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��15�1417 <br /> ��E[� �� `��U�T <br /> ������n���} , Page 2 <br /> En�irvnmenta� La�rvs. Trustor a�thvrizes Lender and its agents �v ent�r upon the Proper�y ta rr�ake such <br /> inspectivns and tests, a� Trusfior�� expense, as Lend�r ma� deem appropriate to determine compliance �a�F the <br /> Prvper�y with �hi� sectian af the ❑eed nf Trus�. Any insp�ctions or �es�s made by L�nder shall be fvr Lend�r's <br /> purposes only and �hall not be construed to cr�ate any�responsibility ar liabiiity on the part af Lender to Trust�r❑r <br /> ta any��her p�rsvn. Th� �-epresenta�ions and warranties cantained her�in are based on Trusf�r's due diliger�ce in <br /> in�estigating the Property far Hazardous Sub��ances. Trusfor hereby �1} releases and wai�es any future claims <br /> against Lender�For �ndemnifiy or con�ribution in the e�ent Trusto�-b�corn�s lia�le for cleanup or a�her costs under <br /> any such laws; and {�} agrees fo indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Len�ier a�ainst any and a�l cfaims, lass�s, <br /> liabili�ie�, darr�ages, penalties, and e�cper�ses which Lender may directly�r indir��cfily sus#ain or suffer resuiting from <br /> a brea�h a��his secfian of#he De�ed of Tru�t ar as a consequen�e of any use, g�neration, �tanufacture, s�orag�,. <br /> dispvsal, rele�se or threaf�ned refease accurring prior ta Trustvr's owners�ip or inte�-est in the F'ro�erty,whefher�r <br /> n�t the same wras ar shou�d ha�e been knowrn to Trustor: The pro�isions of this section of�he Deed o�Trust, <br /> including the obligation to indemnify and defend,shall sur�i�e�he payment o�the lnde�t�dness and the satisfactian <br /> and recon�eyanc�af the li�n of this Deed o�F Trus�and shall no�be affected by L�nde�'s ac+�uisi��on vf any interest <br /> in�he Pr�p�erty,whether by�arecfosure�r othenivise. <br /> Nui�arrce, 1tV'a�te; Trustar shal� nat cause, �onduc� or permit any nuisanc� nvr �vmm�t, permi�, or sufFer any <br /> stripping ot or wasfie on ar�o �he Prvper�y or any par�ion of the Prope�ty. Withvut limiting the �enerality a�the <br /> f�r�egfling, Tr�sfor vvil� not remv�e, vr gran�ta any other pa�ky�he ri�ght ta rem��e, any�imber, minerafs 4including <br /> viE and gas},coal,clay,scoria,soil, gra�el or ro�k products wi�houf Lender's prior written consent. <br /> Remoo�a!of Impro�emen�s. Trus��or sha�i not demolish❑r remo�e any�mpra�ements fr�m#he Real Property►►�vithout <br /> Lender's priar written cons�r�t. As a candi�i�n to the remoWal o�any Impr��ements, Lender may require Trustflr tv <br /> make arrangemen�s satis�ac�or�r to Lender ta repface such �mprvv�men�s with� lmpro�ements v� at Ieas� equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lend�r's R�ght to Enfer. Lender an�d L�nder's agents and repr�sentati�es may enter upon fihe Real Prvperty at all <br /> reasonable time� t❑ a�tend to Lender's interests and t� inspec� the Rea� Property for purposes af Trustor's <br /> compliar�ce with fi�e#erms and�onditions of�his❑eed of Trusf. <br /> Compliance with �o�ernm�ntal R�quirements. Trusfior shall pr�mp��y comply ►,°vith af! laws, ordinances, and <br /> regula��ons, n�ovv�r her�after in e�fect, o�'all go�ernmental authvri�ies applicab�e ta�he use or accupancy a��he <br /> Property. Trustor may con�est in goad f�aifh any such Iaw, ordinance,or regulatinn and withhoid compfiance�luring <br /> any proceeding, including appropriat� appea�s, so�vng as Trustor has nv#ified Lender in writing prior to d�ing sa <br /> and so Iong as, in Lender's safe�pinivn, Lender's interests in fhe Property are nvt jeopardized. Lend�e�may require <br /> �"rustor�v post adequa�e security ar a surety bvnd,reasonably satisfactvey�o Lender,ta protect Lender's Enteres#. <br /> Du�y #v Prate�t. Trustor agr�es ne�ther tv abar�don or- lea�e unattended �he Property. Trus��r sha�! do al� vt�er <br /> acts, ir�addit��r�to those acts set f�r�h abo�e in this section,which fram the character and use of the F'raperty are <br /> r�asanably necessary ta prv�ect and pr�s�r►��fhe Prvperty: <br /> �LJE aN SALE�CDNSENT BY LENDER. Lender ma�, at Lender's�aption,d�c�are immediat�iy due and paya�le all sums <br /> secured by�his Deed af Trust upor��he sa�e or transfer,without Lender's priar vvri�fen cor�sent, of alI ar�r�y pa�k af th� <br /> Real Praperty, or any inter�st in f��Real Proper�y. A"sale or transfer" rnean�th�cnn�eyance vf Real Property�r any <br /> righ�, title or in�erest in the Real Property; wh�ther legai, beneficial ar equitable; whether valuntary or inuo�untary; <br /> whether by aufright sale, deed, ins#a�finenfi sa�e can�ract, land �vntrac�, cvntract for de�d, leaseho�d interes� wi�h a <br /> �erm greater�h�n�hree�3}ye�rs, �ease-aptian cvn�ract, or by sale, assignment, vr