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��15�14�� <br /> ����1�=����T �� �:�I�TS <br /> , <br /> �Corl#Inu�d} Page 3 <br /> person, by agent,or throug�a recei�er. <br /> Dther Remedies, Lender shal� ha�e afl other rights and remedies pro�ided in th€s Assignmer�t �r the Note �r b� <br /> 1aw. <br /> Elect�on of Remedi��. A11 of Lender's ri�hts and rernedies will be cumulatiWe and may be exercised alane or <br /> togeth�r. �n election by Lender ta chv�se any one remedy wEl1 nvt bar Lender from using an� vther remeay. lf <br /> L�nder decides to spend m�ney❑r ta perform any of Gran�vr's❑b[iga�ions under this Assignm�nt, after Grantar's <br /> failure�a da sQ, �hat de��sion t�y Lender will not affect Len�er's right�o d��lare Grantor in defaulf and to exercise <br /> Lender"s remedies. <br /> Attorneys` F�ee�; Expenses. �f Lender instifiu#es any sui� or action ta enforce any of the terrns o�th�s Assignment, <br /> L�nder sh�ll be en�i�led tv reco�er s€��h surn as �h� caurt ma� adjudge reasvnable as attorneys" fe�s at tr�a[ and <br /> upan any appea�. lfllhether or �at any court ac�ian is in�vl�ed, and tv the exten� not prvhi�ited by law, al� <br /> reasonable expenses Lend�r in�urs tha� in Lender"s opinion are ne�essary a� an� time �ar the pro�te�fivn of i�s <br /> inter�st or the enforcer�ent❑f i�s rights shall hecame a part of th� lndebtedr�ess payabl�on demand and shali bea� <br /> interest at the Note�ate�rom the date o�the expendi�ur�until r�paid. Exp�nses covered by�his paragraph incfud�, <br /> withnut limita�ion, howeuer subject tQ any�imits under appli�able law, Lender's at�arn�ys`�ees and Lender's lega! <br /> expenses, whether ar not ther� is a lawsuit, inc�uding attorneys' fees and expenses �'�r ban�ruptcy pr�ceedings <br /> �including efforks ta modify or�acate an�automati�stay�r injunc�ian}, appeals,and any anti�ipated past judgment <br /> cvllectian se�-�ices, the�osf af searching r�cQrds, obtaining tit[e reports �including fvre�lasure reports}, surveyors' <br /> reports, and appr�isal fees, title insurance, and fees for the Trustee, ta the extent permitted by appiicable �aw. <br /> Gr�ntor alsa v►�ilf pay any c�ur�cvsts, in addition ta al1 vther surn�pro�ided by law. <br /> �1SGELLANEDUS PR�ViSI�NS. The fo1lowing misc�llaneous pro�isi�ns are a pa�t of thi�Assignrnent: <br /> Amendments. What is wri�t�n in this Assignment and in the Related Da�uments Es Grantor"s en�ire agreemen� <br /> with Lender�oncerning the matters �a�ered by th�s Assigr�ment. Ta be effe�ti�e, any change ar amendmen��v <br /> �his Assignment must be in �uvriting and must be signed by whoe�er will bs bound or obfigated by the change or <br /> amendment. <br /> Captian Headings. Caption headings in�his Ass�gr�ment are for conven�ence purpo�es only and are not to be used <br /> tv in�erp�-et�r define�he Pro�isions of this Assignment. <br /> �v�erning Law. Th�s Assignment will be governed by federal 1aw app�icahte to Lender and, tv #he extent rrot. <br /> p�reempted by fed�ral Cavu�,the laws of the State ot Nebraska without�egard to its canf�icts of latnr pro�isions. This <br /> Assignment has been accep�ed �y LQnder in fhe 5�a�e o�Nehra�ka. <br /> Joint and Serreral Liability. �II o#�ligatians of Gran�.or under this �ssignrnenf shall �e joint and se�eral, and al� <br /> � r��fer�n�es to �rantor shall mean each and ��ery Grantor. This means �hat ea�h G�antor signing b�elo►rv is. <br /> r�sponsible for al!obliga�ians in this I�ss��nment. <br /> � ��rger. There sha�[ be no merger of�he in�erest or estat� crea�ed by this assigrlment with any �the�interes�n�- <br /> est�te in the Pro�erky at any tir-�e held by or fvr the bene�Fit of Lender in any capa�ity, with���the�written cansent. <br /> o�Lender. <br /> lnferpre�ation. �1} In all cases where there is more than vne Barrower or Gran�or, �hen a!I wards used in �his <br /> Assignrnent in the singular sha�� be d�emed ta ha��e been used in the p[ural whe��fhe context and �onstructian so <br /> require. ��} !