<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the West Half of the Southeast quarter (W1/2
<br />SE1 /4) of Section Thirty One (31). Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (I0) West of
<br />the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the east line of said West Hall of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(W1/2 5E1 /4). said point being One Hundred Nineteen and Sixty Six Hundredths
<br />(119.66) feet south of the northeast corner of said West Half of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (W1 /2 SE1/4), said point also being on the southerly right of way line of
<br />State Highway No. 2; thence SO0'45'20 "E, along and upon the east line of said
<br />West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W1/2 SEI /4), a distance of Three Hundred
<br />Sixteen and Eighty One Hundredths (316.81) feel; thence 588 "W, a distance
<br />of Seventy Eight and Fifty One (78.51) feet; thence S0O'53'39 "E a distance of One
<br />Hundred Seven and Twenty One Hundredths (107.21) feet; thence 588 "W, a
<br />distance of Two Hundred One and Twenty One Hundredths (201.21) feet thence
<br />500'25'44 "E, a distance of Two Hundred Seventy Eight and Thirteen Hundredths
<br />(278.13) feet; thence S4718'33 "E, a distance of Fifty Nine and Four Hundredths
<br />(59.04) feel; thence S07'06'39 "E, a distance of Forty One and Fourteen Hundredths
<br />(41.14) feet; thence S78'35'16 "E, a distance of Two Hundred Thirteen and Eighty
<br />Four Hundredths (213.84) feet; thence S00•48'38 "E, a distance of Eight Hundred
<br />Fifty Six and Fourteen Hundredths (856.14) feet; thence 588'17'59 "W, a distance of
<br />Fifty Six and Three Hundredths (58.03) feet; thence N30•20'44 "W, a distance of Two
<br />Hundred Filly Four and Thirty Seven Hundredths (254.37) feel; thence N3113'18 "W,
<br />a distance of Five Hundred Seventy Nine and Thirty Nine Hundredths (579.39) feet;
<br />thence N00 a distance of Four Hundred Seventy Three and Seventy Three
<br />Hundredths (473.73) feet; thence N84'29'23 "E, a distance of One Hundred Forty
<br />Two and Filly Nine Hundredths (142.59) feet thence N00'42'43 "W, a distance of
<br />Two Hundred Sixty One and Thirty Five Hundredths (261.35) feet; thence
<br />N89•52'33 "W, a distance of Ono Hundred Forty and Six Tenths (140.60) feet; thence
<br />N00'23'58"W, a distance of Two Hundred Twenty Three and Eighty Two Hundredths
<br />(223.82) feet to a point . on said southerly right of way line of State Highway No.
<br />2, said point being One Hundred Nineteen and Eighty Seven Hundredths (118.87)
<br />feet (measured perpendicular to) the north line of said West Half of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (WI /2 3E1 /4); thence N89'26'45 "E, along and upon said southerly highway
<br />right of way line, a distance of Four Hundred Ninety Eight and Seventy Five
<br />Hundredths (498.75) feet to the point of beginning and containing 12.031 acres,
<br />more or less.
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, Michael A. Panowlat a.k.a. Mike
<br />Ponowlos, and Patrlclo M. Panowlos, a.k.a. Patricia Panowlos, husband and wife, being
<br />the owners of the land described hereon, have caused same to be surveyed, subdivided,
<br />platted and designated as "A AND E SECOND SUBDIVISION ", Hall County, Nebraska, as
<br />shown on the accompanying plat thereof, and do hereby dedicate the easements, if any,
<br />for the location, construction and maintenance of public utilities forever, together with
<br />the right of ingress and egress thereto, and hereby prohibiting the planting of trees.
<br />bushes and shrubs, or placing other obstructions upon, over, along or underneath the
<br />surface of such easements, and that the foregoing subdivision as more particularly
<br />described in the description hereon as appears on this plot, is made with the free
<br />consent and In accordance with the desires of the undersigned owners and proprietors.
<br />IN WITNESS WHREOF, we hay affixed our_y otures hereto at Gr 'Ste e. d
<br />, Nebraska, this It" day of I -4 ry , 2075.
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />as
<br />County of Hall
<br />I
<br />1°. day of P-641.4.0 2015, be /ore me,
<br />i h �A. a Mary Public within and for said County,
<br />person ly ap a a ae Panowlos, a.k.a. Mike Panowlos, and Patricia M.
<br />Panowics, a.k.a. Patricia Panowlox, husband and wife, to me personally known to the
<br />the identical persons whoa* signatures ore affixed hereto, and they did acknowledge the
<br />execution thereof to be his and her voluntary act and deed. '
<br />IN WITNESS have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my
<br />official seal at WH EOF, 1 13a n , Nebraska, on the date last above
<br />written.
<br />My commission expires /r9 / /l /r4OL1
<br />�CSl1�J P sa 1a lIttQ ._
<br />Notary Public
<br />lath e Po r�
<br />r < onowl os Ike Panowlos
<br />Paldc/a M. \,'O.k.o. Pa a Panowlos
<br />C, d
<br />201501245
<br />Submitted to and approved by the Regional Planning Commission of Hall County, Grand
<br />Island and Wood River. and the Villages of Aida, Cairo and Ooniphan, Nebraska.
<br />man Dot
<br />Approved and accepted by the Hall 15 County Board of Supervisors, this, day
<br />of e A rr wt reh 20
<br />man o the 'oar•
<br />Zda
<br />1 hereby certify that on /� ^ $ 2015, I completed an
<br />accurate survey (made un er my supervision) A A E NO SUBDIVISION in Hall
<br />County, Nebraska. as shown on the accompanying plat thereof; that the lots, blocks,
<br />streets, avenues, alleys, parks, commons and other grounds as contained in said
<br />subdivision as shown on the accompanying plat thereof, are well and accurately staked
<br />off and marked; that iron markers were placed at all corners as shown on the plot,
<br />that each lot bears its own number; and That said survey was made with reference to
<br />known and recorded monuments.
<br />eeD gnsr, !(eg *red Land Su
<br />SHEET 2 OF 2
<br />