f�ansfer v�any beneficial interest in <br /> or to any[ar�d trust holding title to#he Real Proper��y, or by an�otM�r method a�con��yance af an interest in #he Rea� <br /> �roperty, H�we�er, �his vpt�fln shall nvt be ex�rcised by Ler�der if such exer�ise is p�ohib�fe� by feder�l law ❑r by <br /> N�ebrasl��law. <br /> TAxES AND L[ENS. The ��Ilowing pro�isions�-elati�g to �he �axes and liens on the Property are part ❑f�his �eed af <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. T�us�or shafl pay when due �and in all e�ents prior�v delinquen�y�al�taxe�,sp�cial faxes,assess�nenfs, <br /> c�arges{including water an� sewer}, �ines and �mpositior�s le�i�d against or❑n account��the Propsr�.ys and shall <br /> pay when d�e a!I +claim� far r►vark don� on or�vr ser�i�es rendered vr material furnished to fhe Prope�#y. TrusfiQr <br /> sha1� main�ain�he Prop�rty free of all liens ha�ing�riority�v��-�r equal�o the interest v�Lende�under this De�d af <br /> Tru�t; ex�ept �ar the [ien of taxes and assessmen#s na� due and except as oth��-wise pra�ided in �his D�ed o�' <br /> Trust. <br /> Right tfl Contest. Trusfc�r may withho�d paymenf o�an�tax, a�sessment, or claim in �onnecti�n wEth a good faith <br /> d�spu�e a�er the ob�i�atian to pay, sa lon�g as Lender'� in�eresfi in the Praperty is nofi jeopardized. ����ien arises or <br /> is filed as a result of nonRayment, Trustvr shall wi�kl�in f�#een �'[5} days afker the fien arises ❑r, if a lien is �iled, <br /> within ffteen {15} days a�te�Trus�or has no�ice af the fifing, secure fihe discharge af fh� iien, or i�reques�ed by <br /> Lender,deposit wi�h Lender cash ar a suffcien��o�pvrate surety hvnd vr other securi#y satis�acf�ry�o Lender Fn an <br /> amount sufFicient to discha�rge th�lien pfus any cvsts and attvrneys'fees, ❑r other charges�hat c�ufd accrue as a <br /> resuit a�a foreclosure or sal�under fhe li�n. fn any con#est, Trustor shall de�end i�se�f and L�nder and shafl satisfy <br /> any adverse}udgment before enforc�men�a�air�st�he P�-op�rty, Trustor shall name Lender as an additional obiigee <br /> under any sure�y�o�d fue-nished in fhe�ontest�roce�dings. <br /> E►►idence nf Payrnenf. Trust�r shafl upon demand furnish to Le�der sa�isfactary e�idence af pa}�ment a�the taxes <br /> ar assessmen�s and shall authflrize the appropriate gca�errimental a�ficiai t�deli�er to Lender at any time a wr�tten <br /> statement�f the#axes and assessrr�ents against the�`raperty, . <br /> Noti�ce of Constr�c#ion. Trustar shall noti�y Lender at le�st fif�een �1�}days befvre�ny work �s �omm�nced, any <br /> services are furnish�d,vr any materials are supp�ied to the P�-operty, if any mechanic's lien, mater�almen"s�ien, or <br /> v�her�ien coufd be �sse�ted or� acc�un��f the work, services, o�-mater�als. Trustor wiil upon r�quesf of Lender <br /> furnish �o Lender ad�ance assurances sa#is�actory $o Lender that Trustvr can and �will pay the �ost of such <br /> impro�ements.. <br /> PR�PERTY❑AMI��f lNSURANGE. The follvwing pro�is�ons relatin�to insurin�the Pr�perty are a part o�this Deed of <br /> Tru st. <br /> �ainter�an�e vf lnsuran�e. Trustor shall pracure and maintain palicies o�f r� insurance �►n�ith s#ar�dard extended <br /> coverage endorsements on a f�ir �afu� basi� fvr �he fu11 insur�b�e value cv�e�ing a!I �mpro�em�nts on the Rea� <br /> Prop�rty in an amoun� sufficient to a�oid app�ication af any coinsuran�e c[ause, and v►�Qth a standard martgagee <br /> clau�e�r�fa�or of Lender,t�gether w�fh such other hazard and iiabif ity insurance as Lende�-may reasonably r-equire. <br /> Policies shall be we-i#t�n in farm, amoun�s, �overages and basis reasonab�y a��ep�able tv Lend�r and issued by a <br /> �ompany ar�orr�panies r�asor�abf�r acc�ptable ta Lender. Trustor, upon request of Lender, will deli�er�a Lender <br /> from time�a time the policies a�cerkificates o�insurar�ce in form satisfacfary tv Lender, including stipulati�ns that <br /> c��erages will nvt k�e�ancel[ed ar diminished withaut at least thirty{3�}days prior wr'riten natice tv Lender. Each <br /> insurance �vficy afso shall include an endc�rsement pra�iding #hat cv�erag� in fa�or o�Lender wilf nof�e impai�-ed <br /> in any way by ar�y ac�, ❑rniss�ar�or default of Trus�or�r any o�her person. �h�uld the Reai �'raper�y be I��ated in <br /> an area des�gnafied by�he Administrator of the Federal Emergency Marragement Agency as a s�eciaf fl�vd hazard <br /> area, Trustor agrees to oh�ain �nd maintain Federai Flvod lnsurance, if a�ailable, far the tul! unpaid princ�pa� <br /> balan�e of�i��loan and ar�y prior liens on�he praperfy se�uring th�loan, up�o the max�mum policy limits se#under <br />�.....���..�=��..titi......�-------------------------------------------=-�-=------------------::::::........ <br />