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��15�1455 <br /> Any application of pay�nen�s, i�sura��ce proceeds, or Mi,�cella�leous Proceeds to��itzcipa�due uz�c�er t��e Note <br /> s��a�I r�ot ex�;ent�or pos�pQne���e due�.a�e, o�c�z��.ge��z�ainouri�, of��ae Perio�ic Paytnen�s. <br /> 3. Ft�nds for�s�ro�v�t�ins. Borro�wer sha�l pay�o I.erider o���ie day Perio�.ic P�.y�a�e��s are�ue under�he <br /> Natie; unt�1�he No�e is paid.��fu.��, a su�n��he"Fuizc�s"} �o provide far�ay�nen�of�.no��n�s due far: �a}�a�e� <br /> az�d assess�ne�.�s a.nd o�her i�te�ns wh�cl�car�a�:�ai�prior�ty ovei�his Secu���y Zns�ruxneri�as a l�en o�• <br /> encuznbrance�r�.�he Property; ��� Ie��e�la�c�pay�nen�s ar g1 our��ren�s o�.��e Proper�y, iF a�.y, �c}prei�i���ns <br /> for a�ly a.��d a�1����t�al�ce requ�red�y Lenc�er unc�er Sec�:i���5; and�d}Mor�gage Y�sura�a.ce pre�niurns, �f a�y� <br /> �r arly su��1s payable Uy I3orra�wer to Lender�n 1i�u af�he pay�nen�af Mar�g�.�;e I�asu�`a�ce��einiu�ns i� <br /> acc�rdar�ce�ith���e�a��n�risio�s of Sec��o�. �.0. T��.ese i�etns ar�ca�le�. "Escra�r Ite�ns.'' A�a��zgir�atio�or at <br /> �.�y time during��Ze�ertn of�he Loan, Le�zder�Z�ay re�uire�ha�Co�r�-ri�:�r�ity Assac�a�����I�ues, Fees, �.�c� <br /> Assess�ne�l�s, ���.�y, �e�scrovtred by Borrower, an�.suc�l du�s, fees a�d assess�ne���s sha��l�e a.n Escrow <br /> Z���.n. Bo�.•rower sha11 pro��.zp�1y furr�isll�a Le�der a��no���es of�.�nou�l�s�o be pa�d u�zder��Zis:Se�t���. <br /> 13a�rov5rer sha�l pay L�r��.e��the Fut7c�s far�s�rovv I�e�ns�.��1ess Lender wa�ves Borra�vet•'s ob�iga��oz��o�aay <br /> �he Fu��ds for any or a11 Esc�ow Ite�ns. Len�er��na�r�t7vaive Bar��avver's ob�iga�xor��o pay�o Lei�de�Fu�lc�s far <br /> - a�ly or a11�scra��f;e���s at a�1y ti�ne, A�.zy such waiver f-nay only be in vvri��r�g. Ir��Ile event of suclz waiver, <br /> BorroWer s�a�1�ay dTrec�ly, vv��en a�a�.w�a.ere payable, the amau�ts due f�r�.ny Esc�o�v rteilzs�or wlzich <br /> pay�ne��.�of Fu�.ds h�s l�een waived�y Lender a��d, if L,er�c�er requ�res, �ha11 Furnisll i.o Le�1d�r re�ei��s <br /> evidencir�g such paymer��vtr��;hin�ucf��ime p��iod�s Le��.e��n�.y�equire, Bor�•o�ver's a��iga.�ion�a�nal�e <br /> suc��payiZlerif:s and�:fl p1'ovide receip�s sha.1� Far a��pur�oses�e d.eei�le�to be a covenan�and agreeine�� <br /> co��ai��ec�in�his S�cL�rity Itls�ru�ne�.�, as��ie pla�r�se"cover��t and agreemen��" xs used itz Sec�io��9. If <br /> B��r�owe�•�s ob��ga�e�.i.o�ay Escrow I�e1ns c�irec�ly, purst�ant�:o a�va.xver, a�ld Barr��er rails�a pay��ze <br /> �:�nou�a.�due for an Ese�rQw I�e�n, Len�.er may exercise it�t�ig��ts under Sec�io�.9 anc�pay suGl�a.rnoun.