of Nebraska v►ri#hvu�regard to its cvnfli�ts of law prvvisions. This <br /> Assignmenfi has been ac�epfed hy Lender in the 5�ate vf Nehraska. <br /> Choice nf Venue. I�there is a Cawsui�, Grantar agrees upon Lender's requesfi to submi�to the jurisdic�ion �f�kh� <br /> c�urts at Hall County, S�a�e ❑�Nebraska. <br /> Merger. There shall be nv merger o�the in�erest or estate created by �his assignment with any o�her in�e�-es� ar <br /> esta�e in fihe Property at any�ime held by or for�he bene�fi�of Lender in any capaci�y, withvut the written consent <br /> v�Lender. <br /> In�erpretation. {�} ln all cases where there is more �han one Barrvwer ❑r Grantor, then all words used in this <br /> Assignmen�in the singu[ar shall 1ae deemed �o have been used in the p�ural where the �ontext and construction so <br /> require. {2� lf more�han one persan signs�his Assignment as "Grantar," �he ❑b[igations of ea�h Gran�ar-are jaint <br /> and se�eral. This means that if Lender brings a Eawsuit, Lender may sue any on� ❑r mare ❑f �he Grantors. lt <br /> Borrower and Gran�or ar� no�the same pers�n, Lender need no�sue Bvrrower�irs�, and�hat Borrvwer need nv�be <br /> joined in any iawsuit. �3} The names gi�en -�o paragraphs or sec�ions in �his Ass�gnment are for conWenience <br /> purpases vniy.They are no�t❑ he used�o interpret or define the p�-��isions v�this Assignmen�. � <br /> No Wai►rer hy Lender. Lender sha�l not be deemed �0 1naWe waiWed any righ�s under fihis Assignment un�ess such <br /> waiWer is giWen in wri�ing and signed by Lender. No delay or❑missivn on the par�o�f Lender in exercising any right <br /> shall operate as a wai�er of such right or any other r�ght. A wai�er by Lender vfi a p�-ovisivn o��his Assignment <br /> shall no� prejudFce o� const�tute a waiver at Lende�-'s righ� a�herwise ta demand s�rict comp�iance wi�h fihat <br /> p�-a�ision vr any ath�r pr�Wision❑f this Assignmen�. Nv prior waiW�r by Lender, no�-any cvurse af dealing between <br /> Lender and Granfivr, shall cons�i�ute a wai�er a�# any of Lender's rights vr❑f any ❑�f Grant�r's obliga�ions as to any <br /> �Fufiure transactians. Whene�er the consen� of Lender is r�quired under this Assignment, the granting �f such <br /> consent by Lender in any �ns�ance shall n�� canst�tute cvntEnuing conssnt t❑ subsequent instances where such <br /> consent is requir�d and in a[I cases such cansent may be granted or withheld in the svle discre�tion❑�Lender. <br /> Notices. Any notice r�quired ta be giWen under this Assignment shall be gi�en in wri�ing, and shall be effective <br /> vvhen actually delivered, when a�tua��y recefved by �telefacsimE[e tunless ❑�her►nrise requi�red by law}, when <br /> deposited wi�h a na�iona�fy re�agnized o�ernight courier, ❑r, if maifed, when deposited in fihe United 5tates mail, as <br /> �irst cfass, c��tified ar �-egis�ered mail postage prepaid, direc�ed �o the addresses shown near the �eginning of fihis <br />