�mare��an one person signs fhis As�ignment as"Grantor,"fihe obliga�ions of each Gran�or are jr�in� <br /> and se�eral. This r��ans that if Lender �rings a lawsuit, Lender rr�ay sue any one vr mvre af the Grant�rs. �� <br /> Barrower ar�d Grantv�are not the sam�persan, Lender rreed nv�su� Barrawer f rst, and�ha�Borrower need nvt be <br /> joined i� any lawsui�. �3} The names g'r�er� t� paragraphs ar se�tions in ��is Assignment are for c�n�renience <br /> purposes❑nly.They are nat�o be used to interpret vr defne the pro�isions af this Assi�nm�nt: <br /> Nv 1Nai�er by Lender. Grantor understands Lender will not give up any of Lender's righ�s under thi�Assignment <br /> un[ess Lender dves so in writing. The fa�t that Lender d�lays ❑r�mits �� exercise any right will no� mean that <br /> Lender has gi�en up that right. If Lender does agree in wr�ting to gi�e up vne a�Lend�r's rights, �hat daes not <br /> mean Grantor wi[I n�t ha��t❑�ar�piy with fh�e ather pro�isions of�his Assignment. Grantor als�understands that <br /> if Lender daes�ansent tv a requ�st,�h�at does not mean that Gr�antor wi�l nvt have�v get Lender's cons�nt again i�' <br /> �he situation happens again. Granfor furth�r understands that j�s� be�ause L�nd�r consen�s to flne or more o� <br /> Grantvr's requests, �ha� does n�t mean Lend�r will be required �o cansent to any of Grantor's fu�ure requests. <br /> Grantor wai�es pr�esentment,demand fvr payment, prv�es#, and notice a�disho�tor. <br /> Notices. Any notice required �v be giuen under this Assignmen� sha1� be gi�en in writing; and sha�1 be eNecti�e <br /> wher� ac�ually deli�ered, when actually r�ecei�ed by telefacsimile �unless vthenrvise �equired by iaw}, when <br /> deposited witi�a na#i��,ally re�agnized o�ernight cv�arier, vr, if mailed,when deposit��in the United 5�a�es mail,as <br /> firs�classy ce�ified ar registered mail postage prepaid, direct�d ta the addresses shav�n near the hegir�ning �f this <br /> Assignment. Any pers�n may change his or �er address fvr notices under this Assignment by gi�ing farmal <br /> ►�rritt�n notice ta the other person or p�rs�ns, spec��ying t�at th� purpose a�the n�ti�e is to�hange the person's <br /> ad�ress. For notice purposes, Grantor agr�es to keep Lender�nformed at a�l times af Grantor's �urrent address, <br /> Unless othenniise pro�id�d or required by law, if ther� is more fihan one Gran�or, any noti�e gii�en by Len�der to any <br /> �ran�or �s deemed ta be n�tic� given to a!I �rantors. �t will be Gran#vr's r�sponsi�ility to te[I �he others of�he <br /> nvti�e�rvm Lender. <br /> Pow�rs of Attorney. Th��arious agencies and pov�ers vf atfarney con��yed an Lender u�der this Assignm�nt are <br /> g�an�ed�or purposes�f security and ma�not be re���ed b�r Grantor ur�ti!such�im�as�he same are renounced by <br /> Lender. <br /> 5��rerability. lf a Gourt�inds that an�pro�ision o�this�4ssignment is no��alid ar shou[d not be enforc�d,tha�fact <br /> by it�eff v�►�ill r��t m�an tha� #he re�t af this Assignmen� vvi�l nv� be �alid or enfiarced. �herefore, a �ourt will <br /> enforGe the resf of the pr�vvisions vf this Assignmen�even i�a pravision of this AssEgnment r�ay be fflund to be <br /> in�alid or unenforceable. <br /> Successors and►4ssigns. 5ubj�ct�a any limitafions s#ated sn this Ass�gnm�n�on transfer vf Grantar's int�rest,this <br /> Assignment sha�E be hinding upon and inure tv fi[�e ber�efit �� the par�ies, their suceessors and as�igns. E� <br /> ownership af the Prop�r��becomes�ested in a pers�n other than Grantor, Lender,withaut nati�e ta Grant��,may <br /> dea! with Gran�or's succ�ssor�wifh reference to this Assignment and th� [ndeb�edness b�way❑f�F�rbearan�e or <br /> �x�ension wi�hout re�easing Grantor from the o�liga�ions of this Assignmen�or IiabiEity under the lndebf�dness. <br /> Time is�f�he Essence. Time is of fihe ess�nce in the perFvrmance of fihi�Assignmenfi. <br /> 'VIIaiWe Jury. A[I parties to this Assignment hereby waive the righ�to an�jury tria! in any a�tian, p�oceeding, or <br /> �oun#ercla�m brought by�ny party against any ofher par�y. <br /> V�faiver of Hornesfead Exemption. G�-antor hereby releases and waiWes al[ rights and benefits of���e homes�ead <br /> � e�c�emp�ion�aws of the State vf Nebraska as ta a!I [nde�tedness�ecured hy this�ssig�nmer�f. <br /> DEFlI��TI[]NS. The�vflowing wvrds shali have the follavving rneanings when used in this�►ssign�ent: <br /> Assignment� The�vord""�lssignment" means�his ASSI�NMENT�F RENTS, as this AS51G1VMENT OF RENTS may <br /> be amended or m�difed frvm time�o time,fioge#her wi�h all exhihit�and schedules attached�o�his ASSIGNN[ENT <br />