<br /> All insurance pol�cies required by Lender and renewals of such poli�ies shall be su�jec��o Lender's ri�h�to
<br /> d�sappr��e such polic�es, sha�l �nc�ude a standard martgage claus�, and shal�name L.�nd�r as mor��a�ee
<br /> andlor as an addit�ana� Ioss pa�e�. L.ender shal�have the ri�ht t�hold�h�pol�c��s and r�n�wa� c�r�if�ca�es. �f
<br /> L,ender requires, Borrower sha��promptiy g��e to Lender aI� r��eip�s of paid pr�m�ums and renewa� not�ces.
<br /> �f Borr��r�r obtains any form of insurance ca�era�e, not otherwise required by Lender, for damage to, or
<br /> destruc�ion of, �he Pr�perty, such policy shall inc�ude a�tandard mortgage clause and shal� name Lender as
<br /> mortgagee andlor as an addi�ianal Iass pay�e.
<br /> In�he e�ent af�oss, Borrov�rer shal�gi��prompt no�ice to the insurance carrier and Lender. L�nder ma�
<br /> n�ake pr�of of�ass �f not rn.ade prompt��r by Borrower. Unl�ss I,ender and Borrower o���r�se agr�e zn
<br /> u�ri�ing, an� insurance proceeds, whe�h�r or not the underlying insuranc�wa� required�y L.ender, sha.Ii �e
<br /> appl�ed�o restoration�r repair of the Property, �f the restoratian or repair�s e�an�rn�ca��y fe.�i��e and
<br /> L,ender's securit�r is not lessened. During such repair and rest�ra�ion per�od, Lender sha��have�he r�ght t�
<br /> ho�d such �nsurance proceeds unti� Lender has had an�pportun�ty to insp�ct su�h Proper�y to en�ure�he
<br /> work has been�omplet�d to Lender's sa�isfacti�n, prov�d�d that su�h inspec�ion shali be undertal�en
<br /> pr�mptly. L�nder may d�sburse pr�ceeds for the repairs and rest�ration�n a s�ngl�pa�ment or in a series of
<br /> pr�gress payments as the work xs comp�eted. Unless an agreement is made in wri��ng or App�zcab�e Law
<br /> re�u�res interest�o be paid on such insurance pr�ceeds, Lender sha��n�t��re�uir�d ta pay Borrower an�
<br /> �n�erest or earnings on such pr�ceed�. Fees for public adjusters, �r other�hird par�ies, retain�d by Borrower
<br /> shall not be paid out of�he�nsurance proceeds and shall be the soie abliga��on�f Borrower. �f the res�ora��an
<br /> or repair is not econom�cal�y feas�ble or L.ender's securi�y would�e lessen�d, the insurance prfl�eeds shal�be
<br /> appl�ed�a the sums secured by this Se�ur��y �ns�rument, whether or not th�n due, wi�h the�xcess, �f any,
<br /> paid to B�rr�wer. Su�h insurance proceeds shall be appi�ed �n�h�order pro��ded for in Section�.
<br /> If Borrower aband�ns the Property, Lender may file, negotiat�and s�t�le any a�ai�ab�e insurance c�a�m and
<br /> re�a�ed ma���rs. �f Borrower does no�respand wi�hin 3�days�o a n�tice fram Lender that�he insurance
<br /> carr�er has offered to se��le a c�aim, �hen Lender may ne�ot�a��and settle th�c�aim. The 3��day period wi��
<br /> beg�n when the notice is gi�en. In either ev�n�, �r�f I..,�nde�-acquires�he Praper�y under Sec�ion 2�or
<br /> otherwise, Borrower hereb� assigns�o Lend�r�a} Borr��ver's righ�s�o any �nsurance proce�ds �n an amount
<br /> n��to exceed the amounts unpaid under�he Note or�his Secur��y �nstrument, and [b} any o�her of
<br /> Borrower's rights �o�her�han�he r�ght to any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borr�wer}under a��
<br /> insuranc�po��cies c�vering the Proper�y, insofar as such righ�s are app�ica��e to the co��rage�f�he
<br /> Proper�y. L�nder ma�use�he insurance proceeds either to repair or res�ore�he Pr�perty or to pay a�mounts
<br /> unpa�d under the Not��r thxs Securi�y �ns�rument, whether ar not then due.
<br /> 6. Dccupa�cy. B�rrower sha�l occupy, estab�ish, and use the Prapert�r as Borrower's principal residen�e
<br /> wi�hin d�days af�er the execut�on o�`�his Security Instrum�n�and shall con�inue��occupy the Proper�y as
<br /> Borrower's pr�ncipal res�d�nce for a� �eas�one�ear after�h�date�f occupanc�, unless Lender otherwise
<br /> agrees in writing, whXch�ansen�s�all not be unreas�nab��r vv�thh��d, or unless e�tenuat�ng circumstanees
<br /> exist which are�ey�nd Borrflwer's�on�rol.
<br /> 7. Preser�at�vn, 1111aintenance and Pratectian of the Prvperty: �nspectivns. Borrower sha�l not destro�,
<br /> damage ar i�mpair the Pro�erty, a��av��h�Prop�r�y �o de�er�ora�e or commi�was�e on�h�Pr�per��. Whe�her
<br /> or n�t Borrovver is residing in�he Praperty, �arrower shal� maintain�h� Praper�y in arder to prevent the
<br /> Property fram deter�orat�ng or decreasing �n�a�ue due�o its condition. IJnless �t�s de�ermir�ed pursuan��o
<br /> �ection 5 that repa�r ar res�oratian is not econom�i.ca��y feas�b�e, Borr�wer sha�l promp��y r�pa�r�he Prop�r�y
<br /> if damaged to a��id furth�r de�eriora�ion or damage. �f insurance or condemnat�on pro�eeds are paid in
<br /> connec�ion wi�h damage�o, or the taking nf, �he Proper�y, Borrower shall be respansi��e for repair�ng or
<br /> res�oring the Proper�y on�y if Lender has r���ased proceeds far such purposes. L�nder may d�s�urse proceeds
<br /> N�gRASKA-Singie Family-�anr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNl�f]RM INSTRUMENT �orm 3�2$3101
<br /> VMP� VMPfi{N��t#3��f
<br /> Woiters Kluwer Financial 5er�ices Page 7 of 17
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