<br /> Transfer of the PrQper�y vr a S�nef�cxai I�terest in Borrawer.If all or any par�of�h�Froperry or any inter�st
<br /> �n �t is sold ar �ransferr�d �flr if a benef c�al �nterest in Borrawer is sald or transferred and B�rrower is no� a
<br /> na�ural person} w�thout Lender's prior written cons�nt, Lender may, at i�s op�i�n, require immedia�� paym�nt �n
<br /> fuli of a11 sums se�ured �y this Security Ins�r�umen�. I3�vvever, this op�ion sha�� no� be exercis�d by Lender if
<br /> exercise is prohib�ted by fed�rallaw as of the da�e of this Securi�y Instrument.
<br /> If Lend�r �xercises �his op�ion, Lender shall giv� Borrovver no�ice of acceleration. The notice shall pravide a
<br /> perifld of not �ess than the minimum number of days established by App�icab�e Law from �he da�e the no�ice �s
<br /> delivered or mailed �i�hin which Barrourer must pay all sums secured by �his Secur�ty Instrument. If B�rr�wer
<br /> fai�s �o pay these sums prior�o the e�piration af this per�ad, Lender may invak� any remedies perm�t�ed �y th�s
<br /> Security Instrument w��hou�further notic�ar dema�.d on Borrower.
<br /> BorrowQr's Right to R�inState. If Borrower meets c�rtain cond�tions, Borr�vver sha11 have the rxgh� to ha�e
<br /> enforcement of this Security Instrumen� d�scon�inued at any t�me prior ta the earlier of: �a} 5 days �or such other
<br /> period as Applicable Lavv may specify for reins�atement�before sale of�he Pr�perty pursuant�a any power of sale
<br /> contained in th�s Security �nstrument; or �b} entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Ins�rumen�. Those
<br /> condi�ians are tha� Barrower: �a� pays Lender al� sums which then wou�d be due und�r this Security �nstrument
<br /> and the�ontrac�as if no ac�elera�ion had occurred;�b}cu.res any defau�t of any ather covenants ar agr�emen�s;�c}
<br /> pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrumen�, iricluding,bu�not Iimi�ed to,reasanable attarneys'
<br /> fees�o the exten�permitted by Iaw; and�d�takes such action as Lender may reasonably requ�re to assure tha��he
<br /> Iien of this Se�urity Instrument,Lender's rights in�he Prop�rt�and Borrower's obli�a�ion to pay the sums secured
<br /> by this Secur�ty Instrument shall con�inue unchanged. Upon reins�a�ement by Borrower, th�s Security rnstrument
<br /> and the obligations secur�d hereby sha�l remain fully �ffective as if no acceleratzon had accurred. Howe�rer, �his
<br /> right��reinstate sha�l no�apply in�h�case of acceleration under the section�i��ed TranSfer af the Praperty or a
<br /> B�nef�cia�Int�r�st�n Borrawer.
<br /> �Iazardous Substance5.Borrower sha�l n�t cause ar permit the pr�senCe,use, disposal, storage, Qr rel�ase of any
<br /> Ha�ardous Su�bs�ances on or�n the Proper�y.Barro,w�r sha�l not da,nor al�oW anyon�els�t�d�,anyth�ng affecting
<br /> the Pr�perry �hat is in violation of any En�iranmental La�v. Th� preceding two sen�ences sha�1 not app�y �o the
<br /> presence,use,or s�ora�e on the Prop�rty of sma11 quan�i�ies of Ha2ardaus Substanc�s�hat are generally recognized
<br /> to be approprxate��normal residential uses and t�maint�nance af�he Proper�y.
<br /> Borrovver shall promptly gi�e Lender�rritten no�ice of any�nves�iga�ion,claim,demand,�a�rsui�or o�her ac��on by
<br /> any governm�n�a1 or regula�ory agen�� or�rivate par�y in�olving �he Property and any Hazardous Substanc� or
<br /> Envir�nmen�al Law of whi�h Borrov�er has actua� knowl�dge. If Borrower I�arns, or is �.otified by any
<br /> governmenta�or regulatory authority,tha�any removal or oth�r remediation of any Hazardous Subs�ance affec�ing
<br /> �he Proper�y is necessary, Borrower shall promp�ly �ake all necessary remed�a� ac�ions in a�cordance �with
<br /> Envzronmenta�LaW.