�and <br /> Borz��wer sha���he�.b�oUl�ga�e�.un�.ez Sect�on 9 �o repa�r ta Le�lder a�.y su�h a�noun�. Lender m�.y re�ro�e . <br /> �;he�vaiver as�o �.ny or�.1�Escro�w I�e�z1s a�an�r�z�a.a.e�y a no��ce given ir��.ccordance With Se�tiar�. 15 a�.d, <br /> upfln such revocati��n, Bo��ro,wer s�laZ�pay�o L�n�.er al�F�.�zds, and i�su���.a�nou�x�s, �h�.�ai�the�rec�uired <br /> u�1der��ais Sec�i�xz 3, <br /> Le���e��-nay, a��.Y-�y���ne, co��ec�;a.tzc�ha1�.�`ur�d� in a�z�.mou�ti�a� sufficient�o peri�nit�e��der�o app�y t1�e <br /> Futlds at t�e�:���1e spe�if�et�L�nder I�ESPA, and��� �ot�o exceed��ze��nax��nu�n�.�r�oun�a�e�ader ca�rec�uire <br /> u�1�.er�ESPA, Lenc�e�sha11 est�ma����.e�.�.nount�f Fu��.ds c�.ue on the�asis af cu��en��ata an�.r�asona1��e <br /> es���na�es of expen����u�es of f-u�ure Escrow I�e�ns or a�f�ei wise iiz accorda�.�e vtrit�z A�p�ica�Ie Law. <br /> Tl�e I'u�c��s�aa�I�e l�e1d i��.�ins�il:u�ion vvlzose�.epositis ��•e��lsured hy a f�der�.��.getl�y, instrumen�a���y, or <br /> - etlt�ty�inc�u.di�g Leri�.e��, if Let�d��is an�nstitu�io�vvhose c�eposz�s are�o i�.sured} at in�.ny Federa�I3o�ne <br /> Loa:�.Ba���. Le�1c�e�r s�a.a�� �.��1y�he Funds�o�aay the�s��a�v I��tns no�a�er�ha.n��a.e���ne s�ecir�e�un�.er <br /> R.�SPA. Ler�c�er slia�l no��ha�ge Borra�ver far haldi�g a�zc�applying�he�u�nds, a.�a�.ua�ly�r��.ly�i�g the <br /> escraur accoun�:, ar verifying�he Escrow I�e�n�, uriles��,ende��ays Bo�rflw��r�n�eres�o��:he F�.xnds and <br /> Ap��iea�le Law pe��ni�s Len�.er�����.lfe suc�1 a c1la.rge. Unless an agree��riea���s�nade i�.wz i�i�zg or <br /> A�aplica�ale Law requires inl;erest f:o 1�e p�.ic�on t�le Fun��s, Le�lder sh�.�l na�be requi�•ed to pay Lorrower any <br /> ��.te�:es�ar ea��z�ngs a�.the Funt�s. Ba��rovver a�d ca.�z agree ir�vvriting, �iawever, tiha��n�;eres�sha��be <br /> , �aaid�n�he I'un�s. Ler�der shal� give�o Borrower, vvi�hou�c�.�rge, an ar�n�.�a1 accou��ing of��Ze Fur��s as <br /> requ�red�y R�SPA, <br /> �f�1�er�is �.sur�alus af Func�s 11e�d in escrow, as defined�ndet•R�SPA, Le��dex sla��� accou�z��a Lorl�av�rer�'o� <br /> t1Ze exces5 f:u��ds i�acco�:dar�ee witll R�SPA, ��'th�x e is a shart��e o�Fu�c�s�ze�c��n escrow, as c�ef��zed t�.nde�° <br /> I�SPA, Lende�s��a11 no�if-Sr Bo��rowe� �s t•ec�uire�.by�.ESPA, �.�c�Bo��rt�vver sha11 pay�o Le�.d�r��a.e a��.ount <br /> fze�es,�at y�o znake up��a.e s��o��age�n a�corc���.ce�w���z RESPA, vu.�in�Zo inore 1:��a� �2�Zaon�.I�1y�ay��.en�s e �F <br /> �here is a c�eficrer�c�r af I'u�Zds��e�d i��escro�r, as c�ef�ne�.�.tzde�r RESPA, Le�c�er s11a1�zlotii:fy Bo��rower as <br /> 2�4��795�# <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-F�nnie M aelFreddie M ac LINI�ORM IN5TRLIM�NT �orm 3�28 1l0� <br /> VM P a VM P6�N�}��3��� <br /> Wolters Kluw er�inancia�S�rvices Page 5 af�7 <br /> - - _ _ . - <br />