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��15�1419 <br /> �.�S�G����T �� �1E�TS <br /> �Con#in:��d3 Page � <br /> n�t any praper gr-ounds for the demand exis#ed. Lender m�y exercise its rights under t�is subparagraph ei�her in <br /> persor�,by agent,or#hr�ugh a�e�ei�er. <br /> ��her Remedies. Lender shalF have all other rfghts and remedies pr��ided �n �his Assignmenfi ar the Note vr by <br /> [avv. <br /> EEec�ian of Remedies. All of Lender's rights and rer�edies wiEl b� cumula�i�e and rnay he exercised alone or <br /> together. 1-�n election b� Lender ta choose any o�re rer�-�edy will nv� bar Lender fr�rm using any o�ther rerriedy. �f <br /> Lender d�cides �o spend money or�a perFvrm any of Gran#�r';abligat��ns un��r this Assigr�ment, a�ter�rantor'� <br /> failure to do so, that decision b� Lender v�iEl nv�afFecf Lende�'s righ�to declare Grantor in defaul�and ta exercise <br /> Lender's remedies. <br /> Attorneys` Fees; E�rp�nses. f f Ler�der institutes any su it or ac�ion tv enfarce any o�the terms of thEs AssignmentF. <br /> �L�nder sha�� be entitled to r�co�er su�h sum as the court may adjud�e reasonable as atforne�s' fees at trial and <br /> u�on any appeal. Vllhe�her or not any court a�#ion is in�olued, and to the exten� nv�. pr�hibited !�� law, al� <br /> reasonabl� expenses Lender in�urs that in Lender'� opinion are necessary at any #ime for the pro�ection nf its <br /> interest or the en�or�ement of its rights sh�ll b�come� par�af�he Indebtedness pa�able an demand and shali bear <br /> inte�-est at the�Vate rate�F�orn��e date of the expenditure until repaid. Expenses c�uered by this paragraph include, <br /> rrvithout limita�ion, hawe�er sub�ect to any[imi�s und�r applicabl� law, Lender's afikarneys'fees and Lender's legal <br /> expenses, wh�ther or not there is a �awsuit, including at�vrneys" �ees and �xpenses for bankruptcy pr-oce�dings <br /> �in�luding efforts to modify�r va�ate any automati�stay or injun�tion}, appea�s,and any anficipated post judgm�nt. <br /> �ollection ser�ices, the cast����ar�hing re��rds, obfaining titfe reports �inc�uding foreclosure �eports}, su�veyors' <br /> reporks, and appr�isal �ees, titfe ins�rancer and fees for fhe Tru�tee, to the extent permitted by applicabfe law. <br /> Grantor alsv will{�ay any�our�co�ts, in addi#ion to�a1�ather sums pro�ided by law. <br /> MISCELLANEQVS PR4VtSlC)NS. The�allv�ing miscellane�us�r��isians are a par�af�his Assignment: <br /> Amendmen#s. 'dVhat is writ�en in fhis Assignment and in the Related aocuments is Granfar's en�ire agreement <br /> with Lender cvncerning �he matter� coWered by this Assignmen#. To be �fFecti�e, �n��han�e o�- arr�endrnent ta <br /> this Assignment mu�� be in inrritir�g and musfi be signed by whae�er v►rilf be �ound r�r obiigated by the change ❑r <br /> amendment. <br /> �aptivn Headings. Captior� h�a�ings in this A��ignmenf are�Fo�-con�enience purposes only and a�e not to be ussd <br /> �a interpre�or define�he pro�isions�f�his Assignmen#. <br /> Go�erning Lavs►. This Assignment w�11 be gv�erned by ��d�ral iaw applicahle ta Lender and9 fo the extent nat <br /> preemp#ed by�ederal �aw,fhe la►nrs vf the State of N�braska wifhou�rega�d to its conflicts of!aw�ro��s'rvns. This <br /> A�signrt�ertt has been a�cepted by Lend�r in the 5tate o�Nebraska. <br /> J��nt and 5e�eral Liahility. AII obligatians vf Grantor under fihis As�ignment sha�l �e joint and se�e�-al, and all <br /> references to Gran�or s��ail mean each and e�ery Grantor. This m�ar�s that eac� Gran�or signing below is <br /> responsible for all obligations in�his�4ssignrnenf. <br /> Merger. There shal� be no mer�er of the inferest vr esta�e created by�his assignment�uv�th any�ther inter�est ar <br /> estat�e in#he I'roperty at any tir�e h�ld by or far the�enefi�o�Lender in any capacity, v�ithout#he written Gonsent <br /> ❑f Lend�r. <br /> in�erpr��a�ion. (�} In �II cas�s vuhere there is more fhan one Borro�nrer ar Gr�n��r, then ail words used in this <br /> ��sig�ment Fn the singular shall be deemed�o ha�e been used in the plura[where the contex#ar�d eonstrucfion so <br /> require. ��} lf more th�n one persan signs this Assignmenf as"Gr�ntor,"the obligation$of each Gran�vr are jvinf <br /> and several. Thfs means thaf if Lender brings a lawsuit, Lender may su� any one vr more of�he Gran��rs. �� <br /> B�rrower and�rantQr�re n��the sam�p�rsflrr, Lender ne�d