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MERS MIN #: 100021278841737740 PHONE #• (888) 679 -6377 <br />Investor # :117 Service #: 89980911141 1111111111111111111111110 11111 111111111111 111 1111 1111 <br />Lean# :7884173774 <br />SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE <br />U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, whose address is 4801 FREDERICA STREET OWENSBORO <br />KY 42301 0000, is hereby appointed successor trustee under the Deed of Trust executed by BRANDON <br />COOLEY (UNMARRIED), as trustor, in which MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION <br />SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR U.S. BANK NA, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS is named <br />beneficiary and MARK HUNZEKER, as trustee, dated NOVEMBER 15, 2004 , and filed for record on <br />NOVEMBER 18, 2004, as Instrument No. 0200411203, in Book No. - - -, at Page No. - - -, of the Register of <br />Deeds in and for HALL County, State of NEBRASKA. The trust property affected is legally described as <br />follows: FRACTIONAL LOT THREE (3), IN FRACTIONAL BLOCK ONE HUNDRED <br />TWENTY -TWO (122), OF UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S SECOND ADDITION TO <br />THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, AND IT'S COMPLEMENT, TO <br />WIT: FRACTIONAL LOT THREE (3), IN FRACTIONAL BLOCK SEVENTEEN (17), OF H.G. <br />CLARK'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Dated: FEBRUARY 24, 2015 <br />Beneficiary: <br />MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR U.S. BANK NA, <br />ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS <br />State of <br />County of <br />J. Mueller, Vice President <br />KENTUCKY <br />DAVIESS <br />(Notary Name): Laura A Kern <br />Commission Expires: 01/24/2016 <br />Commission No: 458907 <br />Recording Requested By: <br />U.S. BANK HOME MORTGAGE <br />And When Recorded Mail To: <br />U.S. BANK HOME MORTGAGE <br />4801 FREDERICA STREET <br />P.O. BOX 20005 <br />OWENSBORO KY 42304 <br />} <br />} s s. <br />OFFICIAL SEAL <br />f <br />NOTARY PUBLIC • KENTUCKY l <br />1 STATE •AT•IARGE j <br />LAURA A. KERN <br />CJD <br />N rn co <br />-.11 I:. t 1 cz — TT 1 <br />• r rte./ <br />F--+ 7 N rri <br />N i✓ <br />Cfl c^ r ' <br />cn <br />On FEBRUARY 24, 2015 , before me, Laura A Kern, a Notary Public, personally appeared Renee J. <br />Mueller , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are <br />subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his/her /their <br />authorized capacity(ies) and that by his/her /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon <br />behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under <br />the laws of the State of KENTUCKY that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. <br />Wit i Al my hand and y' cial seal. <br />O <br />