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��15�1��3 <br /> � <br /> : <br /> DEED DF TRUST <br /> Lvan Na: 1❑'�2g3�9� {C�nt�nu�d} Page 3 <br /> regula�ians, now ar hereafter in e�fec�, af all g�vernmental au�harities applicahle �a �he use ❑r ❑ccupancy a�the <br /> Proper�y, incIuding with�ut limi�atian, the Americans With Disabil�ties Ac�. Trustvr may �on�es�k in goad �aith any <br /> such law, a�dinance, ❑r regulatian and withhvld camplianc� dur�ng any proceeding, including appropria�� appea�s, <br /> s❑ Zong as T�ustor has no�ified Lender in writing prior ta daing so and so fong as, in Lender's so�e opinion, Lend�r`s <br /> in�eresfis in �he Property are no�jeopardiz�d. Lender may requ�re'Trustor to post adequa�e security or a surety <br /> bvnd, reasanably sa�isfa��ory to Lender,�o pro�t�ct Lenc�er's interest. , <br /> Du�y to Protect. Trus�or agrees neifiher to ahandon ❑r �ea�e unat�ended �he Praperty. Trus�vr shall d❑ all ather <br /> acts, in addi�ion�o those ac�s se��orth abo�e in�his sec�ion, whi�h#r�m �he charac�ter and use vf the Praperty are <br /> reasanably necessary fi❑ protect and preser�e the Property. <br /> DUE�N SALE-��NSENT 6Y LENDER. Lender may, at Lend�r's op�ivn, declare immediate[y due and payable a�1 sums <br /> secured by this ❑eed ❑f Trust upvn the sale ❑r�ransfer, wi�hou�Lender's prior wri�tten consent, �f alI or any par�o��he <br /> Real Property, flr any in�erest in the Real Property. A "sale or�ransfer" means �he cvnveyance ofi Real Praperty vr any <br /> right, ti��e ar �nte�es�t in fihe Rea[ Prvper�y; wh�ther legal, laene�icial or equi�able; whe�her ��luntary or in�olun�ary; <br /> whe�her by outr�ght safe, deed, installmen� sale con�ract� land contrac�, confira�� for deed, feasehold infieresfi wi�h a <br /> �erm grea�er�han three {3� years, i�ase-op�ion �ontracfi, or by sale, assignmen�, or�transfer ❑f any beneficiai interes� in <br /> or�o any [and trus� hvlding �i�le�❑ the Real Prap�rty, ar by�any ather method ❑fi con�eyance ❑f an in�erest in the Rea� <br /> P�operty. I� any Trus�or is a carpo�ration, partnership or �im�ted liahilifiy campany, trans�e�- alsv includes any change�in <br /> ownership ❑f more than fiwenty--tiWe perCent t25°/Q} ❑�f the�ot;ng s�ock, partnership inte�ests or limi�ed liahi�ity company <br /> interests, as the case may be, of such Trus�ar. H�we�er, this ap�ion shall nvt be exerc�sed by.Lender €t such exercise <br /> is prohibited by federal law or by Nebraska law. <br /> TA�ES AND LlENS. The f�llowing prv�isions rela�ing t❑ �he taxes and fiens on the Prvper�y are par� ❑�this Deed of <br /> Trust: � <br /> Paymen�. Trusfivr sha[� pay when due tand in a�� e�ents priar t❑ delinqu�n�yy all fiaxes, special�axes, assessments, <br /> �harges �including wa�er and sewer�, �ines and imposi�ions fe�ied against�r an account v�the Property, and sha�1 <br /> pay when due afl claims �or work d�ne on or for ser�ices rendered ar material �urnished to�he Property. Trustor <br /> sha11 maintain the Proper�y free of all liens ha�ing priority o�er❑r equal to�he interest❑f Lender under fihis Deed ❑f <br /> Trust, e��ept for �he lien of taxes and assessmen�s not due and except as ❑therwise p�-vWided iri��his Deed ❑f <br /> Trus�. , <br /> Right to Con#es#. Trus�ar may withhold payment af any tax, ass�ssment, ❑r claim in cannection wi�h a gv�d �ai�h <br /> dispute ❑�er the❑bliga�ion tv pay, sa lang as Lender's in�erest in the Property is not j�opardized. I�a lien arises ❑r <br /> is filed as a resulf of nonpaymen�t, Trustor shall