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��15�1344 <br /> and has an a�dress o� 1D5� �lood�vard ��re, Detra�t, MI 4����-1�a� <br /> . Borrow�r owes Lender the principal sum of <br /> Fi fty T�ousar�� Thre� ��pdred S�x�y 5�x a�� a�Il�Q <br /> Dollars�U.S. $ ��,���.�� }. This debt <br /> is evidenced by Borrower's�.ote dated the same date as this Security Instrument("1Vate"�,which provides for <br /> mo�th��r�a�ments,�vith the fu11 debt, if not paid earlier,due and payable on ���'�� 1, 2��� . This <br /> Security Instrument secures to Lender: �a)the repayment of the de�t e�idence�by the Note,wi�h inter���, and a11 <br /> rene�va�s,�xtensiv�s and madi#�c�t�vns vf tl�e�ote; �b}the�ayment of all�ther sums,with�nterest,advanced <br /> under paragraph 7 to protect the secur��r of thi�Security Instrumen�;and(c�the performance�f B�rrow�r's <br /> covenant�and ag��ement�un�er thrs Secur��r Instrument a�d the Note. �or�this purpose,�orrvu�er i.�e�vcab�y <br /> grants a�d conveys to the Trustee, in�rust,with power of sale,the follawing described property located in <br /> ���� �ouu�,Nebraska: <br /> 5EE EXHIBIT "�" ATTA�HED HER�TD AND MADE A PA�T HERE�F. <br /> SUB�E�T TQ ��VE��NTS �F RE���D. <br /> Par�e� ��] Number:4�d����27 <br /> �vhich has the address of 1��� N �d C�y �� �,Stree�] <br /> ��a nd �s�a nd f�'i��],Nebra�ka ����1 j�ip Code] <br /> ("Property Address"}; <br /> T�]Cr�THER VI�TH a11 th�impro�ements now or hereafter erected on the proper�y,and a�l easements, <br /> appurte�.ances and fxtu.res na�ar��reafter a part of the propert�r, ���rep�acerr�ents ar�d add�t�ons sha11 also be <br /> c�vered b�this Security Instrument. A11 of�he foregoing is referred to in this Secur�ty Instrument as th� <br /> "Property."Borrower unaerstands and�.grees that MERS ho�ds o���r�ega�t�t�e t�the�nterests gran�ed b� <br /> Borrower in this Se�urity Ins�rument;but, �f necessary to eomply with lavv or custom,MERS, (as nominee for <br /> Lender and Lender's suc�essors and ass�gns�,has the right:to exercrse any or at�af those inter�st�, inc�ut�ing,bu� <br /> not limi�ed to,th�right to foreclose and sell the I'rapert��and to take any action required of Lender including, <br /> but not Iimited to,releasing or cance�ing this Security Instrumen�. <br /> ��RRQ�VER C�V��TANTS��.at Borro����s la�v�'ul�y se�zed of the estate hereby cvnv�yed and has th�right�o <br /> grant an�i con�rey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except f�r encumbrances of reGord. <br /> B�rrawer�r�rrants and wi��de#'end�enera���the tit�e ta�he�'ropert�aga�nst a��c�aims and deman�s,subject to <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> THIS SECUI�ITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for nati�nal use and non-uniform cavenants with <br /> limited�ariatio�s by jurisdictian to�onstitute a uniform�ecurity'instrument cavering real propert�, <br /> Uniform Co�enants.Bon�wer and Lender cavenant and agree as f�llows: <br /> 'l. Payment of Pr�ncipal,lnterest and Lat�Cha�ge,�orrower shall pay�vhen due the principa�of, and <br /> interest an, the debt evidenced by the Note and�ate charges due under the Nate. <br /> FHA Martgage WITH MERS-NE Rev�sed 4I9B <br /> VMP C+� VMP4N(NEj('1342}.Qd <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financiaf Se�vices Page�o'�14 <br /> q�33365734�6 �233 371 �21� <br />