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201501270 <br />A temporary construction easement on real property owned by the Condemnees <br />consisting of a portion of Lot Thirty (30), Geer Subdivision, in the City Of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska and more particularly described as: <br />Beginning at the Southeast comer of said Lot Thirty (30); thence Westerly along the <br />South line of said Lot Thirty (30) a distance of Nine and Forty-Two Hundredths <br />(9.42) feet; thence Northwesterly to a point on the West line of said Lot Thirty (30), <br />said point being Thirty and Sixty -Nine Hundredths (30.69) feet South of the <br />Northwest corner of said Lot Thirty (30); thence Northerly along said West line of <br />Lot Thirty (30) a distance of Thirty and Sixty -Nine Hundredths (30.69) feet to the <br />South line of East 20 Street; thence Easterly along said South line of East 20 Street <br />a distance of Two and Thirty-Nine Hundredths (2.39) feet; thence Southeasterly to <br />appoint on the East line of said Lot Thirty (30), said point being Twenty and Eighty - <br />Four Hundredths (20.84) feet North of the Southeast corner of said Lot Thirty (30); <br />thence Southerly along said East line of Lot Thirty (30) a distance of Twenty and <br />Eighty -Four Hundredths (20.84) feet to the Point of Beginning. <br />Said easement contains a calculated are of 2,447square feet or 0.056 acres more or less. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned appraisers do hereby find and assess the <br />damages that will be suffered by the Condemnees by reason of the taking of the real estate for a <br />permanent easement and temporary construction easement for public improvements to be a total <br />of: $6,200.00 (Six Thousand Two Hundred Dollars and no /100). <br />3 <br />Roberta Herbst, A praiser <br />