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��15�141� <br /> B4RR��ER C�VENANTS �hat Borrawer is lawfuily�eised�f th�estate hereby can�eyed and has the right to <br /> gran�and�on��y the Property and�ha��he Pr�per�y is unencumbered, ex��p� for��ncumbra.�ac�s af r�cord, <br /> Borr�wer warrants and wi�� defend generally�he t�tx�ta �he Prop�r�y against al� cla�ms and dem�ands, subjec��o <br /> any encumbran�es af r�c�rd. <br /> THXS SE�UR�TY�NSTRUMENT�ombines un�form covenan�s for national use and non�unifarm co�enants with <br /> ��m�ted var�ations by jurisdic�ian�n canstitut�a un�form se�urity �nstrument covering r�a�property. <br /> Llnif�rm �orrenants. Bnrravver and Lender co�enant and agre�as f��laws: <br /> '�. Payment af PrinGipal, lnterest, Escr�w �temsr Prepayment Charges, and Late Chargesx B�rrower <br /> sha�l pay wh�n due�he principal af, and�nter�st on, �he debt e�videnced�y�h�N��e and any prepaymen� <br /> charge� ar�d la�e charges due under the Nate. Borr�wer shall a�so pay funds f�r Es�ro� ��ems pursuant to <br /> Sect�on 3. Payments due under the Note and�hzs Se�uri�y Instrument sha�� be mad�zn U.S. currenG�. <br /> �3owev�r, xf an�ch�ck or other instrument rec��v�d by Lend�r a�paymen�unde��he Note or this S�curity <br /> �nstrument is re�urr�ed to Lender unpaid, Lender may r�qu�re�hat any�r ali subsequ�nt payments due und�r <br /> �he No�e and th�s S�Curit� �ns�rumen�be made in one�r more�f the fol�a�vzng f�rms, as sele���d by Lender: <br /> �a} eash; �b}mone�r order; �c}c�r��f��d check, bank ch�ck, �r�asurer'�check nr cash�er's cheCk, pro��ded any <br /> such ch�ck i�drawn up�n an ins��tutz�n�hose d�posi�s are insured by a federa� agency, x�strumentalit�, or <br /> enti��; or�d} Electr�nx�Fun�s Transfer. <br /> Pa�xnents are deemed r�ce�ved by Lender when recexv��.a��he loca�ian designate� in�he Nfl�e or at su�h <br /> �ther��cat�on as may b�des�gnated by Lender in accordan�e�v��h�h�notic�provisions in Sect��n �S. <br /> Lender ma�re�urn any paymen�or par�ia.�payment�f the payment or par�ia��ayments are insuf�c�en�ta <br /> bri�g�h�Loan current. L�nder may accep�any paymen�ar partia.�paynnen��n�uffic�ent to br�ng�he L.aan <br /> current, without waiwer of any rights hereund�r or prejudi��to �ts rights to refuse suc�.pay�nent or partia� <br /> pa�rmen�s in�he future, but L�nder is not o1�l�ga�ed to app�y such payments a��he time such paymen�s are <br /> ac�ept�d. �f each P�rindic Payment is applied as of��s schedu�ed due da�e, then L�nder nee�.no�pay in�erest <br /> a�unapplied funds. Lender ma�r h��d su�h unapp��ed funds untz� Borr�wer makes payments to brin�the <br /> Loa�a,curren�. �f Borrower dae�not do s�wi��in a reasonab�e p�rio�of t��n.e, Lender sha�� e�ther app�y such <br /> funds ar return them to Borr�vver. If no�app�ied ear�ier, su�h funds wi��be app�ied to the�utstandtng <br /> principal balance under�he Note immed�ateiy pri�r to fnrec��sure. No offset or c�aim which Barr��ver m�ght <br /> ha�e now or�n the fu�ure against L�nder sha11 relieve Barrower from�naking pa�rm�nts due under the Note <br /> and this S�curity�ns�rum�nt ar perf�rming the c��enan�s and agreement�secured by th�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rument. <br /> Z. App��cat�on �f Payments or Pra�eeds. Except as otherw�se d�s�r�bed in�his S�ction 2, all pa�rment� <br /> acc�pted and app���d by Lender sha�l be applied in�he fal�aw�ng order of pr�ori�y: �a} interes�due under the <br /> No�e; �b}principa�du�under�he Nate; �c}amoun�s due und�r Section 3. Such pa�rm�ri�s sha.�l be applied ta <br /> each Periad�c Paymen��n th��rder in whxch i�became du�. Any remaining amoun�s sha��be applied�rs�to <br /> �at�charges, sec�nd to any nth�r amoun�s due under this Secur��y Instrumen�, and then to reduce the <br /> principa�ba�ance of�he Note. <br /> If L�nder rece�ves a pa�rnent from Borrower for a delinquent Perzod�c Pa�rment whi�h inc�udes a suf���en� <br /> amount to pay any�a�e charge due, �h�payment ma�be applied to the de�inquent paymez�t and the�a�e <br /> charge. �f mare than o�e Periadi�Payment is outstanding, L�nder may app�y any paym�nt rece�ved from <br /> Borrawer�o�he repaymen�of th� Per�odic Payments if, and to the ex�ent that, ea��.paym�nt can be paid in <br /> fu�l. Ta the e��ent that any excess�x�s�s af�er�he paym�nt is applied to t�e fu��paym�nt�f ane or mare <br /> Per�adic Payments, such excess may be app��ed�o ar�y lat�charges due. Va�un�ary prepaym�nts shall be <br /> app��ed f�rst ta any prepayment charges and then as described in the Nate. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddi�Ma�UNIFDRM INSTRUM�NT Farm 3028 11D1 <br /> VMP(�] VMP6{N�}t1342] <br /> Wolters Kluw�r�inancial Ser�ices Page 4 of 17 <br />