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��15�1343 <br /> DEE� �3F TRUST <br /> Laan Na: 'f�'I�53�94 {�Qnti�lu�d� Page 2� <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, 15 GIVEN T� SECURE {A� PAYIIlIENT �F THE lNDEBTEDNESS AND �B� PERF�RII�IANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL DBLIGATiDNS UNDER THE NaTE, THE RELATE❑ D�CUMENTS, AND TH15 DEED �F TRUST. TH�S <br /> DEED❑F TRUST IS GIVEN AN❑A�CEPTED�N THE FaLL�1NING TERI1l�S: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Excep� as otherwis� provided in this Deed of Trus�, Trustor shall pay �o Lender all <br /> arn�unts secured hy �his Deed of Trust as they became due, and shali strictly and in a timely manner perf�rm afl of <br /> Trustor's obligafi�ons under the Nate,this D�ed af Trust, and the Related ❑ocuments. <br /> P�SSESSI�N AND MAINTENANCE �F THE PRC]PERTY. Trus�o� agrees �hat Trustor's passess�vn and use o� �he <br /> Praperty shail be go�erned lo}r�he foll�wing pr�visi�ns: <br /> Rassessivn and Use. lJntil the v�currence of an Event af Default, Trustvr may {1� remain in possession and <br /> �on�rol of�h� Praper#y; {2} use, operate�r manage�he Pr�perty; and f3y coll�ct the Rents from the Property. <br /> Du�y to illlain�ain, Trustor shal! maintain �he Property in go�d condifiion and prompt�y p�r�orm al� repairs, <br /> replacements, and maintenance necessary to pr�ser�e its value. <br /> �ompliance Wi�h En►rironmen�al Laws. Trustar represen�s and warrants �o Lender tha�: {1} Dur�ng the period ofi <br /> Trustor's avunership of the Proper�y, �here has been na use, �enera�ion, manufac�ure, storage,trea�ment, disposal, <br /> release or �hreafiened releas� of any Hazardous Su�stance by any pers�n on, under, ab�u� or from �h� Proper�y; <br /> {�} Trus�or has n� know(edge of, or reasan to helieve tha�there has been, except as previausly discl�s�d to and <br /> acknawiedg�d by Lender in writing, �ay any brea�h vr vioEation of any Environmental Laws, �by any use, <br /> generation, manufacture, starage, �reatment, disposal, ref�ase �r threatened release of any Hazardous Substan�e <br /> �n, under, about or from the Proper�y by any priar own�rs or occupants of the Property, or �c} any actual �r <br /> �hreatensd litigation or ��aims of any kind by any person re[ating to such matters; and {3y Excep� as preWiously <br /> disclased to and acknowledged by Lender in wri�ing, �ay neither Trusto� nar any tenan�, contracfior, agent a�other <br /> authorized user of th� Property shalf use, generat�, manu�Facture, st�re. treat, dispase vf�r r�lease any Ha�ardous <br /> Subs�anc� on, under, a�oufi or from th� P�operty; and �b} any such ac#iWity shall be conducted in cvmpfiance wi�h <br /> all applicabie �edsral. state, and lo�al laws. regulations and ordinances, including with�u� limitation a�[ <br /> En�ironmen�al Laws. Trustar authorizes Lender and its agents to enter upan the Prvper�y t� malce such <br /> inspectEflns and tes�s, at Trus�or's �xpense, as Lender may deem apprapriate ta de�ermine compliance af �he <br /> Property with this s�ction of th� D��d �f Trust. Any �nsp�c�ions a� tests made by Lender shall be for Lender's <br /> purposes on[y and shall not be canstrued �� crea�e any r�sponsibility or lia�ility on the par�o�F Lender to Trustor ar <br /> �o any other person. The repr�sentations and warranties cantained herein are based on Trustor's due diligence in <br /> in�esti�ating the Property �For Ha�ardous Su�s�ances. Trus�nr here�y t�y