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��15�1357 <br /> B�RR��VER CaV�NANTS that Borr�wer is lawfully seised af�he�s�ate her�by �onve�red and has the right�o <br /> grant and�onvey the Property and that�h�Property is unencumbered, �xcept far�ncumbran�es of re��rd. <br /> Borrower warran�s and w��� def�nd generally the ti��e�� the Proper�y aga�ns� a�� ��a�ms and d�mands, subject to <br /> any�nGumbranc�s af record. <br /> THIS SE�URITY INSTRIJM�N'T can�.b�nes un�form�ovenant� for nationa� use and n�nWunxform cov�nants with <br /> limited�ariat�nns�y j urisdiction to cans�itute a un�form se�urity �nstrument cover�ng r�a�prop�rty. <br /> Uniform Ca�enants. B�rr�wer and Lender c���nant and agre�as foll�ws: <br /> '!. Payment of Prin�ipal, fnterest. Escrvw ltems, Prepaym�nt Gharg�s, and Lat� Charges. Borrower <br /> shall pa�wh�n du�the pr�nc�pa�af, and �nterest on, the debt e�idenced by the Note and an�r prepayment <br /> charges and Xate�harg�s due under the Not�. Barrower shall alsa pay funds far Escrow Items pursuant �� <br /> Sect�nn 3. Paymen�s du�under�he No�e and this Secur��y �nstrument sha�l be made�n U.S. currency. <br /> However, if any ch�c��r o�her instrument recei�ed by Len��r as payment under the Note�r th�s Security <br /> �nstrument�s returned�o Lender unpazd, L�nder may requir�tha�any or all subs�quen�payments due under <br /> �he No�e and this Security Ins�rument be made�n nne or mar�of�he follawing forms, as sel�c��d b� Lender: <br /> �a} cash; �b} money�rder; �c}c�r�if�ed check, bank che�k, tr�asurer's ch��k ar cashier's check, pro��ded any <br /> such check is dra�un upon an institu�ion wh�se d�pasits are in�ured by a fed�ra� agency, in�trumenta��ty, or <br /> en�i�y; ar�d} Elec�ronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are de�med recei�ed by Lender when r�ce���d a�the laca�ian designa�ed in the Note or a�such <br /> other locat�on as may be designa�ed b� Lender in accordan��w��h�he n��ice provisiQns in Sect�on �5. <br /> Lend�r ma� r�turn any pa�men�or par�ial paymen� if the paym.en�or par��a�payments ar�insuffici�n� to <br /> bring�he Loan curren�. Lender may ac�ept an�paymen�ar par�ia�paynlent insuff�ci�n��o br�ng th�L�an <br /> Gurrent, w�th�ut waiv�r of any r�ghts hereunder or prej udic�to its rights to refuse such paynzent ar par�ial <br /> payn��n�s in�he future, but Lender is not ob�igated�o apply su�h payments at the time such paymen�s are <br /> accepted. �f each Per�odic Pa�men��� appl�ed as af�ts scheduled due date, then Lender need nat pay in��re�t <br /> on unapp�ied funds. Lender ma�h�ld such unappli�d funds un�i� Borrower makes payments to bring the <br /> L�an curr�n�. If Borrower doe�not da s�w��h�n a r�asflnabie p�rzod of t��ne, Lender shali either apply such <br /> funds nr re�urn th�m�o Barrower. �f n�t app�ied earli�r, �uch fund� wi��be app�ied to�he au�standing <br /> prznczpa�ba�an��under the Note immedia�ely prior t� for���osure. No affset�r cla�m�hich Barrower might <br /> ha�e now or�n the future against Lender sha11 re�ieWe Borrower from making paym�n�s�ue under th�Nflte <br /> and this Security �ns�rumen�or performing the cowenants and agreem�n�s se�ured b��hzs Secur�ty <br /> �n�trument. <br /> �. Application of Payments or Praceeds. Exc�p�as��herw�se described in this 5����an 2, a�� paymen�s <br /> accepted and app��ed hy Lender�hal1 be app�ied in�he fo���w�ng arder�f pri�rity: ta} in�erest�u�und�r the <br /> Nfl�e; �b}pr�nc�pax due under�he Not�; ��} am�un�s due under S�ctian 3. Such paym�nts shall be applied�o <br /> each Periodi� Paymen� xn�he order in which i�became due. Any remain�ng a�m�un�s�ha��be appl�ed f�rs�to <br /> �ate charg��, s�cond to any o�her amoun�s due under this Securi�y In�trument, and then�o redu�e the <br /> princ�pa��a�ar�ce af the Note. <br /> If Lender recezves a payment from Borrower for a del�nquent P�r�ad�� Payment wh�ch inc�udes a suf�cient <br /> amaunt ta pay any �a�e charge due, th�payment may b�applied to the delinquen�paym�nt and the late <br /> charg�. �f mare than one Per�od�c Pa�ment �s outs�anding, Lender may apply any payment received fram <br /> Bflrrflwer�o th�repayrnent of the Periodic Paym�n�s �f, and�o the�xten�that, each paymen�can be pa�d zn <br /> full. To the ext�nt�hat any exce�s�xists af�er the paym�ent �s app�zed�a the full paymen�of ane�r more <br /> Periodic Paym�ents, such�xc�s�may be app�ze�i ta any late charges due. Vo�untary prepayments shall be <br /> applied first ta any prepay�n�nt�harg�s and then as d�scribed in the Na�e. <br /> N�6RASKA-SingE��amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM lNSTRUMENT Forrr�3a28'�l�1 <br /> VMP Q VMP64NE]�1302) <br /> Wvltecs KEuwer�inanc�al 5�r�ices Pag�4 of 17 <br />