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��15�1574 <br /> cont�nue to pay to L�nder the amoun�of the separa�ely cies�gnated paymen�s tha�were due wh�n the <br /> �nsurance caverage�eased to be�n effect. L,�nd�r will accep�, use and re�ain these payments as a <br /> non-refundabl�loss reserv�in��eu of Mar�gage�nsurance. Such�oss reser�e sha�l be non--refundab�e, <br /> notvv�thstanding�h�fac��ha��he Laan is u�t�ma�e�y paid in fu��, and Lender shal�n��be r�qu�red�a pay <br /> Barrower any �n�er�st or�arn�ngs on such�ass reserve. L�nder can no �onger re�u�re��ss reserve paym�nts <br /> xf M�r�gage�nsurance covera�e��n the amount and f�r�he period�ha�Lender r�qu�res}pra��ded b�an <br /> �nsurer se�ected�y Lender agaxn becomes avai�able, is o�b�a�ned, and Lender requ�res separate�y designa��d <br /> payments�ovvard�he premiums for Mor�gag��nsurance. �f Lender requir�d Mortgage�nsurance as a <br /> cond��ifln of mak�ng�he Laan and B�rrower was r�quired�o mal�e separa�e�y designa�ed paymen�s�oward the <br /> premiums for Mar�gage�nsurance, gorrovver�hall pa�the�remiums re�uired ta maintain Mor�gag� <br /> �nsurance�n effect, or�o pro�ide a no�.--refundable loss reser��, unt�l Lender's requ�remen�for Mor�gage <br /> Insura.n�e ends in a�cordance wi��any wr���en agreement be�ween Borrov�er and Lender prov�ding for such <br /> ���on�r unt���erminat��n�s required by App��ca��e Lavv. Nflth�ng �n this Sectinn �0 affe��s <br /> Borr�wer's ob�igat�on�o pay in�eres�a��he ra�e pr��r�ded in the No�e. <br /> Mortgage�nsurance reimburses Lender��r any enti���ha�.purchases�he No�e} for Ger�ain Iasses i�may in�ur <br /> if Borrower daes n�t repay th�Laan as agreed. Borrower is not a par�y���he Mar�gage�nsurance. <br /> Mar�ga���nsurers e�a�ua�e�heir�o�al risk an a�� such insurance in force fram t�me�o�ime, and may en�er <br /> xn�o agre�ments v�r��h o�her part�es that share ar mod�fy�he�r r�sk, �r r�du���oss�s. These agre�n�.en�s are on <br /> term� and cond�tions tha�ar�satisfac�or�r to the mor�gage �nsurer and the a���r part�tor par�ies}t�t�ese <br /> agreemen�s. These agreeme�.�s may require the mortgage insurer�o make payments us�ng any source of funds <br /> �hat the mar�gage insurer ma�have ava�lab���wh�ch may include funds ob�a�ned from Mor�gage�nsurance <br /> prerniums�. <br /> As a resu�t of�hes�agreen�.ents, Lender, any pur�haser�f�he Nate, another insurer, any reinsurer, any a�her <br /> en�ity, or any af��iate of any of�he f�regaing, ma�rece��e�d�rectly or indirectly} amounts�hat derive from <br /> �or m�ght be charac�erized as} a portion of Borrov�er's payments for Mor�gage�nsuran�e, �n exchange for <br /> �haring or m�dify�ng the mor��age insUrer'�ri�k, or reducing �osses. �f such agre�n�en�pro�ides that an <br /> af���a�e af Lender�akes a share of the insur�r's risk in e�change for a share of the premiums paid to the <br /> �nsurer, the arrang�men�is aft�n�ermed "cap�ive re�nsurarxce." Fur�her: <br /> {a� Any such agreements►w��l not affect the amounts that Borrower has agreed�o pay for Mar�gage <br /> I��s��=���+��, ��i a���y +a�.����_�.��i��s�f�.1��L�aa��. Sucli agtp�en�en��wi�I n.a�i�crea�e th��►maunt <br /> Borrower will owe for Mortgage Insurance, and they wiii not ent�t�e Borrower to any refund. <br /> �b} Any su�h agre�ments wi�l not affect the r�gh�s Borrower has-if any -wx�h re�pect ta the <br /> Mor�gage Insurance under the Homeawners Pro�ection Act of 1998 or any ather law. These righ�s <br /> may�nc�ude the r�g�.t to rece��e cer�ain disc�osures, ta request and obtain cancellat�on af the <br /> Nlartgage Insurance, to ha�e the Martgage Insurance terminated automa�ica��ys andlor to rece�v� <br /> a refund of any Mortgage Insurance premiums tha�were unearned at the time of such <br /> cance��ation�r term�na�ion. <br /> '1�. Assignment vf Miscel�an�ous Proc�eds; Forfeiture. AIl Misce��aneous Proceeds are hereb�r assigned to <br /> and sha�� b�paid to I.fender, <br /> If the Prnp�rty i�damaged, such M�sce�lar�e�us Proceeds sha��be app�ied�o res�ora�ion ar repa�r of the <br /> Property, if the restora��an or repair is e��n�mica���r feasibi�and Lender's security �s not less�n�d. During <br /> such repair and r�s�oratzon�er�od, L.�nder sha��ha�e the right��ho�d such Miscellaneous Pro�eeds un��l <br /> Lender has had an opportuni�y to �nspec�such Praper�y�o ensure the wor�has�een evmpleted to L�nder's <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3D�8�ID1 <br /> VMP fl VMP6tN�y('i 3�2y <br /> W�lters Kluwer Financial 5er�ices Page 9 0�7 7 <br />