releases and waives any future claims <br /> agains�k Lende� �or indemnity or cantribution �n��he event Trustor becomes liable �or cleanup or �ther cos�s und�r <br /> any such laws; and [�� agrees�o indemnify, defend, an�l hold harmless Lender against any and all �laims, I�sses, <br /> liabilities, damages, penal�ies, and�xpenses which Lender may direc��y or indire�tly sus�ain or suf�er resul�t�ng from <br /> a breach of�his section �f the Deed af Trust Qr as a consequence ofi any use, generation, manufacture, stara�e, <br /> disp�sal, release or�hreatened r�lease occurring priar�o Trust�r's o►nrnership or interest in the Proper�y, whe�her or <br /> not t��e same was or shauld ha�e been known �a Trustt�r. The prouisinns af this section of �he Deed of Trust, <br /> including the abligation t� indemnify and defend, sha�l survive the paymen�af�he fndebtedness and th�sa�is�action <br /> and reconveyance vf�he lien of this ❑e�d �fi Trust and shall no�k �e a�fec�ed by Lender's acquisitian af any interest <br /> in the Property, wh��her hy foreclosure or otherwise. <br /> Nuisance. Vllaste. Trustvr sha�l n�t cause, condu�t ar permi# any nuisan�e nor cammi�, permit, or suffer any <br /> stripping af flr was�e on or to the Praperty ar any portion o� �he Prnp�rty. Wi�hvut limi�ing the generali�y of the <br /> foregoing, Trustar wEl{ no� r�mo�e, �r grant t� any other party the right�n remove, any��mber, minerals {inciuding <br /> vil and gas�, caal, �[ay, scoria, sail, graWel ❑r rock produc�s withaut Lender's privr written consenfi, <br /> Remova�of lmprovemen�s. Trus�or sha11 no�dem�lish�r remo�e any Impro�emen�s from the Real Property withau� <br /> Lender's pr�or written cons�nt. As a condition�o the rem�val of any lmprov�ments, Lender may require Trustor ta <br /> make arrangements sa�isfactary t� Lender to replace such Impro�ements with ImproWements vf a� least equal <br /> �a�u�. <br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and repr�sentat�ves may en�er upon the Real Property a�t al� <br /> reasona�le times t� att�nd �a Lender's int�rests and to inspect the Real Proper�y f�r purposes of Trustor's <br /> complian�e with�he fierms and cond��ions of this Deed o�Trus�. <br /> Camp[ian�e wi�h Governmental Requirements. Trust�r shall prompt�y comply with all laws, vrdinanGes, and <br /> reguia�ions, now or hereaft�r �n effect, o� aEl governmental au�horiti�s applEcable �o the use or occupancy o� the <br /> Praperty. Trus�or may contest in good faEth any su�h law, ordinance, �r regula�ion and withhofd compliance during <br /> an�r proc�eding, incfuding approp�iate appeais, so I�ng as Trusfior has no�tified Lender in writing prior tv daing so <br /> an�f so lang as, in Lender's sole opini�n, Lender's interests in the Prvp�rty are not jeopardized, Lender may require <br /> Trust�r�❑ post adequa�e security or a surety bond, ��asonabfy sa�kis�Factvey t� Lender, to protect Lender's interes�. <br /> Duty to Pro�t�c#. Trustor agr�es neither tv abandon ar leave una�tend�d the Property. Trustor shai[ da a�l other <br /> acts� in addition to those a�ts se�forth aho�e in this s�ction, which from the character and us�af�h� Property ar� <br /> reasonably necessary t❑ prote�t and preser�e the Property. <br /> DUE ❑N SALE -��NSENT BY LENDEF�. Lend�r may, at Lender's option, declare immedia�ely due and payabfe al! sums <br /> secured by this Deed af Trust upon the sale❑r transfer, without Lender's pri�r wri�ten consen�, af alI or any part of�he <br />