<br /> in the Proper��and rights under this Securi�y Instrumen�; and�d} takes suc�ac�xan as Lender may
<br /> r�asflnably require�o assure that L�nder's interes� �n the Propert�and righ�s under�h�s Se�urity �ns�run�ent,
<br /> and Borrower`s�b1�ga�ion to pa��he sums se�ured by�h�s Secu���y �ns�rument, sha��c�ntinue unchanged.
<br /> L.�nder may requ�re�hat B�rrovver pay such reinstatement sums and e�penses in Qn�or more of the following
<br /> f�rms, as se�ec���.b�I.ender: �a} cash; �b}�oney order; �c}��rt�f�ed check, bank�heck, treasurer's check ar
<br /> cashier`s check, provided any such check is drawn upon an�ns��tut�on whose dep�sits ar��nsur�d by a
<br /> fed�ral ag�ncy, �nstrumen�aii�y or entit�; or�d} Elec�ronic Funds Transfer. Upon re�ns�a�ement by Borrower,
<br /> th�s Security�ns�rument and obligati�ns secured��re�y shall remain fu����ffe����e as if no a�celera�ion had
<br /> occurred. Hawever, this r�ght to r�ins�ate sha��not apply in the case of acceleration under Sec�.�on 18.
<br /> ��. Sal� of Nate; Change �f Lvan Ser�icer; Notice vf Grievance. The N�te or a partia� in�eres� �n the
<br /> N�te�toge�her with this Securi�y�nstrumen�}�an be so�d�n�or mor��imes w�thout pr�or noti�e�.o
<br /> Barrower. A saie m�gh�r�sul�in a change�n the en�ity �knovvn as the "L�an S�rvicer"� �hat co��ect� Per�adic
<br /> Paymen�s due under the Note and this Secur�t��nstrument and performs other m.or�gage l�an s�rvic�ng
<br /> obl�gat�ons und�r th�Nnte, �his Securi�y Yns�rument, and App�icab�e Law. There a�so migh�be one or m�re
<br /> changes of�h.e Loan Serv�cer unre�ated to a sale af the Nate. If�here�s a change of the Laan Serv�iCer,
<br /> Borrower will be giv�n wr���en nntice of�h�change which w�1� s�ate the na�me and address�f�he new Laan
<br /> Ser�i�er, �he address to which paymen�s should be made and an�other informat�on RESPA re�uires in
<br /> c�nr�.ec��on w�th a not�ce of�ransfer of ser��cxng. �f the No�e is sold and�hereafter the I.�an�s s�rviced h�r a
<br /> Loan Servicer other�ha�.the purchaser of the Nate, the ma�gage loan servic�ng ob��gation�to Borrawer will
<br /> r�main v�ith the Loan Serv�cer�r b�trari.sferred ta a successor Loan Servicer and are no�assum�d by the
<br /> Note pur�haser unless otherwis�pravided h�r the Nate pu�rchaser.
<br /> Ne�ther Borrower nor Lender may commence,jo�n, flr be jo�ned to any jud��ial a�tian�as ei�her an
<br /> individuallitigant or�h�member of a c�ass}tha�arises from the other par�y's acti�ns pursuant�o this
<br /> Security�nstrument ar�hat alleges�ha��he�ther par�y has breach�d any provis�an of, �r any duty ow�d by
<br /> reason of, �h�s Se�urx�y �nstrument, untii such B�rrower or Lender has notifi�d the v�her par�� �w�th suc�
<br /> n���ce given in comp�iance w��h the requ�remen�s of Section �S}�f such alleg�d breach and afforded the
<br /> other par�y hereto a reasonable period after�he giving of such no��ce�o take c�rr�ctiv�ac�ion. �f Appli�a��e
<br /> Law pr�v�des a�ime period which mus�elapse before certain a�tian can be taken, that tim�per�od w����e
<br /> deemed to be reasonab�e f�r�urpases of this paragraph. Th�nntice of acce�era�i�n and oppar�un�t�r�o cure
<br /> g���n�o Borrower pursuant to Sect�fln 22 and the nati�e of acce�era��on gi�en to B�rro�ver pursuan�to
<br /> Sec�ion �8 sha11 b�deemed�a sa�isfy�he na�ice and oppar�uni�y�o take correcti�e act�on provisions of�his
<br /> Sec�ion��.
<br /> ��. Ha�ardous Substances. As used in this Section 21: �a� "HC��ClY�Q1•�s SLl�3StCZ1�CeS'�are thos�su�stances
<br /> defined as�n�ic or hazardous subs�ances, po�lutan�s, �r vvas�es b�r Envir�nmen�al Law and the fo��owing
<br /> subs�an�es: gasol�ne, kerosene, o�her fla.mmable or�oxic pe��raleum products, �ax�c pesticides and herbzc�des,
<br /> vo�atx�e sol�en�s, materials con�a�n�ng asbestos or formald�h�de, and radioac�i�e ma�erials; �b}
<br /> ".Lnvir�nme�ttal Lc�w"means federal �aws and laws of the jur�sdic�ian wher�the Proper�y is �ocated�hat
<br /> relate to hea�th, safe�y�r en��ronm�n�a�prat�ct�on; (c} "Environmenta� �`tea�up"includ�s any r�sponse
<br /> a�tion, rerned�ai act�on, �r rem��rai act�on, as defineci in Environmen�al Law; and�d} an ",�'nvironr�ter�taZ
<br /> �ortdi�ian"means a c�ndi�i�n tha�can cause, contr��ut��v, or o�hervv�se trigger an Environmen�al��eanup.
<br /> Bflrrower sha�l not cause or permit�he presencey u�e, disposal, storage, or re�ease of any �azard�us
<br /> Subs�ances, or�hreate�.�o re�ease any Hazardous Substances, on or in the Proper�y. Borr�wer sha�l no�da,
<br /> nor al�ow ar�yone e�s�to do, an�th�ng affect�ng�he Prop�r�y �a}that is �n vio�ation of any En�ir�nmen�al
<br /> Law, ��} �v�rhich crea�es an Environmenta� Condition, �r�c} which, due to�he pres�nce, use, ar reiease of a
<br /> Hazardaus Subs�ance, crea�es a condi�ion tha�adversely affec�s the value af�he Prflper�y. The preGed�ng�wo
<br /> NESRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mael�redd�e MaC UNIF�RM 1[VSTRtJM�NT Form 3�28 11�1
<br /> VMP QQ VMP6tN�y{'!3��)
<br /> Walters Kiuwer�inancia(Ser�ices Pag��3 of 3 7
<br />