<br /> aEE[] �F T�UST'
<br /> Loan iV�� "I�'I 2$3�94 ��orltir�u�d� Page 5
<br /> 1MPaS1T��N DF TAxES, FEES AND CHARGES BY G�VERIVMENTAL ALlTH�RITlES. The f�llowing proWisions relating
<br /> �o go�ernmental taxes,fi�es and charges are a parfi o�this [7.eed �f Trust:
<br /> �urrent Taxes, Fees and Charges. L1p�n request by Lender, Trustor shall execute su�h dacum�n�s in addition �a
<br /> this Deed o�Trust and �a�e wha�eWer oth�r ac�i�n is requested by Lender ta perf�ct and c�ntinue Lender`s lien �n
<br /> the Real Property. Trust�r shall reimburse L�nder for a!! �taxes, as describ�d below, toge�her with a11 expenses
<br /> incurr�d in r�cvrd�ng, perfecting or can�inuing th�s Deed af Trust, [n�ludin� without [imi�a�ian al� taxes, �ees,
<br /> documentary stamps, and ather charges for recarding or registering this Deed❑t Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The fial�owing shall constitute taxes t� which this section applies: t 1) a specific �ax upon this type of
<br /> aeed of Trust or up�n alE or any par�t �f the Inde�tedn�ss secured by this Deed of Trust; t2� a spe�ific tax �n
<br /> Trustor which Trustar is au�horiz�d vr requ�red t� deduct from payments on the lnd��tedness secured by this �ype
<br /> of Deed v�Trust; t3f a tax on �:his�type of Deed af Trust chargeab�e against th� Lender or the hfllder of the Note;
<br /> and {4} a speci�ic �ax on all or any port�on of�he Indebtedness ar�n paymen�s of principaf and int�rest mad� by
<br /> Trusfiar.
<br /> Subse�uen� Taxes. Ifi any tax to which this sectian applies is enac�ed subse�uent to the da�e a� this Deed of
<br /> Trust, this e�en� shall have the same e�fec� as .an Eaent af C3efault, and Lender may exer�ise any or a�l af its
<br /> a�aijable remedies for an E�ent ❑f Default as pro�Eded below unl�ss Trustor either {'�} pays the �ax before it
<br /> b�comes delinquent, ar {�} �ontes�s the �ax as pro�ided a�a�e in the Tax�s and Liens sec�ion and dep�sits with
<br /> Lender cash❑r a sufficient carpora�ke surety bond or��her security satisfac�ory to L�nder,
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; F�NANCiNG STATEMENTS. The follawing prvWisians rela�ing to �his Deed �f Trus� as a
<br /> se�uri�y agreement are a part of this De�d❑f Trust:
<br /> Se�uri�y Agreem�nt. This �nstrument sha11 cvnstitute a Securi�y Agreement to the extent any af the Property
<br /> constitut�s fixtures. and Lender shall ha�� all of the rights �f a secured party un�er the LJnif�rm Cammercial C�de
<br /> as amended from time tv time.
<br /> 5e�urity Interest. Upon r��uest by L�nder, Trustvr sha11 take wha��Wer ac�kion is reques�ted by Lender �o perfect
<br /> and con�inue Lender's securi�y interest in �he Personai Pr�per�y. In addition �o record�ng this Deed ofi Trust in the
<br /> r�al praperty records, L�nder may, at any time and with�ut �Furth�r au�hor�zat�on �rom Trus�or. fi�e execu�ed
<br /> counterpar�s, copies �r repr�duc�ions of �his De�d of Trust as a financing sta�ement. Trustor shall reimburse
<br /> Lender for al� expenses incurred in perfecting or continuing this se�uri�y in�erest. Up�n default, Trust�r shall n��
<br /> remaWe, se�er ar de�ach the Personal Pr�perty fram the PrQper�y. Upon default, Trustor shall assem�le any
<br /> Personal Proper�y not affixed to �he Property in a manner and a� a pfac� reasonably �vn�enient fi� Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailable t� Lend�r within �hree {3} days after r�ceip� of written demand fram Lender �o the
<br /> extent perrnitted by appli�able law.
<br /> Addr�sses. The mailing addresses of Trustor {def��or� and Lender �secured partyy �rom wh�ch information
<br /> con�erning the s��urity in�erest granfied by this aeed af Trus� may b� obtained �each as required by th� Uni�orm
<br /> �ommercia�Cad�} are as s�ated on the fir�st page of this De�d o�Trus�.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURAN�ES; la►TT�RNEYy[N-FACT. The ���lowing pro�isions r�lating t❑ further assuranc�s and
<br /> at�arney-in�fact are a part vf this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Further Assuran�es. At any tim�, and �rom time ta tirne, upon request vf Lender, Trus�or will make, execute and
<br /> deli�er, or will cause�o be made, executed ar deli�ered, to Lender or t� Lender's designee, and wh�n re�ues�ed by
<br /> Lender, cause to be filed� recvrded, refiled, �r rerecorded. as th� case may b�, at such times and in such offices
<br /> and places as Lender may �le�m appropriate, any and all suGh mor�gages, deeds of trus�, security deeds, security
<br /> agr�emen�s, financing sta�emen�s, can��nuatian statemen�s, instrumen�s v� �urther assurance, cer�i�ficates, and
<br /> other documents as may, in�he sa�e opinian vf Lender, be necessary or desirable in order ta effec�uate, comple�e,
<br /> perfect, continue, or preserve �1} Trustor's obligations under the Nv�e, �his Deed of Trust, and the Rela�ed
<br /> aacuments, and ��� th� liens and securi�y in�erests created by this D�ed ❑f Trust on �he Praperty, whe�her na�rv
<br /> own�d or herea�t�r acquired by Trust�r. Unless prohibEted by law ar Lender agrees to the con�rary in writing,
<br /> Trustvr shall reimburss Lender for all c�sts and expens�s incurred in cannecfiion wi�h the mat�ers referred to in this
<br /> paragraph.
<br /> At�orney-in�Fact. It Trustor�ails �a d� any of the things referred to in the pre��din� paragraph, L�nder may �a so
<br /> for and in the name of Trust�r and at Trus�or's expense. For such purpases, Trustor here�y ir�ev�cably appoints
<br /> Lender as Trustor's attorney�in-fact for the purpase of malcing, executing, deli�ering, �ijing, recording, and daing all
<br /> �ther things as may be ne�essary ar des�rable, in Lender's sole �pinion, ta accamplish the mat�rers referred ta in
<br /> �he prece�ing paragraph. -
<br /> FLlLL PERFOR1111ANCE. lf Trustor pays a!1 the Indeb�edness, including without lim�tation all �uture ad�ances, when due,
<br /> and o�herwise performs all th� obiigations imposed upon Trustor under �his Deed ofi Trust, Lender shall execute and
<br /> deliver t❑ Trustee a reques� for fulj r�c�nveyan�� and sha[f �xecu�e and deli�er �a Trus�or suita�le statemen�s o�
<br /> fiermination o-� any financing statement on file evidencing L�nder's se�urity interes� in the Rents and �he Fersana[
<br /> Property. Any recan�eyance fee requir�d by law shall b� pa�d �y Trustor, if permi�ted by appli�abie law,
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. At Lender's opti�n, Trustor wili be in default under this Deed of Trus� if any of the following
<br /> happen:
<br />