nof�ue Borr�we�first, and that Barrv�er need nat be <br /> joined in any �aws��t. �3} The names �iven to paragraphs ❑r sectio�� in this I�essignment are �oir con�enience <br /> purpases onfy.They ar�nat to be usec�to in�erpret or defne the pro�isions of this Assignment. <br /> No Waiver by Lend�er, Granto�-understands Lender wif� n�t gi�e up an� a�Lender's rights under thi�Assignment <br /> danless Lender da�s so in w�iting. �'he tact that Lender de[ays vr omits to e�ercise any right wif 1 nof inean �hat <br /> Lender has gi�en up tha� right. If Lender does agr�e in writing ta gi�e u� vne of Lender's righ�s, that daes nvt <br /> mean Gran�vr-v�rill nat ha�+e�to cvmply with the other prv�isivns af�his Assignment. Grantar also understands fhaf <br /> if Lender dv�s consent to a request,�hat does no�mean that Grantor w'rl! not haWe�ta get Lender`s consent again�f <br /> the situa�ion happens again. Grantar further und�rstands that jus� because Lender consents to one or mvre of <br /> Gran�or's requests, �hat daes no� mean Lender will be requir�d to consent tv �ny of Granf�r's �u�ure requests. <br /> Grantor wai�es presentmen�,demand far payment, pro�est,and notic�af dishanor. <br /> Nvtic�s. Any natice required ta be g�v�n under this Assignment shall be gi�en in writin�, and shall be effecti�e <br /> wher� actually d�li��red, u�rhen ac�uaFiy re�ei�ed by tefefa�sirrriie {unl�ss vfiherv�rise required by iaw}, when <br /> dsposited wifh a national�y recvgni2ed v�ernight courier, ❑r9 if mailed,when deposited in fihe United Sfate�mail,as <br /> f rst class, cer�i�ied or�eg�st�red maif pos�age p��paid, direGt�d ta the addresses shvwn near the heginning af fihis <br /> Assignment. �4ny person rnay �hange his ❑r her add�res� for notices under this Assignmen� by gi�ing €Qrmal <br /> vvr�tten nv�ic� to the other person or persan�, spe�ifying tha�the p�rpose af�he notEee is tv cf�ange the persvn's <br /> addres$. Fo� natice purpases, Grantor agrees ta k�ep L�nd�r inf�armed at al� tirrte� vf GrantQr's current addr�ss. <br /> Unless vtherwise prv�ided vr required by iaw, ���here is mor��han ane �rantor, any noti�e�i�en by Lender�o any <br /> Grant�r is deemed to he not'rce �i�en t❑ a�l Grantors. It will be �ranfor's responsibility to te�f #he ofihers of�he. <br /> nofic��ram L�nder. <br /> Puw�rs o�Atfnrr�ey. The�arious agencies and povvers vf at#orney con�eyed an Le�der urrder thi�AssignmerYfi ar� <br /> granted far pur�oses af security and rriay not be revaked by Grant�r until su�h time as the same are r�nounced by <br /> L�nder. <br /> Severabili#y. If a��ur��inds tha�any pro�ision af this Assignmer3t is no#�alid or should nat be enfarced,tF�at fact <br /> by itse�f will not rr�ean tha� the rest of�his Assignment wi�l not be �alid �r �nforced. Therefore, a caurt v►,+ill <br /> enfar�e �he res#of the pro�isivns v�this �lssign�-nenfi��en if a p�-ovisian vf this Assignment�nay be fv+�nd ta be <br /> in�alid ar unenfvrceabfe. <br /> 5uccessars and Assigns. �ubject to any firr�Eta�ions s�ated in this Assignment vn transfer af Grantor's interest,fhis <br /> Assignmenfi sh�al� be binding upon and inur� tQ the b�nefit af the pa�tie�, their successors and assigns. If <br /> ownership a�the F'r�perty becomes e��sted in a pe�-san ather�han Grantor, Lender,withau� nv�ice to Grantvr, m�y <br /> deal wi�h Grantar's�u��e�svrs►wifh reter�n�e tv this��s�gnmenfi and the Indebtedness by►rvay of for�earan�e or <br /> extensi�n without re��asing Grantor fr�om�h�ohfigations af this Assignmen�❑r fiability ur�der the indebtedness. <br /> Tim+�is of the Essence. Time is of�he�ssence in the performance af this Assf�nrnen�. <br /> Waive .�ury. A[I parties to th�s .Assignment h�reby waiWe #he right tn any jury t�ial in an}� activr�, proceeding, or <br /> counterclaim brnu�ht b�any party against any oth�r party. <br /> Wai►►er vf Homestead Exemptior�. Granfior hereby r�feases and wai�es all righfs and b�nefi�s of�he horr-�es�ead <br /> exemp�ion�aws of the S�a�e of Nebraska as to al[Indebfedne�s secured by thi�Ass�gnmenf. <br /> DEFINITIC�NS. The foffowing wards�hall ha�e the fa��awing meanings uvher�us�d in this�sSignmenf: <br /> Assignment. �he wQrd"Ass�gnment"means this ASSIGNMENT DF RENTS, as this ASSfGN1111ENT�F RENTS may <br />�����.�.._�__���.ti.....������.........ti--------------------------------------------------------------��------------------::--...... <br />