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��15�15�� <br /> sentences shall not apply to the pres�nGe, use, or s�orage on�he Praper�y of smal� quanti�ies of Hazard�us <br /> Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate tfl n�rma� r�s�d�ntial u�es and ta main�enance nf <br /> the Property �inc�uding, but nat�imited to, hazardous substances �n cansum�r products}. <br /> Borrower sha��pran�ptly gi�e Lender wri��en na�zce of�a} any invest�gation, c�a�m, demand, �awsuit or o�her <br /> ac�ion by any governmental ar r�gulatar� agency or pri�a�e party �n�o�v�n�the Praperty and an�r Hazardous <br /> Sub��ance ar En�ironm�ntal Law af which Borrower has actual knowiedge, �b} any Environmen�a� <br /> G�ndition, inciuding but not �imite��o, any spilli�g, Ieaking, dzscharge, r�iease or�hreat of releas�of any <br /> �azardous Subs�ance, ar�d�c} any�and��ion caused by th�presence, use or re�ease�f a Hazar�.aus Sub�tance <br /> which ad�erse�y affe��s the va�u�af�he Proper�y. �f Borrower learns, or is n��ified by any g��ernm�ntal or <br /> regu�at�r�au�hor�ty, �r any private par�y, that any r�mo�al or�ther remed�a��on of any Hazardou� Subs�anc� <br /> affect�ng �he Property is necessa�, Barrower sha��prompt��r tak�a�� nece�sary r�med�al act�ans in <br /> accardance�v�th En��ronmental Law. Nathing herein shall create any obligatian an Lender for an <br /> Environmen�al Cleanup. <br /> Nan-Unifvrm Co��nants. Barrower and Lender covenant and agr�e as fol�ows: <br /> Z�. Acce�eratian; Remedies. Lender sha��g��e not�ce�o Borrower prior�o acc��erax�on folior+v�ng <br /> Borrower's breach of any co�enan�or agreement�n�h�is Secur��y Ins�rument �bu�not pr�or�o <br /> acc�lerat��n under S�ctian 18 unle�s Applica�h�e Law pro��des�therw�se}. The no�ice sha�l speciFy: �a} <br /> th�default; �b� �he ac�ion requ�r�d�a cure�he default; �c} a date, not��ss�han 3q days from�he date <br /> th�notice is���en�o Borro�ver, by which the default must�e cured; and �d} �ha� fa�lure tQ cur��he <br /> defau�t on ar befflre�he da�e sp�c�f�ed�n th�no���e may re�u�t in ac��lerati�n of the sums secured by <br /> �h�5 Secur��y Ins�runlent and sa�e of�he Prop�rty. The not��e shal� further�nfarxn Borrnwer of�he <br /> right to reinsta�e after ac�elera�i�n and the right to b�ng a eourt a���an�o asser�the non�ex�stence of a <br /> defaul�ar any other defen�e of Bvrrovver to a�ce�eration and sale. If�he default is not cured on ar <br /> �efore�he date speci�ed in the nofi�ce, Lender at its ap�ion may require immedia�e payment in full af <br /> all sur�s secured by this Securi�y Instrumen�withaut further demand and may in�ake the pawer of saie <br /> and any ather remedies perm�t�ed b�Applicabl�Law. Lender shal�be entitled�o c�I�ec�al�expenses <br /> incurred�n pursuing�he remedies pravided in�his Se��ian 2�, including, but nat l�mited�v, reasonabie <br /> a��ox-neys' fees and costs of t�tie e��dence. <br /> If�he power af sale�s invoked, Trustee sha��record a no��Ce of defau�t�n each county�n which any <br /> part of�he Praper�y is�ocated and shall mail cvpies of such nvt�ce�n the manner pres�ribed by <br /> App�icab�e Law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by Applicab�e I�aw. Af�er the tim� <br /> required by App�icable Law, Trustee sha�l gi�e pubiic no�ice vf saie to the person5 and in the manner <br /> pres�ribed by Applicable La��v. Trustee, without demand on Borrvwer, shall seli the�roperty at pub�ic <br /> auct�on to the highest b�dder a��he time and place and under�he terms designated in�he notice of sale <br /> �n one ar more parce�s and�n any order Trustee determines. Trustee m.ay postpone sa�e of aI�flr any <br /> parce� af the Proper�y �y pub��c annauncemen� a� �he t�me and place nf any prev�ous�y schedu�ed sa�e. <br /> Lender or�ts des�gnee may purchase�he Proper�y at any sa�e. <br /> Upon receip�of payment of the price bid, Trus�ee sha�i de�i�er�o�he purcha�er Trustee's deed <br /> con�ey�ng�he Praperty, The reci�ais in�he Trus�ee's deed shal�be pr�ma facie ev�denee af the tru�h of <br /> the s�atemen�s made therein. Trus�e�sh��l apply�he proceeds of the sa�e in�he fol�owing order: �a} �o <br /> a��costs and expenses af exercis�ng t�x�po►�ver of sale, and the sa�e, inc�ud�ng the payment vf the <br /> Trustee's fees actua��y�ncurred and reasonab�e at�orneys' Fees as perm�tted by App��cab�e I.avws �b} �o <br /> a��sums secured by �h�s Se�urity Ins�rumen�; and �c} any exce�s �o the person or pers�ns�ega��y <br /> en���Ied�a i�. <br /> N�BRASKA-SingEe�amily-Fannie Mael�redcfie Mac UNIFflRM 1NSTRUMENT Farm 3D28 11�1 <br /> VMP(] VMPfi4NE�t�30�) <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inanciat 5er�ices Page�4 0€17 <br />