<br /> As us�d in th�s paragraph, '"Ha2ardaus Substances" are�hose su�s�ances def ned as toxic or hazard�us substances
<br /> by Envir�nm�ntal Lavv and �he f�llawxng �ubstances: gasa�ine, k�rosene, o�h�r f�ammabl� or �axi� petrol�um
<br /> products, toxic p�s�icides and h�rb�c�des, v�1a��le s��ven�s, materia�s con�ain�ng as�es�os �r formaXdehyde, and
<br /> rad��act�ve mat�rials. As used�n�his paragraph, "Environm�n�a�Law"means federal laws and Iaws�f th�s�a�e af
<br /> Nebraska tha�relate to hea��h,safe�y�r env�ronmental prot�c�ifln.
<br /> Acceieration; Remedies. Lender shall give n�ti�e to Borra�er prior to accelerat�an faliowin� Borr�wer's
<br /> breach of any cavenant ar agreement in this Secur�ty Instrument�r the Cantract under which acce�eratian
<br /> is permitted�but not prior�o acce�erat�an under the sec��an ti�txed Transfer of the Property or a Seneficia�
<br /> Int�r�s��n Larrower, un�ess Applicable Law pr���des otherwise}, The n�tice 5ha1��pecify; �a} �he defauxt;
<br /> �b� the action required to cure �he d�fau�t; �c} a date, no� �.ess than the m�nimum number of days
<br /> establi5hed by App�icable Law fram the date the nat�ce is given tn Sarrower,�y rwh�ch the default mus�be
<br /> cured; an� �d} that fai�ure t� cur� the default on ar before the date spec�fied �n the natxce may r�sult �n
<br /> acce�eration �f the sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument and 5ale of the Pr�perty. To the extent
<br /> perrnitted by law, the notice 5haI1 further inforrn Borroyver of th� right to re�nstate after accelerat�on and
<br /> the r�ght��bring a court act�on to as5ert the non-ex�stence of a defaui�or any other defense of Borrower�o
<br /> a�celerati�n and sale. If the default�s not cured on ar before the date specif�ed in �he na�ice, Lender at its
<br /> option may require �mmediate pa�ment in fuli of a�l sums secured by �his Security Instrumen� without
<br /> further demand and may invoke the power af�ale and any other remedies permitted by Applicable Law.
<br /> To the ex�ent p�rm.�tted �y �aw, Lender sha�l b� enti��ed to collect a�l expenses incurred �n pur5u�ng thQ
<br /> remed�es pro��ded in this Section,inc�uding,but nat limit�d t�, rQaSonable attarneys' fees ar�d costs of title
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If the pow�r af sa�e�s inv�ked, Trustee shall re�ord a notice of default in each county�n whi�h an�par��f
<br /> the Fraper�y�s�ocated and sha�l mail copies af such not��e in the manner prescribed by App�icab�e Law ta
<br /> Sorrawer and ta the othe� p�rsons prescribed by App�icabl� Law. After the time required by Applicable
<br /> Law, TruStee sha�l giv� pub�ic nati�e of saxe to the persnns and in the manner pres�rxbed by Applicable
<br /> La�v. Trustee,without demand�n�orrower, shai�se�l the Property at pub�ic auction to the highest bidder
<br /> a��he time and�lace and under the�er�ms d�5�gnated in the notice af 5a�e in one or mnre par��ls and in any
<br /> order Trustee determYnes. Trust�e may postpone sa�e af a�� or any par�e� of the Property by publ�c
<br /> announcement at the time and p�ace of any pre�ious�y scheduled 5a�e.Lender ar i�s designee may purchase
<br /> the Prop�rty a�any sale.
<br /> Upon receYpt af payment of the pri�e bid, Trustee shal� deliver �❑ �he purchaser Trustee�s deed conveying
<br /> the Property.The recitals in the Trustee�s deed sha�i be pr�ma facie evidence of�he�ruth of�the s�atements
<br /> 0 2444-��1�#Campliance Systems,Inc.495$-3333-ZOI3L�.3.I.8Q3
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