within fif�een {�5� days af�ker the lien arises ❑r, i� a lien is �iled, • <br /> within fifteen ��5� days af�er Trustor has nafiice of the filing, s�cure �he discharge ❑f the lien, or if requested by <br /> Lender, dep�sit with L�nder cash��-a sufficient corporate surety bond or❑ther.securi�y satisfac�ory�a Lend�r in an <br /> amount sufficient fia discharge the fien plus any costs and attorneys' �ees, ❑r other charges that caufd ac�rue as a <br /> result ofi a#a�-ec[osure or sale under the [ien. ln any con�est,Trustar shal� defend itself and Lender and shall sa�tisfy <br /> . any ad�erse judgment be�fore en�o�-cement against the Praper�y. Trus�or shaEE nam� Lender as an additionaf ❑bligee . <br /> under any surety bond furnished in the �ontest proceedings. � <br /> EWidence of Payment. Trustor.shall upon demand fiurnish t❑ Lender satisfacfiory evidence ❑f paymenfi o�the taxes <br /> vr assessments and shall authorize the appropriate ga�ernmental offiicial �a deli�er ta Lender at any�ime a written <br /> sta�emenfi o�fihe taxes and assessments against the Prope�ty. � <br /> Natice of Constructivn. Trustor shalE nofiify Lender at ��ast�ifke�n ��5y days before any work is �omm�n�ed, any <br /> ser�ices are furnished, ar any materials are supplied to the Prvperty, ��any mechanic's �ien, ma�er�a[men's lien, or <br /> other �i�n could be asser�ed on account vf the workr S�.'CV[CBS� or ma�eriaEs. Trus�or will upon request ❑f Lender <br /> furnish �v Lender ad�ance assurances. satisfactvey �v Lender �hat Trus�vr can and wi!! pay �he cvsfi v�F such <br /> impr��ements. � <br /> PR�PERTY ❑AMAGE INSIJRANCE. The follawing pro�isions relating to insuring the Prope�-ty are a part of this �]eed o� <br /> Trust. <br /> Mainfenance o# Insurance. Trustor shall procure and maintain palicies �f fire �nsurance wi�h standard ex�ended <br /> co�erage endorsemen�s on a fa�r �alu� basis fvr fihe full insurable �alue cv�ering al� Impro�emenfis ❑n the Real <br /> Proper�y in an amaunt suf�icEent�v a�oid applica�kion of any coinsurance �lause, and with a s�tandard mortgagee <br /> clause in fa�or❑-�Lender. Trustvr shall also pra�ure and maintain comprehensi�e general liabili�y insurance in such' <br /> coWerage amoun�s as Lender may request with Trustee and Lender being named as addi�ional insureds in such <br /> Eiabili�y insuran�e poEicies. Addit�vnally, Trustar shal� main�ain such vfiher �nsurance, including bu� not limi�ed to <br /> hazard, business in�errup�ivn, and�b�i�er insurance, as Lender may reasonably require. Pnlicies sha[I be writ�en in <br /> �arm, am�unts, �o�erages and laasis reasonahly acceptable t❑ Lender and issued by a company ❑r companies <br /> reasanably accepfiabl� �o Lender. T�ustor, upon request of Lender, will de�Ever �a Lender from time to �ime the <br /> poiicies or�er�ificafies vf insuran�e En form sa�isfac�ary ta Lender, Encluding stipulations tha�ca�erages wil� nat he <br /> cance[[ed or dimfn�shed wi�haut at least ten �1�} days prior wri��en nat;ce fio Lende�-. Each insuran�e p�licy alsa <br /> shal! include an endorsement pro�iding thafi cvverage in fa�o�-of Lender will not be impaired in any way by any act, <br /> ❑mission ❑r default o�T�usfior or any vther persvn. 5hould the Rea� Proper�y �e loca�ed in an area designated by <br /> �he Administrator of�he Fede�ral Emergency lUlana�eme�t Agency as a specra[ f�ood ha�ard area, Trustvr agrees�o <br /> ob�ain and maintain Federal Flood lnsuran�e, i� a�ai�ak��e, far�he ful! unpaid principaf balance vf�he loan and any <br />