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- ��15�1574 <br /> ��. Barrvwer IVot Releas�d; Forbearance By Lender Not a Vllaiver. Extens�on�f the time f�r payment�r <br /> �nodifica�ian of amor��za��on of the sums s��ured b�r�h�s Se�ur�ty �nstrument granted by L�nder ta Borro�nrer <br /> �r any Successor in Int�rest of Borro�v�r sha��no�operate ta re��ase�he liab��ity of Borrower or any <br /> Su���ssors in In��res��f Borrower. Lender shal�not be requ�red��commence pro�eed�ngs aga�nst any <br /> Successor�n Inter�st of Bflrro�ver or to refuse�o ex��nd�i�ne for paymen�or otherwise modify amor��zat�on <br /> of the sums se�ured by th�s SeCur�ty Instrumen��y reas�n of any demand mad�by�he or���nal Barrovver nr <br /> any Su�cessors in�nteres�of Borrower. An�forbearance by I�nder�n exerci��ng ariy right or r�med� <br /> including, without limitati�n, Lender's ac�eptance of payments from�hird persons, �ntit�es or Succ�ss�rs in <br /> �n�er�st of Borrov�er or in amaun�s �ess than�he amaunt then due, shal�not be a wa���r�f or pr��lude the <br /> exerc�s�of any rxgh�or remed�. <br /> '�3. Joint and Se��ra1 Liahi�ity: Co-signers; Success�rs and Assigns Bvun�. Borrower co�ena�ats and <br /> agr�es tha�Borrower's ob�iga�ions and l�abi��ty sha��be j�int and s��eral. �3�wever, any Borrower who <br /> co-s�gns�his Se�uri�y �ns�rumen��u�does nat e�ecu�e�he Note�a "Co-signer"�: �a} is�a--s��ning this <br /> Secur�ty Instrument anly t�m.or�gage, grant and con�ey�he co-signer's in�eres�in th�Property under the <br /> terms of�his Secur�ty Instru�nent; ��} is nat personally ob�iga�ed to pay�he sums secur�d by�his Secur�t� <br /> �nstru.ment; and �c} agrees that I.ender and an�other Borrower can agree�o extend, mod�fy, farbear or make <br /> any accommodations wi�h regard�a the��rms�f�h�s Security Ins�rument or the N�te withaut th�co-sign�r's <br /> consen�. <br /> Sub�ect to the pr��is�ans of Sec��on �S, any Successor in rn�erest of Borrow�r who assumes B�rrower's <br /> ob�iga���ns under this Se�urity Instrument in wr���ng, and �s approved by Lender, shall obta�n a��of <br /> Borr�wer's righ�s and benefits under this Security �nstrumen�. Borrower sha��not be r��eased fr�rn <br /> Borrawer's obliga�ions and liabili�y under this Security �nstrument unless L�nder agrees to such release in <br /> vvrit�ng. The co�venant�and agreemen�s af�his Securi�y �ns�rum�nt sha11 bind���cept as prov�ded�n Sect��n <br /> ��} and bene��the suc�essors and assigns af Lender. <br /> �4. Laan Charges. Lend�r may charge Borrav��r fees for serv�ces p�rformed in connect�on with Borr�wer's <br /> defaux�, for the purpose of protecting Lender's�nteres�in the Proper�y and r�ghts under�his Security <br /> Ins�rume�.t, inc�ud�ng, but n��iimi��d to, attorneys' fees, praperty �nspection and�a�ua�i�n fees. �n regard to <br /> an�ather f�es, �he absence�f e�press au�hority in this Security Ins�rument ta charge a specif�c fee�o <br /> B�rrower sha��n��be canstrued as a prohib�t�nn on th�charg�ng of su�h fe�. Lender may not charge fees <br /> �hat are express�y prohib�ted�y�his Secur��y Instrument or�y App��cab��Law. <br /> �f the Loan is subj e��to a law which sets maximum laan charges, and that law is fina��y in�erpreted so that <br /> �he�nter�st or�th�r loan�harges colle�ted or�o be co���cted�n c�nnec���n with the L�an�xc�ed the <br /> p�r�rv.t�ed��m.��s, �hen: �a} an� �uch loan charge sha11 be reduced b��he amoun�nec�ssary to ��duce the <br /> charge to�he permi��ed�inut; and �b} any sums a�ready coll�cted fr�m Borrower which e�.ceed�d p�rmi��ed <br /> litnits wi�1�e refunded to Borrawer. Lender may ch�ose to make�h�s refund by reducing the principal�wed <br /> under the No�e or b�making a d�rec�paymen�to Borrawer. �f a refund redu�es pr�nc�pa�, the re�uc�ion wxll <br /> he treated as a part�al prepaym�nt withou�any prepayment charge�whe�her or no�a prepayment charge�s <br /> pravided far under fhe Note}. Borrower's accep�ance of any such refund mad�by direc�pay�nen��o <br /> Borrower�rill cons��tu�e a vvai�er af any righ�of ac�.ion Borr�vw�r might ha�e ar�sing ou�of su�h overcharg�. <br /> ��. N�t#ces. A��notices given by Borrow�r�r Lender in connec�ion with�his Secur��y �nstrument mus��e in <br /> wr�ting. Any no�ice to Borrower in connec��an w�th this S�curi�y In��rument shall be deemed to ha�e been <br /> g�ven���orr��ver when mailed by firs�class�or when ac�ually deli�er�d�� Barrower's not�ce addr�ss �f <br /> s�n�by other means. Not�ce t4 any one Borrower sha�l�ons�itu�e notice to ali Barr�wers un�ess Appl�cable <br /> Lav� �xpressi�requ�res otherw�se. 'The no�ice addr�ss sha�� be�he Pr�perty Address un��ss Borrow�r has <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingte�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNiF4RM 1NSTRUM�NT �orm 3�Z8 1101 <br /> VMP(] VMPS{N�}t�3�2) <br /> Walters Kluwer�inan�ial Ser�ices Page"t�nf 9 7 <br />