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��15�13�� <br /> 2. �Aonthfy Payment of Ta�ces, �nsuranceand�ther Char�es.Borrower shall inc�ude i.n each monthly <br /> �ayment,t�ge�her w�th t�e principal ancl interest as set farth in the 1'�ate and any late charges,a sum for <br /> (a}taxes and special assessments levied or to be IeV�ed aga�nst th�P'roperty,(b)leasehold payments ar <br /> ground rents an the Property,and(c)premiums far insurance required under paragraph 4. In a�y year in <br /> �uvhich the Lent�er must pay a martgage insurance premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban <br /> �?evelopment("Secretary"),or in any year in which such premium would have been requued if Lender st�ll <br /> held the Security Ins�rum�nt, each m�nthly payment sha11 also include either: (i]a sum for�he annual <br /> mortgag�insuran.ce premium to be paid by L�nder to the Secretary,or�ii}a m�nthly charge instead of a � <br /> mortgage insuran�e premium if th�s Security Ins#�ument is he�d by the Secretary,in a reasonable amount to <br /> be determined by the 5ecre#�ry. Exc�pt for the monthly charge by the Secretary,these items are called <br /> "Escro�v Items"and the sums paid to Lender are ca��ed"Es�row Fund�." <br /> �ender may,at any time,�ollect and ho�d amaunt�for Escrow Items in an aggregate amount not ta exceed <br /> the maximum amaunt that may be required for I�arro�ver's e�crou�account under the Real Est�te Settlement <br /> Procedures Act of 1974, I2 L�.S.�, Section�6�I et seq. and imp�ementing regulations, 1� C.F.R. Part <br /> 1�24,as they may be am�nded from time to time("RESPA"}, except that the cush�on or reser�e permitted <br /> by T�ESPA for un.anticipated disbursements or disbursemen�s before the Borrov�er's payments are available in <br /> the acc�unt may nat be based on amounts due for the mortgage insurance premium. <br /> If the amounts held by Lender for Escrow Items exceed the amounts permitted to be held by RESPA,Lender <br /> sha11 account to Borrovver f�r the excess funds as r�quired by RESPA. If the amounts of fund�held by <br /> Lender at any time are not sufficient to pay the Escr�w Items when due,Lender may notify the Borrower <br /> and require Borrov�er to make up the shortage a�p�rmitt�d by RESPA. <br /> The Escrow Funds are pledged as addit�on.a1 security for all sums secured by this Secur�.ty Instrument. <br /> if Banor�►�er tenders t�i.�nder the fu1�payment of a11 such s�ms,Borro�er`s account shall be credited�vith <br /> the balance remaining for a1�installment items(a), [b),and(c)and any mortgage�nsurance premium <br /> insta�lment that Lender has not become obligated ta pay to the Secretary,and Lender sha11 promptly <br /> refund any excess funds to Borrov�rer.Imm�diately prior to a forec�asure sal�of the Property ar its <br /> acquisit�on by Lender,Borrower's account shall be credited with any balance remaining for all installments <br /> far items�a}, �b),and(c}. <br /> 3. Applicationof Payments.All paym�nts under paragraphs 1 and 2 sha11 be applied by Lender as fallo�vs: <br /> First, to the mort�age insurance�remium to be paid by Lender to the Secretary or to th�monthly charge by <br /> the Secretary instead of th�month�y martgage insurance premium; <br /> n t�any taxes, special assessments, leasehold payments ar ground rents, and fire, flood and vther <br /> hazard insurance premiums,a�required; <br /> Th�d. to interest due und�r th�Note; <br /> F�rth, tp amortization of the princ�pal of the Note; and <br /> Fi�h; t� �ate charges due under the Note. <br /> 4. �ire,Flood and�ther Hazard i nsurance.Bonower shall insure a�l impro�ements on the Proper�y, <br /> whether aow in�xistence or subsequent�y erected,against any hazards, c�sua�ties,and contingencies, <br /> including fire,for which Lender r��uires insurance. This insurance sh�all be maintained in the amounts a�nd <br /> for the peri�ds that Lender requires. Borrow�r shall also�nsure a�l improvemen�on the Property,whe�her <br /> now in ex�stence�r subsequently erected,against loss by floods to the�xtent required by the Secreta.ry.A�� <br /> insura�ce sha11 be carried with companies approved by Lender. The insuranc�palic�es and any renewals shal� <br /> be held by Lender and shall include Ioss payable clauses in favor of,and in a form acceptable to,Lender. <br /> FHA Martgage WITH MERS-NE Revised 4196 <br /> VMP� VlWP4NtNE}��4342}.�Q <br /> Wo�ers IUuw�r Financial 5ervlces Page 3 of 14 <br /> q�3331428353 4233 �89 �31� <br />