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��15�1415 <br /> D��� �� T�:�J�T <br /> � <br /> �����tn��d} Page � <br /> insp��tivns and tests, �t Trustor's �xp�nse, as Lender may d�em apprapria�e tQ de�ermine compliance of the <br /> Property with thi� sec�ion vf the Deed of Trust. Any inspecti�ns v�tests made by Lend�r shall be �ar Lender's <br /> purpos�s only and shall not be cvnstrued to creat�an� responsibiiity ar liability�n the part flf Lender to Trustor vr- <br /> to any ofiher person. The repres�ntativns and wa�ranties cantained herein are based �n Trustor's due diligence in <br /> in�es#iga�ing �he Praperty far Hazardc�u� Subs�ances. �rustor her�by �1} releases and v+�ai�es any fiuture claims <br /> against Lender for indemnity or contributian in the e��nt Tru�tor becomes �iable for cleanup or other co�ts under <br /> any such Eaws; and �2} agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless L�nder against any and all claims; �oss�s, <br /> li�bi�ities, damages, penalties,an�exper�ses wh�ch Lender may directiy or indire�tly sustain �r sufFer resu!#ing from <br /> a breach of this sec�ion af�he d�ed nf Trust or as a c�nsequence nf any� use, genera�ion, manufacture, starage, <br /> disp�saC, release or threatened release o�curring prior ta Tr��tor'�ownership or in�erest'rn the Proper�y,onrhether vr <br /> nvt the same was or shoul�d ha�e been kna►ivn ta Trus#vr. The proyisions vf this section of fihe Deed of Tr�st, <br /> including th�obliga�ion to indemnify and d�fend,s�all su rvive tf�e pa�men�of the �nd�btedness and the sa�isfactian <br /> and r�conveyance of the lien of this Deed of Trusfi and shal� not be a�fec�ed by Lender's acquisitivn of any interest <br /> in the Rraperty,whether by fareclosure or otherwise. <br /> Nuisance, �IV'asfie. Trusfivr shall not causex conduct o�- permit ar�y nufsance nor cvmmit, permit, or suffer any <br /> s�ripping af or waste vn or to the Propert�or any pQr�fon af the Property. V1lithaut 1imi�ing the genera�ity og�he <br /> foregving, Trustar wili n�t rema�e, ❑r grant�o ar�y otMe�party t��righ�to remove, any timber, minerals tincluding <br /> oil and gas},coal,�lay,sca�ia, sail,gra�el�r rock produc�ts withaut Lender'�prior written consen#. <br /> RemavaE vf lmpro�em�nts. Tr�s�or shall not demolish❑r remo��any[mprv�ements from the Real Proper�y without <br /> Lender's priar written consen�. ►�s a condition ta the rerna�al a�any Impr��ements, L�nder may requir�Trusfiar t�o <br /> make arrangements satisfactory to Lender to replace su�h lmp�-o�em�nts wi�h Imprv�ernents of a# least equa! <br /> value. <br /> Lend�r's Righf�o Enter. Lend�r an� Lender`s agents and representativ�s may enter upon the Re�f Property at a1[ <br /> reasonable �imes to attend to Lender's interests and to inspect the �eal Property for purpasss af Trustor's <br /> cor�npliance with#he terms and conditi�n�of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Compliance with �o►r�rnmental Requirernents, Tru��ar shall promptly c+amply with all la�vs, or�inances, and <br /> reg�latian�, naw or hereafter in effec�, of all go�ernmental authorities appli�able tv the use or�c�upancy of the <br /> Property. Trustor may cont�st in good fait�any such 1aw, ordinance,nr re�ulativn and�rvithhold comp[i�nce during <br /> any praceed�ng, inc�uding appropr�ate appeals, so Ivng as Trus�vr has notified Lender in writir�� priar �a dair�g sa <br /> � and sv long as,in Lender'�svle opinian, L�nder's interests in the �roperky are nat jeopardized. Lend�r rnay req�ire <br /> Trustor tv p�st adequate securi�y ar a�sur�ty band,reasonably satisfactar��v Lend�er;�o pratect L�nder's inferest. <br /> � Duty t� Prot��fi. Trustor agrees neither#a abandon or �ea�e unat�ended the Property, Trustar shaii do all o�her <br /> acts, �n addition#a thv�e ac�s set farth above in this se��ian,whic��rorr,�he charac�er and us�of the Property are <br /> reasona�ly nec�ssary to prot�ct and preser►�e the Pr�perty. <br /> DUE 01� SALE -C�NS�NT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lend�r's❑pti�n,de�lar�immedia�ely due ar�d �ayabie alf sums <br /> s�cured by this Deed of Trust upon the sa[e or transfer,wi�hvut Lender's prior wrift�n�cons�ent,o�alf or any part of the <br /> R�al Praper�y, ❑r any interes�in the Reai Prape�y. A"sale or transfer" means fihe con�eyance o�Real Pr�perty vr any <br /> right, title �ar inter�st in �he Real Property; vuhe�her Iegal, be�reficial or equitable; whether volunt�ry or in�oEuntaryl. <br /> whether by vu�right sale, deed, in�#�llment sal� contracf, fand cvntract, con�r�ct �or deed, leasehold �nterest with a <br /> term greater than thre���}years, lease�option canfiract, vr by sa1�, ass�gnment, or trans�er of any beneficial in�erest in <br /> vr#o any[and trust holding title ta the Real Property, or by any vther method of c�n�eyan�e o�'an in�erest in the Real <br /> Prope�fiy. H��e�er, �his vption shal� not be exercise� by Lender if such exercise is prohibifed by f�deral !aw ar by <br /> I�eb�a�ka law. <br /> TAXES AND L[ENS. The ��Ilawing pravisions relating to the �axes and liens on the Proper�y are part of�his deedz of <br /> Tru st: <br /> Paymenta Trustvr shall pay when due �and in aIl eWen�s prior fo delinquency}all taxes,special#axes,assessments, <br /> charges�in��uding water and sew�r}, fines and impasiti�ns levied agains�ar vn accvunt o��he PropErty, and shall <br /> pay when due all claims� far wor#c dvne on or for s�rvices r+endered or mat�rial furnished to the Prop�rfiy. Trus�ar <br /> shafl main�ain�he Prape�ky f�-ee❑f a[I lier�s ha�ing priority o��r or equal ta the in�erest❑f Lender under thi�Deed af <br /> Tr�us�, except fvr �he lien o�taxes and a�sessments not due and except as otherwise pro��ded En fhis C3e�d caf <br /> Trusf. � <br /> R'rght tv Con�es#. Tru�tor may w�thhold payment af any tax, assessm�nt, ❑r��aim in �annectivn with a good f�ith <br /> dispute o�er the❑bligation fio pay, sa�ong as Lender's interest in the F�rvpe�ty is not jeopardized. if a lien arises vr <br /> is filed as a r��ult of r�anpaymen#, Trustor shall vvitnir� fi�teen �'!5} days after the lien arises or, if a lien is'�iled, <br /> within �ifteen �15} days aft�r Trust�r has nvtice of#he filing, s�cure the discha�ge af the fien, or if requested by <br /> Lender,deposit with Lender cash vr a sufficien��orpor�te sure��bond or other security sa'�isfac�ory to Lend�r in ar� <br /> arnount sufFicient to discharge the�ien plus any cvsts and attorneys'�ees, or❑t�er cha�-ge�that�ould accrue as a <br /> resul�of a�vreclosure or sale under the lier�. In any con�es#, Trustor shall defend itself and Lender and shal[sat�sfy <br /> any�ad�erse�udgment hefar�enforeemen�against the Prvperty. Trus�or sha�l na�e Lender as an additional abligee <br /> und�r�ny surety bond fu�nish�d ir�the contest pro�eedings. <br /> E�i�ence of Paymenf. Trustr�r shall upon demand�urr�ish to Lender saotis�ac�ory e�idence of payment vf the taxes <br /> o�assessmen�s and �hall authorize the app�opriate�o��rnmental �ffi�ial t❑d�liuer tQ Lender at ar��tirne a wrii#en � <br /> statement af the�axes and assessments agains�the Pro��rtyo <br /> Nati�e af Constru�tivn. Trustar shall nvti�y Lender�# least fi�teen �'�5}days before an�work is commenced, any <br /> services ar�:furnish�ed, or any materials are suppl�ed t� �he Prvper�y, i�f any mechani�'s lien, mater�almen"s lien, or <br /> other lien cauld �e asse�ted on accvunt ot fihe work, setvices, or�nate��als. Trus�or wii� upon request of Lender <br /> furnr��r to Lender ad�ance assurances satisfactory ta Lender that Trus�ar can and e�vif I pay �he Gos# v� su�h <br /> impr��ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DA�1�GE INSURANCE. The fol�owing pr��isions relating ta insuring the P�-operty are a par��f this I3eed vf <br /> Trus�.. <br /> Maintenan�e o� Insurance. Trustar shall procu�-e and maintain poli�cies of fire insurance wi�h standard ex�end�d <br /> co�erage endorsemer�ts on a fair �alue basis for the �f�ll insurable �alue co�ering al! [mpro��men�s on �he Real <br /> Property in an amount suffi�i�nt�o a�oid appl�cation af any coinsuran�e clause, and Wvi�h a standard mortgagee <br /> claus�e in fa�vr o�L�nd�r,��ge�her with such other hazard and liabifity insuranc�as Lender may reasonably requir�. <br /> Policies shall be vuritten in fvrm, amvunts, ca�erages and bas�s reasonably acceptab[e to Lender and issued by a <br /> compar�y or corrrpanies reasonahly ac�eptabl� fio Lender. Trustvr, upvr� r�quest af Lend�r, ►nrill defi�er ta L�nder <br /> from#ime to time the policies vr certificates af insuranc�in fQrm satisfa�tvey ta Lender, inc�uding stipulatians�hat <br /> cvverages�,vif I nflf be�ancelled or dimini�hed►+►vi�hau�at�east thirfiy�3�}days pr�vr writ�en n�tice to Lender. �ach <br /> inssaranc� paii�y alsa shaif inc�ude an endarsem�nt pro�iding that�o�erage in fa�or ofi Lender wi�l n�f be impaired <br /> in any way by any act, omission�r d�fauf�of Trustar or any other person. Shvuld the Reai Prnperty be facat�d in <br /> an area designa�ed by�he Adminis�ratar v�the Federai Emer�gency Management Agency as a special flvod hazard <br /> area, Trus�ar agrees fia obtain and mainta�n Federal Flovd lnsurance, if a�a�labie, for �he �Fu�! �npaid principal <br /> bafa�nce v��he Ioan�nd any prior liens vn#he pr�p�rty�ecuring the Ioan,up�o the maximum pQlicy iimits s�t under <br /> the National Flaad Insurar�ce Program, or as otherwi�e requ�re� by Lender, and to maint�in such in5urar�ce�For the <br />